stay at home moms



  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My husband is awesome and entertains the kids for three hours a week so I can hit the gym.

    Otherwise, I wait until my infant naps. =)
  • I only ever really have time when my son takes his nap or after he is in bed for the day! Otherwise It would never work out for me lol. Although mine is a toddler so I can also pop him into his push car and go for a walk but I only do that on days I didn't get to workout when he was asleep.
  • I have three kids. The older two are in school. So i take the littlest one to the gym. He plays while i run, water arobics, and spin class. Those are the class i take during the week.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Exercise is the easy part. Staying away from the food that is always readily available in the kitchen is the hard part. (For me) As far as exercise goes, you get it in when you can. Before they wake up, during nap time, after they go to bed... or take them outside for a walk with you if you can't fit in anything when they are asleep.
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    I do a 5am boot camp before my family is awake MWF. If the weather cooperates I stick my younger one in a jogging stroller and go for a ru n when my oldest is in school. On the weekends my husband and I take turns watching the kids so we can each get our work -out in. I used to belong to a gym with child care. That worked pretty well too.
  • vickiessecret
    vickiessecret Posts: 119 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom, I have a 4 yr old, a 2yr old & a 4month old. My 4 yr old goes to school from 12-2:25 mon-friday. So some days I walk her to school it's 24 blocks total & I take the other two with me in the stroller, so I sometimes get exercise in that way. If I get a ride for her, then I will wait till she's home from school, put on a cartoon for the 2 older ones & feed the baby & either put him in his swing or in his bouncy seat so he can see me & I've been doing the 30 day shred dvd, they have the workout on youtube, so I do it from my computer so the girls can watch tv. Lately the baby has been super cranky miserable (teething :/ ) so I just try to squeeze it in, it only takes 25 minutes to do =)
  • FaithInAes
    FaithInAes Posts: 54 Member
    I have a 7 month old and I exercise in the mornings while is in his jumper or while he crawls around me or when he is asleep.
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    I make them play in their room for about thirty minutes and I do zumba, stretching, jogging in place, etc.

    when they eat breakfast and lunch, I do small exercises or weightlifting.

    when they nap, i go crazy and do everything i can think of.

    when they are awake, i dance with and wrestle with them, have them help me pick up their toys, or help me do laundry, take them for a walk around the block, take them in the back yard and chase them around. also i do small exercises because they watch and try mimicking me.

    when they go to bed for the night i let loose too.

    THIS IS ME, but I have also lost over 30 lbs from being a stay at home mom and had my third baby, via cesarian surgery at the beginning of july. good luck and add me as a friend if you would like. i love people who actually are determined to get to their goals on my friends list!
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    my one is two and ill have a newborn in 3 mounths.right now i can forsure do the walking its just a matter of kicking myself in the butt lol.there is this really good trail near my house with down and up hill walking,i was looking at differnt ways of doing to get the most cals burned and i would have to walk down one way walk up the other back down and up again at least 2 times at a fast speed pushing my daughter .so going to try that and then 6 to 10 weeks after the baby ill have 2 to push which means more cals woot woot. just wish i could go to the gym to but my hubby works two jobs and i dont know anyone for childcare and for that matter i dont really want to spend the money for childcare, lol blah blah blah ill shut up now. How do you guys motivate yourself when your doing it by yourself with no partner???

    push the older one in the stroller and the newborn you get one one of the back/front baby carriers, and for the first month carry him/her on your front side (amazing if you breastfeed ;) btw), and after the baby can hold their head up pretty good put them on your back. That way you are not only burning calories for pushing the bigger child and the stroller/ purse/ diaper bag/ etc., but also you are burning calories carrying the newborn! great and awesome workout in my opinion! I did that with a double stroller because i have an almost 3 month old, a 3.5 year old and an almost 2 year old! burned TONS of calories~!
  • I am a stay at home mom to 4 (11,9,6 and almost 2)- some are in school and I have the baby with me. I am also a student about to start nursing school (hopefully) and a substitute teacher and a PTO board member and volunteer at the kids school. SO I am busy.
    I try to squeeze it in anywhere I can.

    I walk sometimes in the mornings after school drop off, usually 2.5 miles. Or I do 30DS. I have taken a break for a bit b/c I hurt my back, now I am getting back in the swing of it.

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  • HarlowS
    HarlowS Posts: 264 Member
    I am a work-at-home-mom with three boys (the youngest is 11 months and the older two are 5 and 7). I do 30 Day Shred while the baby sleeps in the morning, we go for 3 mile walks several times a week, and I do C25K in the evenings or at 6 in the morning when hubby is home.

    While I really need to get work done (professionally and personally) while the baby naps, I just tell myself I have to workout. I make myself do it.
  • carrisaalejandre
    carrisaalejandre Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom and when my husband is at work I always do my workouts around 7am I put my daughter in her play pin and put cartoons on for her while I use our elliptical machine.
  • rmarley05
    rmarley05 Posts: 29 Member
    I am a stay-at-home mom who homeschools and I workout when the youngest goes to bed. Sometimes my oldest, 8, will do my DVD with me, but they usually stay upstairs while I run. We play outside for p.e. time. Jumping on the trampoline, riding bikes, jumping jacks, and I taught them how to do what I call froggers, hubby calls them horses, and they actually enjoy them (I think they really just like beating mom!!). If hubby is home, he will watch them so I can use the treadmill during the day. Every time I pick up something off the floor, I do a squat. I asked for a push mower for our huge yard so I could mow it for the exercise. The kiddos play in the yard while I mow. I'm going to get some type of sled, and pull a kiddo at a time around the yard, they will find it to be a game, while I'm getting a workout!! Win win!! I try to move more with everything I do.
  • laylasmommy67
    laylasmommy67 Posts: 38 Member
    I am joining the gym tomorrow :))
    I have a 4 year old daughter, a 3 week old daughter, a 7 year old stepson and a 4 year old stepson
    before I found out I was pregnant, my daughter just came to the gym with me and sat on my laptop and watched movies....and the boys stayed with their grandmother...

    and now my 4 year old daughter is going to stay with her grandmother, the boys will either be at school or with their grandmother, and my newbie is tagging along with me. I am just going to bring a bouncer with me so she can hang out and watch mommy....and there is VERY RARELY anybody at my local gym, I am usually the only one there... I will just have to work out around newbies sleep schedule :)
  • My 3 yr old twins are the only ones home now. So Usually at nap time if I'm doing a DVD. If they dont take a nap that day I have them play away from the tv and get my workout in while they play. If I want to run I take them with me in the jogging stroller or wait until my hubby or daughter is home so ine of them can stay with the twins
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Early in the morning. My husband leaves for work around 7:30 so I hit the gym if I want to go at 6 while he's still home. Other than that, I will do pilates on the floor while my youngest naps (my oldest does it with me, lol) or I will go for a walk in the evening after he gets home.

    I agree that exercise is the easy part. I have days that I should put on a babygate to keep myself out of the kitchen. ;)
  • cdbarger
    cdbarger Posts: 41 Member
    I try and get it in before they wake up, and then we usually do some walking in the afternoon. My jogging stroller has made all the difference for me because I can run with the kids strapped in, then walk to the park and let them play.
  • I have been walking my daughter to school. I like to go for a walk at night also. I also have been working out at home as well. I break it up in small sessions as well.
  • MeganSena0430
    MeganSena0430 Posts: 7 Member
    I exercise after my kids have gone to bed, cuz my husband and I work out together. But if I know we won't be able to I have a quick 100 calorie burning workout that I can do while playing with my one year old. 40 jumping jacks, 30 crunches, 20 squats and 10 pushups. I also do that when were watching tv.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I go to the gym at 5:30am, so I can be home before hubby has to go to work. Take 11yo to school, stay home with 3yo and 6mo (who takes crazy short naps), get 11yo from school, then go to work 2nd shift til usually 11pm. Repeat. I'm exhausted, but I'm 43lbs lighter and 10x stronger than I used to be, so it's worth it. :happy:
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