Breakfast & Lunch Ideas

emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
Hello Everyone,

I am in need of some good ideas for breakfast and lunch. Something quick and easy to prep and go and low cal especially since i only have 1200 cals a day and boy do those go quick. Usually i eat breakfast at work so i usually eat oatmeal, which can get very boring after a while(any ideas to spice it up?). I also spend lunch at my desk since I leave sorta early for school and don't take a lunch hour:frown: . I will eat and try just about anything. Im not really picky at all! Any ideas or suggestions will help.
Any quick snack ideas that can travel with me to school would also be helpful! Thanks all :flowerforyou:

Also if I am eating 1200 cals a day and then burn like 400cals at the gym am I supposed to eat more food or not, would it affect my weight loss.


  • gailwyn
    I'm a big fan of cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, which is a good source of protein and a little natural (ish) sugar. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry I do light string cheese instead of the cottage cheese, which I can eat while in the car.
  • Alexandra888
    I usually always eat oatmeal for breakfast and put in o calorie sugar or sugar free syrup, jelly, or butter and low fat milk. (Just a little). And dont worry about eating more if you work out cuz you only need 1200 to keep your metabolism up. If your workin out, then its even better for your metabolism. Keep up the good work!!
  • bbblue92
    bbblue92 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm on a I200 per day as well and the calories do go fast!! I find the 100 calorie packs good for quick snacks to take with me or for breakfast, I do a cup of cheerios and some ff milk I also do Luna bars for breakfast or snacks ...just throw in the bag and good to go!
  • CinthyNair
    Yogurts, nuts like almonds and 100cal bars are great snacks. Keep them in moderation of course.

    For breakfast, I usually go with oatmeal with handful of raisins, or Jacobs low salt hi-cal biscuits with unsalted peanut butter, or a protein shake

    For lunch/diiner, I usually make sandwiches, they are quick, easy, messy free or some simple stir fry mixed vegetables and hard boiled eggs - within 400 cals each meal.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I'm also on 1200 and am finding my usual breakfast of 1cup cottage cheese, 0.5 med banana and 1/2c. strawberries to take up too many of my daily calories. On days that I am not burning many calories with exercise, I am now eating fat free yoghurt with my banana and strawberries, which leaves me room for my delicious latte every morning.

    For lunch, I usually have 1 large carrot, 20-30 green beans, two hard-boiled eggs, 8 dried apricot halves, and 15 almonds. After learning the amount of calories in my almonds versus how sated I get from them, I am going to substitute for 1 slice of wholemeal bread and maybe use one of my eggs to make a half egg salad sandwich.

    While cottage cheese and almonds are both really healthy and good sources of protein and calcium, I find that for the amount you get to consume for how many calories they provide, they are now reserved for days that I have worked out.
  • fivefatcats
    I have two favorite breakfasts. The first (workout day) is coffee, 1/2 c oatmeal and whey protein shake. The second is coffee with scrambled eggs (one whole egg, one egg white, dash of skim milk) and salsa on a tortilla. You could even scramble the eggs in a microwave if you're "cooking" at work.

    Also, I find my weight loss is best if I up (yes up) my (healthy) fat intake. I make sure to eat 1/2 oz almonds or 1/2 avocado daily. I also eat extra protein. I set my goals for 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats - and this seems to be the best scenario for me.

    I had twin girl in August, started running 3 days a week in October and have lost about 40 pounds with just cardio but in January my weight loss tapered off. I just joined a gym and will be adding a yoga class and a kickbocking class to my weekly routine and swapping one of my running days to lift weights. I am hoping that will help fire up the weight loss and get me less flabby and more sculpted!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    THANKS for all the great ideas everyone. Time to hit the supermarket this weekend! :)
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I usually always eat oatmeal for breakfast and put in o calorie sugar or sugar free syrup, jelly, or butter and low fat milk. (Just a little). And dont worry about eating more if you work out cuz you only need 1200 to keep your metabolism up. If your workin out, then its even better for your metabolism. Keep up the good work!!

    Mmm im gonna try it that way..usually i have it plain or with fruit but after a while i get sick of it. I do love that it holds me over until lunch :smile:
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    I cut up half a Gala apple and cooked it on the stove with cinnamon and a tbls of butter and added it to my oatmeal with honey. It was DELICIOUS!
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    I have oats for breakfast as well. Try adding cinamon or nutmeg to it for some extra flavor. I also add diced apple or raisens sultanas for example to it.

    Otherwise i have scrambled eggs especially for non gym days.

    Regarding lunch, tend to hit the salad im afraid, standard salad add in, tuna / chicken / turkey / egg / cottage cheese / mixed beans depending on day.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I like....
    Cheddar Cheese 0.5 oz 55 calories
    1 egg 70 calories
    Arnold Select Multigrain Sandwich Thins 100 calories

    with tea or black coffee :bigsmile:
  • katattack
    emarcia -- your timing is perfect. I just had the best bowl of oatmeal and was hoping someone would want to talk about it (my roomies unfortunately were not enthusiastic subjects)

    I made a bowl of Rogers Porridge -- about 120 cals. I make is extra creamy by using 1/3 c dry porridge, and almost 5 times the amount of water. Cook slowly over 8 minutes, throw it in a bowl. NOW the fun part: 1 tbsp Flax Meal (makes is nice and creamy!), and 1/2 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein powder (i'm a veg, this is how i get my kicks... throwing protein powder in things...)

    OH MAN. So simple, but it was amazing. Delicious, flavourful and creamy; i didnt even need to add milk. And satisfying - carbs, protein, fat in some of their best most pure forms.

    Try it and tell me it isn't perfect. Just try ;P

    Your friendly neighbourhood oatmeal enthusiast,
  • veggieheadie
    I really like the Kashi Go Lean Rolls (not the bars). The chocolate turtle roll is amazing and it is packed with fiber and protien. I eat those for breakfast and lunches with apples and carrots. Amazingly I stay full all day and I also cover my sweet cravings this way. The rolls only have 190 calories and they really do keep you nice and full.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I cut up half a Gala apple and cooked it on the stove with cinnamon and a tbls of butter and added it to my oatmeal with honey. It was DELICIOUS!

    This sure sounds good! I will def. give it a try! :tongue: TY
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I really like the Kashi Go Lean Rolls (not the bars). The chocolate turtle roll is amazing and it is packed with fiber and protien. I eat those for breakfast and lunches with apples and carrots. Amazingly I stay full all day and I also cover my sweet cravings this way. The rolls only have 190 calories and they really do keep you nice and full.

    I will have to look for these at the supermarket! They sound delicious!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    emarcia -- your timing is perfect. I just had the best bowl of oatmeal and was hoping someone would want to talk about it (my roomies unfortunately were not enthusiastic subjects)

    I made a bowl of Rogers Porridge -- about 120 cals. I make is extra creamy by using 1/3 c dry porridge, and almost 5 times the amount of water. Cook slowly over 8 minutes, throw it in a bowl. NOW the fun part: 1 tbsp Flax Meal (makes is nice and creamy!), and 1/2 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein powder (i'm a veg, this is how i get my kicks... throwing protein powder in things...)

    OH MAN. So simple, but it was amazing. Delicious, flavourful and creamy; i didnt even need to add milk. And satisfying - carbs, protein, fat in some of their best most pure forms.

    Try it and tell me it isn't perfect. Just try ;P

    Your friendly neighbourhood oatmeal enthusiast,

    hmmm can i microwave this?
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    I am really enjoying ReadyBrek in the mornings. I have it with out sugar. Tastes so creamy.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I am really enjoying ReadyBrek in the mornings. I have it with out sugar. Tastes so creamy.

    hmm Ive never really heard of it sold at regular supermarkets?
  • jlemmon
    jlemmon Posts: 8 Member
    I found the 100 Low Calorie english muffin or a thin bagel made by Thomas to be good. I love Quaker instant oatmeal with brown sugar with 1/2 cup of fat free milk which is really yummy and sticks to your ribs. Also one egg is only 70 calories. Good luck with your grocery shopping. If you look hard enough, there are some great choices out there.
  • PinguimPraiero
    PinguimPraiero Posts: 48 Member
    My former coworker explained a neat trick she practiced daily. First thing in the morning, she would eat a whole apple. It would get her metabolism working and start cleansing out her digestive system. And it helped curb her hunger for a bit. Then, when I saw her at work, she would munch on oatmeal bars or a bagel, to give her the carb load she needed to carry her over until lunch.

    She always offered me a bar, I regret I always, unwittingly, accepted, those babies are expensive!