SHAKEOLOGY: Is it just hype?

I was thinking about getting the shakeology as a meal replacement, then fainted at the site of the price. To anyone that has tried it, is it worth the price or is just hype?


  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I actually really like it. I did have to stop my order because of the expense. But I have about 3 months left because I wasn't using it daily. Just for something quick and nutritious when I didn't have time or a place to cook. I love adding fresh strawberries or PB2, taste like a shake to me and keeps me full. In fact I just finished one with strawberries.

    I know a couple that use it daily. She cooks with it occasionally and they both really like it as well. Some people however don't like it, I gave some to my cousin and she didn't like it.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I don't know what it is! Can you explain please so I don't feel so stupid.

    I suppose I could google it..........
  • I don't know what it is! Can you explain please so I don't feel so stupid.

    I suppose I could google it..........

    Its this meal replacement shake sold by beachbody. They claim it is the best thing since sliced bread and that if you drink it daily all the pretty women are going to come over your house half naked and bring free beer. Seriously though, it looks like a glorified superfood, but they want $120.00 for a 30 day supply!! WTF! If people are seeing a difference and think its worth it, maybe I'll give it a try. But dont want to blow the dough when I could just go to the supermarket and get Odwalla Superfood for $8.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Oh, thank you!
    I'm not an expert but wouldn't it just be healthier to have a low calorie balanced diet? If it's for quickness it takes seconds to make a salad with chicken and a couple of boiled eggs? Is there something else added?
    Seriously, I'm interested I live in the UK and I hadn't heard of it!
  • willygirl01
    willygirl01 Posts: 5 Member
    Two of my friends and myself tried this and it did not work and the price was really expensive like you said. It

    was filling and quick to make did not taste bad at all this was visalis shakes.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I like it a lot and the reason I like it is because of the vitamins in it on top of the good amount of protein. For me it was a good meal replacement for breakfast and it was quick and easy. I didn't use it until I reached my goal weight but I would say that anything combinbed with a healthy diet and activity will work :)
  • Oh, thank you!
    I'm not an expert but wouldn't it just be healthier to have a low calorie balanced diet? If it's for quickness it takes seconds to make a salad with chicken and a couple of boiled eggs? Is there something else added?
    Seriously, I'm interested I live in the UK and I hadn't heard of it!

    They claim it has all this stuff in it that is going to detox you and help you lose weight and give you energy, etc. I looked at some reviews online, but many of the ones that tout how "great" it is, are affiliated with beachbody in some way. Wanted to get a broader opinion on it from people that are not "beachbody coaches" or the likes
  • By the way, if your a beachbody coach, I mean no offense. I think you do great work and are definitely supportive in helping others with their fitness goals. I just would like to get 3rd party opinion from someone not affiliated with beachbody, that all. :smile:
  • My brother-in-law who was not heavy started taking it last Winter and lost over 35 pounds....I am using it, started about a week ago. Yes it is very expensive!!!! Hopefully, will see some benefits in a month or so.

    I have been having it here and there for dinner after working out. It is filling, but I usually have a small snack later on
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Yes, it's hype. Plus, it's absolutely disgusting.
  • By the way, if your a beachbody coach, I mean no offense. I just would like to get 3rd party opinion from someone not affiliated with beachbody. I hope you understand... :smile:

    I think you are wonderful for doing research! That is the best way to find what works for you! Keep up the research and you'll find what works for you!!!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member

    They claim it has all this stuff in it that is going to detox you and help you lose weight and give you energy, etc. I looked at some reviews online, but many of the ones that tout how "great" it is, are affiliated with beachbody in some way. Wanted to get a broader opinion on it from people that are not "beachbody coaches" or the likes

    Ok I'll zip it and wait to see what people say. Last word... the name''beach body'' just makes me cringe...ew! How about I make you balance meals and post them to you, I'll undercut their price! lol! Shutting up now.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I was thinking about getting the shakeology as a meal replacement, then fainted at the site of the price. To anyone that has tried it, is it worth the price or is just hype?

    Yes, a well rounded diet and a decent protein supplement will achieve the same thing.
  • ChampagnePaulie
    ChampagnePaulie Posts: 18 Member
    I've just started doing Slim in 6 which is a Beachbody product and they mention Shakeology on there. I have to admit that the shot they showed of it didn't make it look too inviting. If you are only replacing one meal a day with it then it does seem pretty expensive.
  • Blown_Away1
    Blown_Away1 Posts: 123 Member
    I know people who credit their weight loss to shakeology. Anything beachbody is worth it but I'm not parting with my hard earned cash so easily at the moment. Do what is best for you. Body Fortress and Pure Protein work for me.

    I do believe in their workout programs and the company. They know their stuff.
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    Yes, if you look at the price for the month it does seem expensive. But look at it as about $3.00 per meal, not so bad.

    It is very quick when I'm on the move. For traveling it is wonderful because you can just add water and shake. No refrigeration needed. Or if you have access to a blender ( I have a little hand held ) You can make soo many different flavors. I forgot to mention my other favorite flavor. Butterfinger ooo Yum.

    I do agree if you have the time it is probably healthier to make your own meals. Unfortunately sometimes that isn't always an option and this is a quick easy healthy option.

    Different things work for different people. If you decide to try it I would love to hear your thoughts.
  • catpea33
    catpea33 Posts: 76 Member
    I thought the same thing just a months ago and was determined not to even try it; I wanted to lose weight by 'clean eating' and not by relying on an expensive meal replacement. Problem is, I work away from home at a drilling camp and the cooks were feeding us rubbish (hotdogs, pre-salted fries, etc) so I bit the bullet and bought 2 bags, absolutely determined I'd never buy it again after that.

    Well, I actually like it. The first time I tried the chocolate I thought it was disgusting - I made it with just water. The next times I made it with milk and a banana and it was good. It's full of vitamins and other stuff I'd never even heard of. Within a week my skin, which is acne-prone, was glowing and I did feel as though I had more energy. I still think it's expensive but then I go into downtown Montreal every single day when I'm not at drilling camp and $4 for each meal of Shakeology is a lot cheaper than $9 spent at Burger King (healthier too!) or <$20 spent at a restaurant for lunch. So the bags work out cheap for me.

    That being said, once I leave drilling camp, I won't be taking Shakeology as much. It's good but for me it's no substitute for real food and educating myself on proper nutrition...

    Cat (not a BB coach!)
  • Just read the reviews on the beachbody site. It seems everyone is giving it only one star for the taste (I guess they changed their formula). Geez, that doesn't inspire confidence. I don't expect it to taste like a decendent chocolate milkshake, but it seems people really HATE the new formula.
  • UpBeatMaria
    UpBeatMaria Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone! I personally drink the Chocolate Vegan Shakeology everyday! I LOVE it, but it is definitely not for everyone! Yes, it is expensive and yes you can just eat a meal instead of drinking a shake. But I personally use Shakeology for a burst of energy and quick meal before I go and teach Zumba! It is easy to make and I can take it with me on the way to class. Shakeology is not a protein drink, so buying other types of protein drinks at the store is not going to be the same as drinking a glass of Shakeology. Shakeology is a health smoothie made with whole foods and no added artificial crap. The reason I drink it is because of the crazy superfood ingredients in it (that is the reason it is so pricey). You can not get all these foods into your diet without spending a lot of money (whether you are getting them from Shakeology or from Whole Foods). I personally like to include these foods in my diet because they make me feel great! All in all, if you are thinking about trying it, you can always order a bag, try it for 30 days and send it back for a full refund if you are unsatisfied with it. I have met people who started drinking Shakeology and it has helped them get off their medication for various illnesses and I have met people who claim they feel no different and don't think it is worth it. Everyone is different, and you will never know how your body reacts to it until you try it :)
  • I use Shakeology and love it. The chocolate flavor, NOT the green, that's def not as tasty. Haha. It is a very well made meal replacement shake, the best I've found. But yes, overpriced. The reason I still use it is its worth it to me for my health. Yes it's expensive and no it's not priced fairly. But that's how it is sometimes. It works very, very well for me so to me the cost is justified. You have to be careful with beachbody products because they do love to sell and sell and sell you stuff, but in general their products are quality.