Morning Gym People



  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I gave up trying to be a morning person years ago. If you can't get to the gym in the morning, find another time to do it. It doesn't matter when you work out, just as long as you do it.

    Being happy is obviously more important in my mind, than kicking myself to do something that makes me miserable.
  • misskariw
    misskariw Posts: 171 Member
    Make yourself a schedule (I love google calendar) and use it. We're getting up at 7 a.m. and Lights Out in our house is at 1 a.m. And that's ON OUR SCHEDULE!! Anything you need or want to get done has to be on the schedule or you will never do it. My roomie and I had a LONG chat about this phenomenon just last night. Before we made our schedules...we would sleep til we had to get up to get ready for work, go to work, come home, eat terrible food while watching tv, then go to bed...lather, rinse, repeat. You can see how that gets nothing accomplished....but the all powerful schedule! We're up, we eat a healthy breakfast, we get our workouts in, the kitchen gets cleaned up multiple times a day, the clutter gets put away, there's time to devote to learning new things and self improvement...and then work comes. It's not easy, but you set up your schedule and you set those multiple alarms on your phone and off you go! You can do it!!!!
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    All great advice. It's all about mindset attitude. Instead of trying to force yourself, just accept it. Learning to accept the difficult is the only way I was ablet to get up at 5 am daily for the last 5 years. Best of luck!
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Mainly the self motivation thing. I just get up, and go to the gym, I've done it so often, it's now completely normal.

    Having said that, recently I've been messing around with apps that monitor sleep cycles, based on body movement during the night. It's really interesting that sometimes waking up earlier, because you're in a light sleep cycle, leaves you feeling more refreshed than waking up 30mins later in the middle of a deep sleep cycle.

    If you've made the first step of wanting to and committing to training, it's well worth giving something like this a go.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 102 Member
    The only thing that worked for me was being forced into it. I used to haphazardly go after work until my husband and I had to carpool for almost a month since our other vehicle was in and out of the mechanic's a few times. Since my husband has to have a vehicle at work to get to the different buildings he supports [and all I have to do is sit on my *kitten* and use a computer], he had to drop me off at work before getting to his on time. That meant I was at work about 1.5 hours before I really needed to be. I ended up changing my work schedule to start a half hour earlier so he didn't have to wait for me so long after he left work, but I still had an hour of extra time. My gym is in the same complex as my office (that's why I chose that gym), so I just got dropped off at their door and would walk over to work after a 30 or 45 minute workout (and refreshing and changing). It's not quite so easy to drag myself there now that I have my car back, but I'm still doing it.

    #1 motivation... having my gym extremely close to my work place. Whether going before or after work, I'm not going to go out of my way for it. I find getting to the gym is enough of an obstacle... why make extra ones like 30 additional minutes of travel?

    #2 motivation... The gym is practically deserted at 7:30am. It's awesome. If I want to just lay in bed in the morning, I remind myself that in the evening I'm going to have to share with a bunch of other sweaty people and possibly wait my turn to use equipment. Plus I want the fewest people possible staring at my jiggly butt in sweatpants.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    If there was a million dollars waiting at the gym for you, but you had to get up at 5am to get it, would you set your alarm clock, wake up and go?

    If a loved one was being held for ransom, and to get them back you had to be at the game before 6am, would you be there on time?

    If your boss offered you a promotion where you made double the moolah in half the hours and could work from home most days, but you had to show up at the office 3x per week at 5:30am, would you tell him to get stuffed?

    These are silly examples, but for each one the gain is important enough that you'd never wake up late, you'd never hit snooze, you'd always get out the door on time. It's your life. You need to decide if it's important enough for you to get up. Just that simple. If it's not, then don't bother looking for tips and tricks. If it is, you will get up, put your shoes on and go.

    Everything worth doing is hard and requires sacrifice. We all have a list of excuses as long as our arm. The people that get stuff done are the ones that simply decided it was worth doing. What's your decision?

    Amen!!! :happy:
  • trospert
    trospert Posts: 22 Member
    I agree! It is SO hard for me to get up early & go work out! I am NOT a morning person...BUT, that being said...
    1. I started my "get up early" with not every day. Two days a week I try & get up early. Change isn't done overnight & it's silly to expect that you will stick to something if you burn yourself out on it, so maybe try to commit to just a few days at a time. :)
    2. In the beginning, it's easier for ME to get up if I know someone else will be there or they are counting on me. See if you know anyone you can meet there, or may want to carpool so you have an accountability partner.
    3. Go to bed at a decent hour the night before. I am SO bad that I literally have to set morning AND "bedtime" alarms. I set a bedtime alarm for 10 minutes before I should be in bed to remind me that I need to wash my face, etc & get to bed. I know it sounds silly but I feel like it forces me to remember what I am working toward.

    Hope this helps!
    Good luck!
  • jcoco
    jcoco Posts: 138 Member
    Don't think about it, I talk myself out of it then. When your alarm goes off don't turn it off & think oh I'm so cozy, I can workout later, etc...just jump out of bed right when it goes off & have your gym clothes ready!
  • If there was a million dollars waiting at the gym for you, but you had to get up at 5am to get it, would you set your alarm clock, wake up and go?

    If a loved one was being held for ransom, and to get them back you had to be at the game before 6am, would you be there on time?

    If your boss offered you a promotion where you made double the moolah in half the hours and could work from home most days, but you had to show up at the office 3x per week at 5:30am, would you tell him to get stuffed?

    These are silly examples, but for each one the gain is important enough that you'd never wake up late, you'd never hit snooze, you'd always get out the door on time. It's your life. You need to decide if it's important enough for you to get up. Just that simple. If it's not, then don't bother looking for tips and tricks. If it is, you will get up, put your shoes on and go.

    Everything worth doing is hard and requires sacrifice. We all have a list of excuses as long as our arm. The people that get stuff done are the ones that simply decided it was worth doing. What's your decision?
    THANK YOU! :flowerforyou: I am going to try and think this way from now on. I to cannot get up for the life of me! I set my clothes out , i have slept in my clothes so all i had to do was get up and go straight to the car! Nothing has worked, I can not sleep at night so i toss and turn all night when i am not gettin up to pee (tmi) :bigsmile: So the amount of sleep i get is very little and probably just fall asleep 2 hours before the alarm goes off so i am extremely exhausted in the mornings and yawn all day at work ( 10 hour days). So i am hoping the mentality of a "million dollars" waiting for me might get me moving. I think i can! i think i can! :happy:
  • I'm a morning gym person...makes the whole day great. When the alarm goes off at 5:00, I lay in bed and visualize what I have to do (get up, get gym clothes on, poor cup of coffee, grab my stuff).

    Somehow running the script thru my mind a couple of times makes doing it easy. Also, I have everything laid out night before so I grab a go, after a while it's a good habit!
  • Someone once put it like this; treat your gym session like an appointment that you cannot cancel. (Like those pesky doctor/dentist offices that charge a fee when you cancel on short notice!) Once you have the mindset that it is just something that is apart of your routine, it's easier to get out of bed and just go.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    I just do it! Some days are harder than others...but once I got in the's pretty much a habit. I don't go to bed until late most nights just because I don't. I get up between 4 and 4:15 in order to be ready and at the gym when it opens at 5.
  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    what if you eased into it? instead of getting up and going to the gym, just get up early. Next day, get up early, take a 10 minute walk. Day 3, a 20 minute walk, and so on.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4am every day, even on Saturday/Sunday

    I set my gym clothes right next to the bed. I get up, and the first thing I do is put them on.
    I pack my clothes for the shower/work the night before as well. Put that bag next to the door or in your car.

    It's not easy at first, but it does get easier. Believe me, once you get that workout done in the morning, your day goes so much better!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    My alarm is set on high in the bathroom and my gym clothes are already set ready to go. Once you get there you'll be great.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    My alarm is set on high in the bathroom and my gym clothes are already set ready to go. Once you get there you'll be great.

    The key is getting there.
  • Then don't reply, that's not helpful!
  • melanielockard
    melanielockard Posts: 114 Member
    my motivation was someone telling me i couldnt do it, it set a fire under my butt!! good luck to you on your journey!!
  • agentphantom
    agentphantom Posts: 30 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4am every day, even on Saturday/Sunday

    I set my gym clothes right next to the bed. I get up, and the first thing I do is put them on.
    I pack my clothes for the shower/work the night before as well. Put that bag next to the door or in your car.

    It's not easy at first, but it does get easier. Believe me, once you get that workout done in the morning, your day goes so much better!

  • I second the suggestion to find a buddy who will be waiting there for you. I have a very dear friend, who was willing to drag herself out of bed early to meet me at the gym because I knew early was the only time I'd be able to be consistent. There was no way I was going to leave her there waiting on me while I slept! If you don't have a friend currently who will go to the gym early, work on finding someone who wants to go early and needs motivation as well. Whether MFP, or some other forum, or a local group you're part of, there are people all over looking for support in getting healthy. Otherwise, as others have said, make it a mental "have to". There is no option other than going, period!