Do you do anything about "bad" days?



  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Unplanned days where you happen to go over your limit significantly (by 800+?)

    My calorie goal is just that, a goal to reach not a limit to be under. Log and move on.
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    It depends a bit on the reason. I am trying to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Life includes socializing, sometimes with food. So, if there is a party and I eat a bunch of things I wouldn't normally, I just make that a "non-logging day." I don't call it a cheat day because I don't consider myself to be on a diet -- so there's no way to cheat.

    However, some days I just feel like eating more for no real reason. in those cases I sometimes quick add the calories to the next few days so that it all averages out. So if I went 600 calories over one day, I'd quick add 200 a day to the next 3 days and eat less on those days.

    As others have said, the important thing is to not get down on yourself for going over. The worst thing I ever did on my previous weight loss attempts was to decide that one or two bad days meant that I just couldn't do it and then decide to give up. Just do better the next day and it will all average out.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    sulk for a few minutes about how much I suck and then move on.Tomorrow is a new day!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I just continue on like normal. As long as you're not doing it 3 or 4 times a week, it won't really affect your goals.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I don't have days like that ever, but I think it would be best just to continue like normal. Maybe workout a little more to burn it off & adjust your cals for the rest of the week to try to balance it out mayb?
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    It happens - the trick is not to let it get to you or you'll set yourself up for a massive failure. Just put it down to experience and start afresh. If the scales aren't kind that week, then at least you'll know the reason why.

    I've just come back from 11 days in Spain, still on crutches, still stitched up following surgery four weeks ago ....... tried to stay on track but the display of food in the hotel was too tempting on occasions and yes, I have gained some, but I know that a large proportion of it is water retention as I bloat terribly when I fly, and already I'm down a couple of pounds overnight. The rest will come off now I'm back home and back on track.

    I didn't log my food while I was away as we had no internet access, so it was much harder for me to keep track of my total intake, even though I was trying to eat salads and be good whenever I could...... there were lots of little extra calories sneaking in!

    Onwards and downwards, that's my motto!!!!!!

    Life is too short to worry........:smile:
  • Squrtea
    Squrtea Posts: 20 Member
    Heck, I feel bad when I don't get my 1k calorie burn. I almost always get 750 and never go actually over. But I dont feel bad.. I just workout harder the next day!
  • bex0178
    bex0178 Posts: 25 Member

    The image at this address always helps me. It's posted on my fridge now. I just move on.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Well we'll find out tomorrow as I went over by 400+ calories! It's a little concerning but today was my rest day form the gym so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by it.

    It seems most people that have a bad day just roll with it and pick up the next day and start over so I wouldn't beat yourself up about it too much. There are 3,500 calories in each pound so I think as long as your not creeping up to that number at the end of the week you should be ok...
  • I definitely consider them, and make up for them,but don't beat myself up because of them. We have to live life!! Im sure the "over" was worth it!
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    Unplanned days where you happen to go over your limit significantly (by 800+?)

    Do you work out extra hard the next few days, or cut down to make up for it? Or do you continue the next day as if nothing happened? Do occasional screw-ups gone unaccounted for tend to limit your results or do you notice no real impact on your losses over time?

    I learn from it and try really hard to not let it happen again.

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
  • Hulk0511
    Hulk0511 Posts: 407 Member
    I have one cheat day a week some are a littlle worse then others but that is my day to have a few things I have been wanting and after awhile you make better decisions on your cheat days but that is the one day you enjoy and bust *kitten* the rest of the week. You dont have to go overboard.
  • fitambitious
    fitambitious Posts: 57 Member
    I drink an extra litre of water that day:drinker: and will start over the next day as if nothing happened :bigsmile:
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I don't worry about them. I have far more days when I'm under my calorie goal then over, and since this is a lifestyle thing for me, not a short-term diet, I'm not going to stress. I don't want to imagine that the rest of my life won't include days out with friends, evenings eating at other people's homes, or trips out to restaurants that don't helpfully provide a calorie count. I know I need to make sure 'bad' days don't happen too often, but other than that, I'm really not fussed. I'm exercising at least 4 times a week now (which is at least 4 more than I used to!), I'm eating more sensibly and healthily than I used to, so occasional days over won't spoil everything.
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member

    The image at this address always helps me. It's posted on my fridge now. I just move on.

    Love this!

    I usually just shake my head at myself and move on. Can't change what I already ate, but I can change what I eat next. :happy:
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I used to, when I ate lower calories but when I tried to make up for it, whatever I did ended up just sending me into the cycle again.

    Now I just tell myself it will all even out and try to stay consistent. If I do any kind of extra exercise, I try not to make it "cardio" but just something more active, like walking through a corn maze with the kids, or taking them bike riding and walking fast, etc.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I don't have days like that ever, but I think it would be best just to continue like normal. Maybe workout a little more to burn it off & adjust your cals for the rest of the week to try to balance it out mayb?

    You NEVER overeat? Wow, I'm jealous.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    i go to the gym to do leg training on these days or take a longer run!
  • fayefern
    fayefern Posts: 57 Member
  • RumRum85
    RumRum85 Posts: 61 Member
    I ALWAYS overeat on both saturday and sunday. At the end of weekend I use to finish with +3000 cals. I'm just try to be sure that they worth it!

    Example: eating 3 more regular cookies, don't worth it. Another Sausage sandwich with sauce at a BBQ with friends, yes. Vanilla Ice Cream no! Chocolate Mousse Yes and etc.

    During the week I try to eat healthy in correct amounts and I don't eat back the workout calories.

    If you enjoy it and doesn't became an habit, is not a bad day!

    Edit: And always ALWAYS drink a lot of liquids (water, juice, tea, coffee, fruits)