calorie burn?!

Need opinions here. My spinninginstructor today said I should be eating more calories than I am- so I don't know what to believe. I am within my caloric goals on this site, sometimes lower because I don't have an appetite. So what do you think?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    How much are you currently eating?
    And are you eating more on days when you exercise? If you are working from MFP numbers then it is assumed that you eat the base calorie PLUS extra cals when you exercise.

    So, maybe your spin instructor is right. If you want professional advice, perhaps you should see a dietician.
  • loverachel21
    I am averaging around 1400 a day. My goal has changed to 1790. But some days I just can't eat more than 1200. It is a struggle to make myself eat that much when I don't feel like it. I think I am doing well and have plenty of protein and I am listening to what my body is telling me. I don't want to eat because I was told I need more and then I am miserable because I ate and it was too much.
  • MyFitMyHealthMyLife
    I would try adding small snacks like a cup of applesauce or jello, maybe even a sugar free pudding cup or a smoothie even in between your meals and snacks.
    I was recently told that I should eat a little bit every hour by one of the nurses at my doctors office and I told her she can do that all she wants. But as for me, I cant see myself eating that much. But she said just try eating something small even if its half a piece of fruit. I haven't gotten up to eating once an hour and still dont plan to but I am taking in more than I was. But with my workout I still manage to burn off all the calories that I take in, in a day. Good luck!!!
    And yes always listen to your body but sometimes we have to bend our bodies a little to get the results we want.
  • loverachel21
    thanks I do plan for snacks along with my meals so I think
    i am on the right track
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    It's very common for people to underestimate what they'r eating-sometimes as much as 50%!!

    I would just listen to your body.