Losing weight with no money?

I am having financial problems right now, & it seems so much harder to lose weight with so little money :( Junk food is cheaper than healthy food & now that i have no gym membership it sucks. It's freezing where i am so it's not like I can run outside.
Idk what to do....
Any tips?


  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    Frozen veggies are very low in price if you buy the store brand. And they taste great when steamed. Myplate.com has some great ideas on food portions.

    Try this video


    its about 8 bucks on Amazon :)

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....

    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Eating on a budget is not hard, in fact, it should be easier, use portion control and you will see those grocery dollars stretch! You dont have to buy the expensive stuff to lose weight. Buy chicken breast on sale, canned tuna, frozen fish, frozen veggies, whole wheat bread costs the same as white bread, peanut butter goes a very long way (keeping in mind 2tbs is a serving of course), lunchmeat, eggs, oatmeal, dried beans, rice, potatoes. You can buy all these things in bulk and spend even less per portion. No where is it written that you have to buy packed junk food and eat the whole box if your short on funds. You also dont have to buy loads of organic, whole foods to lose weight. As for the exercise, there are PLENTY of workout videos on youtube that are FREE to watch, one I like is Walk at home with Leslie Sansone.
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I used to live on about $20 a week of HEALTHY foods.. shop sales, use in-store coupons.. buy chicken this week if it's cheap, or pork... only eat meat 4x a week if you truly can't afford it. Sales are an awesome way to eat on a budget. Also, because you're eating less, you buy less!
  • Yeah, I'm definitely spending less money on food. For exercise- most libraries have exercise DVDs.
  • Zaria_Athena
    Zaria_Athena Posts: 56 Member
    Get a big bag of frozen veggies, a bag of brown rice and a bag of dried black beans.

    Check out your local library for exercise videos.

    Where there's a will, there's a way.
  • mimigyal
    mimigyal Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you guys :)
    Surprisingly I didn't think about that.
  • TheeGeeMarie
    TheeGeeMarie Posts: 59 Member
    As for workouts, nerd fitness has an entire tab on the main page for "free resources" - a lot of tips on how to get good exercise at home using things you can find around the house and your own body weight. They also have videos so you can learn the proper form and whatnot. No gym needed. http://www.nerdfitness.com
  • mimigyal
    mimigyal Posts: 53 Member
    Would Insanity be good?
  • jdtd1967
    jdtd1967 Posts: 44 Member
    Look for discounted veggies..I do and then I freeze what I can...buy discounted meat as well and freeze in portions..makes great meals...U can almost freeze everything...If u cannot afford bags..use plastic bowls...just some tips..I hope it helps. Best of luck..I do not have a gym membership..I walk when I can.
  • emilygh1974
    emilygh1974 Posts: 65 Member
    youtube workouts
  • I make casseroles. They go a long way and I pile them with veggies. My favorite healthy recipe blogger is Emily Bites! Also buy frozen veggies. I make smoothies with frozen fruit as well.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    junk food isnt cheaper than healthier food...

    junk food=more calories per $

    healthfull food=more volume of food per $
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Not sure where you are but weather permitting, jogging / wogging outdoors is free. I try to do this at least 4 times a week. Others have already mentioned workout videos from the library.

    You can also do exercises at home like pushups, situps, burpees, step ups, run bleachers etc. You just have to be creative. I lost over 65lbs and have only been to the gym five or less times. Granted, I do have equipment at home but there are lots of things you can do without the gym.
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    BrownEyedGrrl Posts: 144 Member
    Bumping this for ideas!
    Also just wanted to say beans are really filling and healthy and cheap. Cook up a big batch of beans (your favorite kind) and freeze some of them. Then pull them out of the freezer whenever you need them.
    For exercise, you can do a lot of cardio and strengthening at home with no equipment. Sparkpeople.com has some good workouts or you can google whatever type of workout you are looking for. If you have lower body injuries, google seated cardio routines. There are some good ones out there that really get your heart pumping!
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    Call your local YMCA. They offer scholarships.

    We just applied for one Friday.

    They need two pay stubs, last years taxes and a letter stating why you feel you need the scholarship.

  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Junk food is NOT cheaper than healthy foods. I used to think this too but let me give you an example that really changed my views....

    At my old job, I would run and get a small lunch, I would come back with a pear (50 cents) and a yogurt (1 dollar) and I would drink the water from the water cooler in the office. My co-worker would come back with a candy bar (1.50) and a soda (1.50). She would be hungry in a few hours, and go buy chips (99 cents). I would be fine.

    I spent 1.50, she spent 3.99. That is just on the smaller level, but if you buy enough healthy foods for the week compared to junk food for the week, it all ends up being the same, junk food being more expensive.

    I agree on using coupons, you can find coupons for yogurt. If you find yogurt on sale, buy extra, freeze what you don't eat. I love eaten "frozen" yogurt, and it won't go bad as fast as in the fridge. Just watch the sugar count in yogurt because it can be pretty high.

    Buy fruits and veggies in season, don't even buy them off season or not on sale. I will never spend more than like 99 cents a pound on apples, it might be a little more in your area but know the lowest it goes and don't buy it when it's more than that. I have bought them for 1.29 a pound if its the apples I really like, but anything more than that, not happening.

    Stock up on canned goods when they have sales or you have coupons. Canned beans, sauces, etc. I personally would rather buy dry beans and cook them myself, they are cheaper, too. Beans and rice are a very healthy and cheap meal. You can change the flavor by seasoning.

    Frozen veggies are a good thing to buy during winter months. Look for sales! They are often 10 for 10.

    For when it comes to exercise, there are a ton of videos on youtube. Or you can go buy a DVD from Wal-mart or Target for as little as 5 dollars.

    Also, make soups! I love making a chili and freezing it in single sized portions. A huge pot of chili can cost you less than 10 dollars and end up being more than 20 meals. Put it over rice, potatoes, pasta, or eat it on it's own.

    One of my favorite recent recipes is...I microwave a potato (make sure you poke holes in it with a fork) for like 5-8 minutes. Cut it in half, scoop out the insides. Crack 1 egg inside of it, sprinkle some cheese on top, bake for 8 minutes. You want the white parts to be cooked but the yolk to be runny (I hate runny eggs, but trust me on this). Once it's cooked, mix the egg up in the potato. SO GOOD. And so cheap.
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    BrownEyedGrrl Posts: 144 Member
    I make casseroles. They go a long way and I pile them with veggies. My favorite healthy recipe blogger is Emily Bites! Also buy frozen veggies. I make smoothies with frozen fruit as well.
    Smoothies are great, but frozen fruit is a little expensive!
  • Check out youtube for exercises. All you really need is your own body. I just did a yoga video I found on there. If you are ever interested in workout videos or light weights or other exercise accessories, there is always tons of that stuff at thrift stores. If you take time to really plan out your meals you can put together a lot of healthy yet affordable meals as well.
  • buy an exercise bike from the local resale shop (GoodWill in Texas). They are dirt cheap and will certainly work you out through the winter. Ask me how I know :)
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I wanted to mention eggs also. super cheap and if you put them in a casserole with some hash browns goes a long way. lots of sites on the web about eating cheaper also