A Question for Women (Only)



  • AndreaGrace29
    AndreaGrace29 Posts: 51 Member
    I dont weigh myself the week of, and wont weigh myself until its been a full week after I stopped. I get easily frustrated when the scale goes up, so I dont put myself through that! LOL.. I figure that waiting one week after I finished is plenty of time to get back to normal :)
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I have not skipped wieghing myself but I only lost .5 pounds that week and the next week I lost 3 pounds. So I am willing to bet most of that was water weight.
  • My cycle has a water bottle mounted on it so I guess you could say I retain more water when I'm on it....

    LMAO!!! This made my day!!! :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I don't notice additional weight. I do know my panties and pad don't add any weight. :bigsmile:
  • mcler2012
    mcler2012 Posts: 2 Member
    I guess if it gets you down, you could skip it, but I would thing that going ahead and weighing would make sense. That way, you know what weight is because of water retention and what might just be from not eating right or not exercising. Although it happens to many women, it is not a guarantee that you will gain. Maybe if you do, you understand how much, and look at adjusting what you eat or drink around that time (less sodium) to make it manageable. Although everyone is different, some people also tend to crave more sweets, and go through an emotional time, which can lead to bad eating habits. Knowing your own body and what it does, if anything, could be critical to making sure that it is really just "water weight".
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    When I am weighing myself weekly I do every week regardless. Currently I am avoiding the scale because it's a bald faced liar! Telling me I am not losing when my pants, even my undies are falling down around my feet. :bigsmile:

    (yes, I know it's from building "muscle tone*)