I am going Gluten Free, any comments suggestions



  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I went gluten free last Monday.

    I have no indigestion

    I have 200x more energy

    I do not miss it one bar

    I had a headache for 2 days after quitting, i felt weird for about 4 days

    I could NOT go back to gluten now, cutting it out has changed my life :)

    If you want to do it, do it, but dont do it because you want to lose weight, do it because you want to make a positive and beneficial change to your lifestyle for the rest of your life.

    I cannot eat birthday cakes or have the odd snack, i cannot eat pastrys or go to a friends house for dinner, i have to take a packed lunch everywhere. I cannot eat toast or have the odd bacon sarnie. going gluten free has not been easy at all, i have had to forfeit an awful lot of stuff... but it has changed my life for the better :) It was entirely worth it!

    I couldnt agree more! Going GF has changed my life for the better!
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    Honestly, unless you have a gluten intolerance or suffer from Celiacs, going gluten free really won't do much for you. On the other hand, some people are carb sensitive and reducing carbs helps them lose weight or keep their weight in check. That is different than going gluten free. By confusing the two, I feel it diminishes the support people with actual gluten intolerance/Celiacs receive, as in the most extreme cases, even a speck of gluten can make them ill. That is different than you wanting to cut carbs to lose weight.

    I challenge you to go gluten free for 60 days. I AM be certain that you will go through withdrawal symptoms and IF, IF, and IFFFFF you can endure the symptoms and fight through them...once you go back on gluten...expect to have MASSIVE stomach problems.
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    Just keep in mind that just because a product says "gluten free" on the package doesn't make it healthy!

    If it makes -you- feel physically better, go for it. There are lots of great dishes out there that are gluten free.

    True...corn is equally bad :(
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member

    I have lost about 5 lbs this month since going GF, but I think that's just because I've started eating healthier foods and more fruits and veggies. And because I've felt better, my workouts seem to be more fun and intense. I will never go back to eating gluten. The difference in the way I feel is amazing. But if I didn't have Celiac, I would not be eating GF by choice.....

    ^^^^ this.
    I am coeliac, and no way in hell would i be gluten free if i didnt have to be.
    If eating gluten makes people feel ill and cutting it out makes them feel better, they probably have an intolerance of some degree and going gf may help. Its important to see your Dr and get checked for coeliac BEFORE going gf, as your diet will affect the test results.
    As for the people that do it purely as a 'diet', too many people think that going gluten free miraculously causes you to lose weight. It doesn't, its more that by cutting out gluten containing foods automatically means no fast food, bread, pasta, cake etc so you eat less processed foods and therefore have a healthier diet, the same could be done without having to go gluten free, just cut out the crap.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    If you are truly going to go gluten free then you need to be cognizant of the hidden gluten that is in labels as well. "Gluten Free" does not just mean cutting out wheat products, it means making sure that what you eat doesn't have any gluten in it. Did you know that Carmel Color contains gluten? Glue on lickable envelopes and stamps? Medications, pasta sauce (just because it says it contains tomato paste does not mean the manufacturer who they got the paste from doesn't contain gluten), certain added ingredients in foods like HVP (hydrogenated vegetable protein), HPP (hydrolyzed plant protein), TVP (textured vegetable protein), MSG (monosodium glutamate could contain wheat if made outside of the U.S.A.), and phrases like modified food starch (safe if made in the U.S.A., but may contain gluten if made elsewhere) tell you nothing about what ingredients it may contain. Other confusing ingredients are maltodextrin, stabilizers, binders, fillers, natural flavor, vegetable gums, and mono & diglycerides. Ice cream, soups, snacks, yogurts, ground beef can all contain gluten.

    Also when you go out to eat you need to make sure that the food is prepared in the way that they would prepare it for someone with a gluten intolerance.

    If you're going to go completely gluten free then you need to be aware of all of this stuff as do people who have celiacs. Like I said it's not just cutting out wheat products or the like it's cutting out anything that might contain gluten. Just something to think about.

    ETA: My sister has Celiacs and believe me it is a pain in the butt for her to shop and go to restaurants. If there is even a small portion of gluten in something -- or if they happen to accidentally cook her food in a pot that say pasta was cooked in -- she gets very ill.

    love this post. A lot of people think going gf is as simple as avoiding wheat based products like bread / pasta / cereal, if only it was so easy....
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm gluten intolerant and my family is gluten free because several of us are. If we could eat gluten and still feel well we would! Most of what I wanted to say has already been said but I wanted to chime in an point out that you can eat a lot of gluten free junk! Just because something is gluten free doesn't means it's healthy. I make gluten free cupcakes that are just as high in sugar, fat, carbs and calories as the wheat flour versions. In fact, when we went gluten free I gained weight because I was experimenting with GF baking to make my kids happy and taste tested far too many of the items. Now that we've settled down a bit I'm getting back on track but gluten free baking is FULL of starches usually.
  • Barb2258
    Stop by Mark's Daily Apple site, great site with alot of information so you can make up your own mind on what is best for you.