Need friends who won't tell me to eat more.



  • kml91225
    I'm new here and I hope that never happens to me. My intake is low also because well...I'm going through a stressful time.
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    If you get easily discouraged by others opinion, then keep your food diary private. Is as simple as that. Goodluck with your weight loss journey.
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    Sometimes it's hard to eat enough, but still stay equal on everything else you're watching. Or you just don't feel like it. I'm sick right now, so I don't really feel like food. Much less do I feel like cooking. Cooking and eating for oneself alone is just difficult sometimes, and I am alone about half a month or so at a time. So, I'll make no judgments and try to encourage you if you want to add me. I have lost eight pounds on MFP so far.

    Also, every time I see the MFP message threatening me with "starvation mode" I squinch up my nose in annoyance. It threatens me with that if I'm within ten calories of the goal, even, but the number appears red (which I associate with rebuke) and subtly punishes me by telling all my friends that I "completed my food diary" without the usual adage of "and was under calorie goal" if I go even slightly over. Some days, I'm just a touch sensitive to it. Lol.
  • lmd71
    lmd71 Posts: 11
    Been there.

    But seriously - eat more. I was diagnosed with anorexia, so I know it is hard as hell, but it HAS to be done. I hated my friends for making me eat, but they wanted what was best for me. And for the record, if you jump start your calories right up, you LOSE weight. Happened when I was in treatment. I lost weight on 4,000 calories!

    Anyway, eat more and you'll enjoy life and yourself a LOT more.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    You should probably not add me.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    So you only want "enablers" to friend you? :noway:
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    They are probably just trying to look out for you and are concerned about your health. I'm sure they aren't being negativismists on purpose.
  • FutureMASailor
    FutureMASailor Posts: 22 Member
    I wouldnt tell you to eat more because the way I look at it, we are in the same boat. I usually eat anywhere from 500 to 800 calories a day and i do agree, it is discourageing when your told to eat more.
  • missiskippy
    I'm sorry, but I have to agree that people who are expressing concern about your low caloric intake care about your well-being. That is not enough calories to support your vital functions, and I feel sure there is no reputable doctor out there who would tell you it is OK. People who simply tell you what you want to hear when it endangers your health are not your friends at all.

    I know I struggle to reach the 1200 mark, but I add protein powder to plain Greek yogurt, or mix 1TBS Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter with 1TBS honey, 1Tsp Hershey's Natural Cocoa, 1tsp Gound Flax Seed, and 1/2 banana together for a sweet treat. It is good alone or spread on a whole wheat English muffin. Try to add these for some healthy protein and fat in your diet.

    I wish the best for you, and will add you to my prayers.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Then dont talk to me. Because I do not support any diet below 1500. Male or female. My people eat.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I need friends who won't constantly tell me to eat more.

    When I used to eat 500 to 600 calories a day and work very hard to eat more and manage 900 calories, feeling good about my efforts, only to have people post to eat more, it is very discouraging and I am SO discouraged by the negativism.

    I'm tired of being knocked down for the good efforts. People need to realize that low calorie eaters already know they need to eat more and are already making the efforts and do not need to be reminded so many times a week, but rather to read positive comments.

    I try to make sure I comment on all my friends and I try not to have too many. I want to keep my friends numbers low so that I can take this seriously.

    Now, I'm going to unfriend anyone who tells me to eat more. It's really dragging me down and I'm ready to quit the social end of MFP because of it.

    MPO.. unless you just had gastric bypass or some other serious reason to be on such a low low 500-600 calorie a day diet. . then ya I can see why your friends would think that is too low.. because it is! your burning so so much more then what your body is needing to be healthy.. and idk if your doing more fo the HGC diet thing.. .. (popular now) sadly.. and ive seen peeps where there hair falls out and skin all dry. horrible.. and yes yournot hungry for more calories.. to be normal.. cuz your stomach has probly shrunk.. I hope you dont hit a wt loss plateau by being on SUCH low cals.. .. and im also suprised that if it bothers you THAT much when peeps tell u to eat more.. then why dont you just make your Diary PRIVATE?
  • GayleProbe
    Add me if you like! I'm new to this site and have no friends. I'm sorry that people have been doing that. I won't do that to you and would love to support you and anybody else out there! I need the support too it's hard to find it in the real world where people are too busy judging you.

  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Okay, but you should probably eat more.

    LOL .. ya think? :wink:
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Any doctor or nurse that advocates that a healthy active person eat 500 calories/day should not be practicing. They should be banned from the medical field.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    OP, best advice I can offer you is to close up your diary or put a lock on it and give the password to ONLY those that you're closest too that truly understand your progress. From briefly reading a couple responses on the thread here seems most didn't bother completely finishing your post.

    She shared she's aware and that she's working hard to move forward.... least that's what I read in the OP's post.

    Now give her a break and allow her to stay positive as she continues to celebrate her victory of working to get more cals in like she shared!

    For some it's hard to cut cals, for others it's tough to maintain, for others it's tough to get enough in, we ALL have a place here on MFP and we ALL belong!:heart:
    So you only want "enablers" to friend you? :noway:
    :huh: It's clear you were one that didn't take time to read her complete post but yet had enough time to bash her. Ppl, give her a break, she's aware and making changes, what more can we ask of someone?! smh:noway:
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I am 4 ft 10 and in the same boat...when I kept with what MFP stated I did not lose...I only started losing after I lowered my calories to 800-1000 (I also am sedentary...I work at a desk)...for a couple weeks I ate more than recomended and gained 5 lbs....since I went back to 900 cals or so, I lost the weight back to my starting point....add me as friend if you like...

    I lost almost 30 lbs before joining this profile pic is from before I lost this weight....I am working on a new pic
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I feel the need to point out that you do have the option of making your diary private. You know, instead of all the drama. Just an option.

    P.S. EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    It is not uncommon for unhealthy people to desire enabling friends.
  • MyCornerOnline
    MyCornerOnline Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for all the invites. I hope the new friends will be encouragement for me and I can kick start this again in the morning.

    What I want people to learn from this is not to judge others. Not everyone's body is the same.

    I have been existing on 500 - 600 calories a day for over 40 years and I have always felt healthy, been healthy, rarely get sick, and almost never miss work. I can count the days I've missed work on my hand and some of them were not even for they typical head cold, but other reasons (ie my last time was due to menopause).

    My doctor told me to exercise more. So I went to the gym 3 to 5 days a week for 9 months and never lost a pound. My thyroid was tested. My blood pressure and cholesterol were good.

    I am overweight, but I have never dieted before in my entire life, so let me listen to my own body and figure this out. I am eating tons more than I have ever eaten before in my entire life. I need people to cheer me on for that, not knock me done because I don't reach their standards.

    I can easily go 24 to 48 hours without eating.... it's not a disorder. I just don't get hungry (I have an extremely high pain tolerance) and I'm so busy I forget to eat. So if you see me eating three times a day, that's HUGE! I've never done that before in my entire life.

    So don't knock me down because my calories aren't what you think they should be. Praise me for eating something for breakfast.

    So many judgmental people in this world. It's really sad this world cannot see people through different eyes, as individuals.
  • MyCornerOnline
    MyCornerOnline Posts: 45 Member
    I feel the need to point out that you do have the option of making your diary private. You know, instead of all the drama. Just an option.

    P.S. EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, I thought of that. I had to choose between changing my friends or making it private. Having it viewable by friends is motivating for me, as well as viewing what others eat, so I decided I need to make a friend change.
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