Am I eating enough calories? What's wrong?

bcurrey Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I’m 5’10” and this morning I weighed 210. I’m down from 217 since second week of Jan. The first 7 lbs were pretty easy to lose. I cut calories back to 1500 per day and began exercising. I’ve been drinking water, I’ve cut out the sweets (which I love so much) I’ve quit eating after 630pm. Last weekend, I got down to 208, but this week I’m up to 210 and I was in the 1300-1500 calories intake every day this week. From some online calculators, I’m suppose to have about 1900-2000 calories per day given that I have a desk job and my current height/weight to maintain my current weight. My fat intake is at or below my suggested daily intake as well.

I try to exercise at least 4-5 days per week. Sometime walking at 4mph for 30-40 minutes, and sometime play Wii EA Active for 20-30 minutes (wii calculates cals burned at 250 which is usually understated).

Any ideas on what I should do to get over this hump? Thanks, I love this site!!!!


  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I am experiencing the EXACT same issue; thank you for posting!
  • If you gained 2 lbs since last weekend, maybe the exercise you are doing it building muscle? I'm not sure about the calorie issue, as I am having the same problem. I trust MFP to tell me the right number of calories, but I'm also on an appetite suppressent from the Dr. I'm thinking of seeing a nutritionist to decide what the correct number of calories is for me to lose 1.5-2lbs a week. MFP has me at 1330 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week.

    Don't get too discouraged about the weight, if you began a new exercise program it could just be the muscle gain, which always scares me too. Also, be sure not to weigh yourself too often they say your body flucuates about 2 lbs each day or different times of the day. You may also want to check the amount of sugar you are taking in, as they say that sugar turns to fat. I realized a few weeks ago I was having too much sugar each day, although some of it was from fruit, it still added up with the othe foods I was eatting.

    I will definitely be checking back to see what other suggestions there are.
  • Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    How is your sodium intake? Is that really high? Are you eating your exercise calories? Are you drinking enough water? 7 lbs is good since the second week of Jan. Maybe your body is taking a little to catch up with the weight you have already lost. 1 week with no loss is normal sometimes. Is it near your TOM?
  • Have you looked at other factors that could be affecting this week more than in the past?
    I know that a lot of women gain or stay the same weight during their menstral cycle or right before its due to begin.
    My sleeping patterns also affect my weight loss. If I had a bad week (thats less than 7-8 hours a night) that week, my body will hold onto the weight. The more sleep I get, the more likely I am to lose weight.
    More stress than normal (thats good and bad stress), or any reason to be more anxious can affect it as well.

    There are a lot of different factors that could create that increase.

    I'd suggest just continuing what you are doing so far and seeing what happens next week (often times I find that if I gain due to any of those factors in one week, I'll drop more the following week when things get back onto track).
    If next week is the same issue, then it might be time to examine the food and exercise regime a bit more closely.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Is this amount of exercise new to you, or have you increased your intensity? Your muscles may be retaining water. Once they adjust to your new exercise level, they will drop the water weight.

    It's also very possible that you were a bit dehydrated when you weighed 208 -- our body weight fluctuates greatly throughout the day.

    Are you eating some of your exercise calories on top of your base 1500? It may be something you want to consider (everyone is different) if you're not. Read these:

    I also would like to suggest you keep track of your measurements (measure once or twice a month) so on the weeks you don't lose (or even gain), you can have another measurement to monitor your progress (but be careful dwelling too much on it because water retention that takes the form of bloating can also cause your measurements to be inaccurate!).

    Overall, 7 pounds in (essentially) a month is GREAT! Congratulations!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    How is your sodium intake? Is that really high? Are you eating your exercise calories? Are you drinking enough water? 7 lbs is good since the second week of Jan. Maybe your body is taking a little to catch up with the weight you have already lost. 1 week with no loss is normal sometimes. Is it near your TOM?

    Def check out your soduim levels. Do you know how to change ti so that soduim shows up in your food diary if it isn't there. If your soduim is high you could be retaining water weight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh -- and I also just realized you're male. Being male makes a difference. In my (very unprofessional) opinion, 1500 calories a day is too low for a 5'10" male.
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    According to other calculators I should be at 1500-1600 calories too, but according to MFP it is 1200. So I am sticking with the 1200 and have seen results. I do Wii about 3-4 times a week for about 30 minutes. I redid the MFP again and reentered all my information to see if I would give me more calories after loosing almost 20 lbs, but it kept me at 1200. :ohwell:
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Oh -- and I also just realized you're male. Being male makes a difference. In my (very unprofessional) opinion, 1500 calories a day is too low for a 5'10" male.

    You posted this at the same time I posted mine . . . In my (very unprofessional) opinion, I agree with you!
  • One important piece that I failed to mention, is that I'm a guy, so I get to miss out on the TOM stuff. =)

    Sodium - not sure. I need to watch it more closely. That's an area I haven't been tracking.

    I need to read the two links that were posted because I'm not sure about "exercise caloried"

    The walking I've been doing since January, but the Wii EA Active is something new I've started. It gets my heart rate up much higher that walking and I'm more sore the following day so that change could be impacting the water my body is holding on to.

    I appreciate all these great ideas and feedback. I'm shocked to have this much feedback so quickly. Thank you very much!!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Outside of what others have said:
    you're body is catching up from previous large losses

    I don't think it's 2lbs of muscle, since you didn't even mention strength training. I'd up your cals a little bit and watch the water and sodium for the next 2 weeks and see where you're at then.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just figured your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) on an online calculator (nothing official!) and you're probably burning around 2400-2500 calories with just with your normal daily activities (not including any exercise). So with 1500 calories a day, you're probalby setting yourself at about a 1000 calorie a day deficit already. If you're not eating any of the extra calories you burn with your exercise (walking, wii), you're increasing that deficit to a level that may not be appropriate for your body.

    I think the 1900-2000 calories you were getting from other websites was your BMR which is the amount of calories you'd burn just laying in bed all day. It's what your body burns just to keep you alive.

    So, again, in my (very unprofessional) opinion, yes, I think you should increase your calorie intake & see what happens over the next month. Because decreasing it certainly sounds like a really really bad idea.
  • JLB - can you post the link you are using to calculate my calories? I need to get a good calculate saved in my favorites. I've tried several and just used the avg of what I calculated.

    I just added sugar and sodium to my food diary. So far for today, my sodium looks fine, but my sugar - WOW. I'm over just through lunch. Had no idea. I can't image what my sugar levels were before I cut out my sweets and started eating better. Geez.

    Thanks again for all the tips!
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    Being a guy myself, 5'11, I've had the humps but as everyone else is saying - 1500 calories is WAY TOO LOW. :explode:

    I work out 5-6 times a week for about an hour. In that hour I burn 1000 calories. I add that to the MFP calculation and I should be eating over 3000 calories a day to LOSE WEIGHT. And I am!:happy:

    Your putting your body into starvation mode and slowing your metabolism down.:angry: Your actually hurting yourself and that's probably why you gained the weight. :sad: Your body is building up reserves to fend off the starvation mode.:noway:

    It takes time. I record my exercise here but not what I eat - don't have the time. But by recording my exercise I give myself a rough idea of how much I can eat.

    If I can do this YOU can too!:bigsmile:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    You may need to increase your calories.

    I do think it is worth pointing out that 7lbs in a month is very good progress. Don't get hung up on the week to week numbers. Your weight can naturally fluctuate a few pounds and thus the scale will not always reflect your hard work and success. Focus more on there being a general trend of weightloss (which you have) and how great you are feeling. It has only been a month. It will take time, but it is definitely worth it. If it was me I would wait a little longer before switching my routine or eating habits.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I used this one
    and this one

    Can't say anything about their accuracy -- I just Google searched for "TDEE calculator" and they were 2 of the first links that came up. I can say they give pretty close numbers to each other and that they are also very close to the numbers given by MFP.
  • I just figured your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) on an online calculator (nothing official!) and you're probably burning around 2400-2500 calories with just with your normal daily activities (not including any exercise). So with 1500 calories a day, you're probalby setting yourself at about a 1000 calorie a day deficit already. If you're not eating any of the extra calories you burn with your exercise (walking, wii), you're increasing that deficit to a level that may not be appropriate for your body.

    I think the 1900-2000 calories you were getting from other websites was your BMR which is the amount of calories you'd burn just laying in bed all day. It's what your body burns just to keep you alive.

    So, again, in my (very unprofessional) opinion, yes, I think you should increase your calorie intake & see what happens over the next month. Because decreasing it certainly sounds like a really really bad idea.

    Definitely 100% correct. I've learned the hard way that decreasing only leads to starvation mode and in the end, you are SO much worse off. You will gain it all back very quickly and possibly gain even more. You need to eat those extra exercise calories. Something that I do: I will roll over my calories( this is something I learned when I was part of weight watchers a few years ago). This works for me. I don't eat a whole lot during the week, but with a large family, the weekends are killers for my diet. However, if I have saved enough calories, I will have enough to cover that weekend. But it's important to get in all those calories in that week. Don't save them for the next week.
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