Anybody out there losing weight for a wedding?

Hi all,
I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding. Anyone else in the same position, please feel free to add me:)
Oleh x


  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    not for my wedding but for 2 weddings that I am in att he end of this month. i have lost 25 pounds so far. Looking forward to rocking those UGLY bridesmaid dresses!!

    I jumpstarted my weightloss throught the 17 day diet. Lost 11 pounds on cycle 1 and about 6-7 on cycle 2. I am doing a modified 17 day diet/Skinny Rules meal plan now. I am doing the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels. I'm on day 16 today.

    Best of luck on your big day. I'm sure you will be a beautiful bride!
  • Ce87girl
    Ce87girl Posts: 24 Member
    Not my own wedding - (but an engagement is coming soon I think...) but I am in a wedding next August, where all of other bridesmaids are already a good size, and the wedding is mid-century modern (think Audrey Hepburn or Twiggy...).

    I've lost 8 pounds so far, and looking to lose a substantial amount in time for 2013. FINGERS CROSSED!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Yes! It's not my wedding but I'm maid of honour for a wedding in March and trying on dresses with the rest of the girls pretty much jump started my weight loss goals again! We are also going to Vegas in February for the bachelorette party, so I figured it was time to get my butt moving!!!
  • MurielHeslop
    I am not getting married but one of my goals is to get under 200lbs so I can try on wedding dresses...just a weird fantasy LOL. Good luck on your journey and upcoming wedding!
  • Oleh123
    Oleh123 Posts: 10 Member
    Oooh, when you make it to your goal you will have soo much fun trying on dresses! It's one of my favourite things about wedding planning! :)
  • nomorecakeKP
    nomorecakeKP Posts: 13 Member
    Yes! I am getting married on New Year's Eve and my goal is to lose 20 lbs by then. :)
  • vodkaflipflop
    vodkaflipflop Posts: 5 Member
    Yep - am going to be a bridesmaid next October :) Bridesmaid dress shopping is going to be in the spring of next year, so I've got 6 months to lose 30 lbs...
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello! I'm getting married in December of this year and have lost 34lbs since May and want to loose another 10 by December. After that though I plan on continuing my new healthier lifestyle and will see what I eventually end up at! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, feel free to add me :)
  • ijmack
    ijmack Posts: 2 Member
    I am! Getting married in exactly 10 days. MFP definitely helped me drop a few pounds, though unfortuantely I'm quite at my goal. I'm hoping that with extra workouts and incredible discipline, I can drop another 2 lbs. Final dress fitting tomorrow night :)

    Best of luck and congrats!
  • pjaniram
    pjaniram Posts: 11 Member
    My sister is getting married in January! The shower is on Sunday and I am on my way, but Thanksgiving put me a little off track! mmm pumpkin pie!
  • cuddlyness
    Yup im bridesmaid to my 7.5 stone sister in may arggggh. I always new she secretly hated me lol.

    Hoping to lose 50 by then