So scared of gaining weight



  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    I was in your boat not a long while ago. 3 months on 1200 - lost 30lb and then nothing... I staretd even gaining a little while still on 1000-1200 calories... that continued for 4 weeks. Till I upped my calories 2 weeks ago and am now eating around 1800. I have lost 1lb in those 2 weeks..and I hope I continue to lose! It is so much easier at 1800 calories than it was on 1200, I am a bit impatient to lose the remainign 30 lb but now I know I can do this indefinately. Living on 1800 calories that is. So eventually the weight will come off, even if it takes a couple of years!
  • Shezziixo
    I need some advice I started my weight loss challenge 2 years ago at 9st7
    In a year I lost a stone just by exercising and reached 8st7 .. I was so much happier and then I started eating healthy and lost more weight dropping to 7st11 I was also put on an exercise plan by my personal trainer at the gym ..
    Recently I've become more strict with my diet and fell to 7st5 and now I am scared of gaining weight! ..
    I am happy with my body but people keep telling my I am too slim and don't eat enough I aim to not exceed 800kcal counting food and drink and currently exercise 6 days a week with a daily burn goal of 500kcal .. Recently I've been told to eat more and I've increased my diet to 5 meals a day eg, breakfast, fruit, lunch, fruit and main meal, sometimes a low kcal hot chocolate and I feel so guilty I'm now consuming about 1000kcal a day and I'm scared ill gain .. Cause anyone advise me on what's best eat less stick to my 3 meals 800kcal limit or increase to 1000kcal 5 meal? :)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Pretty much this. I continued to lose inches as I got closer to my goal weight because I was eating more and lifting, and building lean muscle.

    Also, make sure you aren't overworking yourself and are eating enough to maintain that kind of activity level. 80 minutes a day is A LOT and you could easily be on your way to over training or injuring yourself. Rest days are important. You HAVE to take them. I'm not saying you have to lay on the couch all day, but take at least one day a week where all you do for your exercise is a nice walk or something. Your body needs this time to build muscles and repair the damage done.

    Finally- and you're not going to like this- you need to comfort and get over your fear of gaining weight. Virtually every successful weight loss story I know has gained a few pounds after hitting their goal. Most didn't gain it all back, but this did add back a few? You know why? Our bodies weight will naturally fluctuate. Just how it is. I've put weight on recently because I've been training for a half marathon, and running 6+ miles several days a week and needing to eat back 500-900 calories a day is just not conducive with weight loss. The sooner you accept that you will not just hit your goal weight and magically sit there, and then learn to love and respect your body at every size, the happier you will be. I'm not saying this to dash your dreams, I'm saying it because it's reality, and I don't want you to fall into an unhealthy obsession with not gaining back any weight.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Something to be aware of is that working out may cause a slight weight gain because you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. It just takes up a lot less space. Rather than focusing on a goal weight, you may want to try focusing on a goal size. Since I started trying to lose weight, 'I've dropped 30 lbs of fat, but put on 12 lbs of muscle, which makes for a not very impressive total weight loss of 18 lbs. I weighed 192 lbs when I started and weigh 174 now. BUT...I've gone from a size 18 to a size 12 and everyone keeps commenting on how good I look. So remember that the number on the scale isn't the most important one. How you look and feel is more important that what you weigh.