How many calories should each meal be?



  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    I have pretty much the same breakfast every day & it comes in around 300. Lunch and dinner vary. I like to have a beer with dinner so I try to leave the bulk of my calories for dinner. We mostly eat at home but if we do go out it is usually for dinner. I might have 300 breakfast, 300 lunch, 950 dinner and 250 snacks.
  • staceyleew
  • staceyleew
    I just aim for a daily total. Losing weight is hard enough without turning every meal into a mathematical equation.

    i like your thinking
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I think it depends on you and your preferences. I typically have 200 for breakfast, 300 for lunch, 500-600 for dinner and then about 200-300 left over for snacks. That works fine for me. My 200 breakfast gets me to lunch and my lunch gets me to dinner. That is my average, not a set number.

    I have never been a breakfast person and prefer to be awake a few hours before eating. However, with my current job I don't have any break to eat until lunch time so I just keep it small to make it to lunch. That's the only reason my breakfast is small.

    On weekends, I really only eat twice a day so breakfast/lunch is bigger and dinners about the same but I have more snacks...
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    well here's a method.

    say your going for 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and say you have 1200 cal limit

    divide 1200 by 4 which you get 300.

    so have 3 meals for 300 cals and 2 snacks a day worth 150 each.

    take away from some to add more to a meal or shake your *kitten* and burn some cals to add 100 extra cals to turn one of those snack into a piece of cake haha
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I am still trying to lose about 4 pounds and this is my guide. On the days I eat more (i.e. more exercise) I increase two or more meals. On my sedentary days, I reduce my lunch and dinner by a hundred or so. Sometimes, I skip snacks, but I try not to because it makes me hungry later and it is difficult to keep within my target range. Also, eating more in one sitting (combining snacks with meals) makes me feel hungrier so I try to avoid doing that, too. To some people it might seem like a lot, but it has worked for me - I hate being hungry!
    380 breakfast
    170 snack
    500 lunch
    150 snack
    400 dinner
    200 bedtime
    1800 Total
  • Semperfione
    I am still trying to lose about 4 pounds and this is my guide. On the days I eat more (i.e. more exercise) I increase two or more meals. On my sedentary days, I reduce my lunch and dinner by a hundred or so. Sometimes, I skip snacks, but I try not to because it makes me hungry later and it is difficult to keep within my target range. Also, eating more in one sitting (combining snacks with meals) makes me feel hungrier so I try to avoid doing that, too. To some people it might seem like a lot, but it has worked for me - I hate being hungry!
    380 breakfast
    170 snack
    500 lunch
    150 snack
    400 dinner
    200 bedtime
    1800 Total
  • Semperfione
    Well said, I need to do something like this, it seems I either eat about the same daily or go to snacks later which I think does not help my loss. I know you stick pretty close to what you have here.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Mine are all about 400-450 =]

    Plus a few snacks about 100-200 calories. I'm losing weight just fine, and dont feel hungry
  • crunchienugget
    crunchienugget Posts: 54 Member
    I have read you all say eat what you like and make up for it at the gym but does that really work? I can be really good, exercise loads and put weight on. I'm a big eater of fruit so I think the sugars were keeping me from hitting my goals but I still exercised loads. I am just confused by the whole thing!
  • Valm0n
    Valm0n Posts: 88
    This week I usually had a 3-400kcal breakfast, and a 4-500kcal lunch; that allows me to have some snacks during the day and a sufficient-though-not-too-much dinner, and to stay under my 2000kcal limit :tongue:
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    i'm on 1200 calories per day. i do three meals of around 300cal and then 300cal of snacks. works for me!
  • Kagami_Taiga
    Kagami_Taiga Posts: 124 Member
    I can see people disagreeing with me already, because I have quite a lower calorie count for a guy, but here goes.

    I never eat breakfast because I'm not hungry in the morning, just a glass of water and either cod liver oil or a vitamin pill. This is just a personal preference, not everyone likes to take supplements. If I've got classes that day then I usually grab a 6 inch sub that's about 300 - 400 cals. I eat dinner at 6pm, which is usually 600 cals or under.

    If I'm at home that day then lunch and dinner will be 600 each, sometimes lunch is a bit less, say 500 cals. I also have set times when I eat. 12noon for lunch and 6pm for dinner. If I've got classes then I try and eat lunch whenever I have the time.

    PS I personally believe that drinking your calories is pointless(unless it's from soup). So I only drink water and green tea. sometimes I have a black coffee.

    But it depends on what your goals are. Just divide your daily goal by how many meals you have. If you snack then decrease your meals by a little so that you have snack calories free too.
  • nadiarrxo
    nadiarrxo Posts: 4 Member
    I don't think you should allot a certain amount on calories per meal as it takes away the fun. eat what you like, in moderation. have healthy filling meals, lots of salad/veg to fill you up :) i do like to have 1/2 my calories for tea (600cals) so i'll have around 200cal breakfast, 300cal dinner and 100cal for snacks. but that's just an estimate sometimes they will be more or less :D the more you use MFP the more used to it you'll get!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I eat whenever I have time and/or when then mood hits me because my schedule isn't the same everyday. My diary is set up in time ranges so it isn't odd to see1100 in one block the other 1000 in another. As long as I hit my calorie goal and try to meet my macros I'm satisfied
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I do intermittent fasting because I really like to eat one or two big meals and a few little snacks, or some days like today, I literally ate all my calories in 2 big meals (with a coffee shake that barely counts separately). That's what makes me feel best!
    Sammmmeeee :)
    I also get off to the idea of blowing peoples mind when I tell them that I dont eat breakfast...or lunch..or snack...
    "But breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Yeah, just like saturated fat is bad for you. Whatever.

    Dont worry about having to calculate meal size - its more about WHAT you're eating and how much witing a 24 hour period.
  • Shezziixo
    I need some advice I started my weight loss challenge 2 years ago at 9st7
    In a year I lost a stone just by exercising and reached 8st7 .. I was so much happier and then I started eating healthy and lost more weight dropping to 7st11 I was also put on an exercise plan by my personal trainer at the gym ..
    Recently I've become more strict with my diet and fell to 7st5 and now I am scared of gaining weight! ..
    I am happy with my body but people keep telling my I am too slim and don't eat enough I aim to not exceed 800kcal counting food and drink and currently exercise 6 days a week with a daily burn goal of 500kcal .. Recently I've been told to eat more and I've increased my diet to 5 meals a day eg, breakfast, fruit, lunch, fruit and main meal, sometimes a low kcal hot chocolate and I feel so guilty I'm now consuming about 1000kcal a day and I'm scared ill gain .. Cause anyone advise me on what's best eat less stick to my 3 meals 800kcal limit or increase to 1000kcal 5 meal? :)
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    I do intermittent fasting because I really like to eat one or two big meals and a few little snacks, or some days like today, I literally ate all my calories in 2 big meals (with a coffee shake that barely counts separately). That's what makes me feel best!
    Sammmmeeee :)
    I also get off to the idea of blowing peoples mind when I tell them that I dont eat breakfast...or lunch..or snack...
    "But breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Yeah, just like saturated fat is bad for you. Whatever.

    Dont worry about having to calculate meal size - its more about WHAT you're eating and how much witing a 24 hour period.

    i used to not eat breakfast bc it made my stomach hurt and i never had an appetite before i started exercising but now i have to eat or i wont be able to make it thru my workout. i usually work out 3 hours after i eat.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I have read you all say eat what you like and make up for it at the gym but does that really work? I can be really good, exercise loads and put weight on. I'm a big eater of fruit so I think the sugars were keeping me from hitting my goals but I still exercised loads. I am just confused by the whole thing!
    I have the following posted where I can read it often:
    Exercise does not give you permission to eat whatever you want, and slashing calories doesn’t mean you don’t have to work out. Despite the calories in, calories out relationship essential to weight loss, they are not opposites; they, in fact, work together. Calories are fuel to get you through your workout, your workout is not a way to get rid of the food you eat.

    A good, intense 30 minute cardio session will burn around 250 calories. That burger you just had? Upwards of 1,000 calories. That means you’d have to hit the treadmill for two solid hours just to cancel out that indulgence. Those two hours will do nothing to get you towards your goals, because you are just trying to get back to where you were before that dinner. You Can Not ‘out exercise’ a Bad Diet.