Cool/Cold weather jogging



  • What ever you wear just remember to bring along something dry to change into after the run. We (Hubby and I ) will run trails that are 30-40 minutes away from home and we are freezing if we do not change into something dry before we leave the trail.I typically run in compression tights a tank top with a wicking t-shirt and then a long sleeve running shirt with thumb holes so it covers half my hands. I also like the gloves with mitt covers that can tuck away if it gets warm while running and something to cover my ears but I usually do not need a hat.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    Thanks for this post. I'm fairly new to jogging outdoors. The cold weather was my excuse for not jogging today. I didn't want to over or under dress
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    GLOVES (I like the fingerless kind so I can grab food or mp3 player, etc.) and HAT that covers the ears. Hands and ears get cold quickly. I, personally, get earaches without it. Clothing that will pull sweat away from the body, not absorb it, is what I've been told by the wise . But I've gotta say... I'll wear the thick, absorbing stuff and just wrap it around my waist once I get good and heated up and I'm okay with that.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Last winter I grabbed some thin gloves at Target that have those special finger tips that let you use your phone's touch screen without having to remove the gloves. Great for running (at least here in California, where we rarely dip below freezing, at least once the sun is up :tongue:). I noticed Target has them again, I think they're about $3. I may get another pair just to have 'em - perfect for running & being able to mess with my music or running app while I'm out there.

    Other than that, my favorite cold weather gear for running was a light fleece ear/head wrap, long sleeve wicking tee, preferably with a half zip to adjust as I warm up, tights, fleece vest, light shell for rainy days.
  • Sherylmarlee
    Sherylmarlee Posts: 224 Member
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    40F is still pretty warm, so just long sleeves and pants. Maybe a thin pair of gloves. If there is wind/precipitation, add a windbreaker and hat/ear covering.

    Down past 23F, add a windbreaker, hat/ear covering, definitely gloves, and if you are carrying a water bottle, make it warm water instead of cold.

    Down past 5F, add fleece under the jacket.

    If there is ice/snow, add something for grip. Ice spikes, yak trax, whatever.

    And if it gets really cold, add thermal underwear, warm gloves, face guard, extra pair of socks. That's gotten me down to -31F, which is as cold as I had to run last year. Maybe another fleece layer for -40F, but that might make you too hot while running.

    Keep in mind that I am accustomed to chilly winters. If you are not, you may need to adjust. I know that the clothing that Galloway lists in his book would have me way overheated.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    Hat, scarf, gloves, thermal shirt, sweater, backpacking jacket, thermal pants with sweats over it and wool socks. Oh, and can't forget the chemical hand warmers. Yes, I run with that much on. No, I don't get hot. No, I don't sweat a lot, so it's not my own sweat hitting the icy air that makes me cold.

    But I'm a big baby about the cold. A REALLY big baby about the cold. I pretty much wear thermals from the time it hits the 45 to when it climbs back up to 45. Even to bed. Under my PJs. I don't get hot this way. I also tend to be perfectly happy with my air conditioner set to a higher temp than most people. I'm perfectly happy leaving the AC at 27C (80F) Problem is, I also would love to set my heater there in the winter, if it didn't cost a fortune.

    No, i'm not anemic.

    I AM THE SAME - im known as the michelan man on the slopes skiing) and when i run its 3X thermals, sweater, jacket beanie and globes - 2 layer of pants. I never have to remove any.... I am aneamic but treated...

    I had a major major achievement this weekend - went diving (scuba) in 30 degree water!!! OMG so proud to get through it (althoguh i did have 3 wetsuits, a thermal layer, 3 hoods and heavy weight winter gloves!! - i was the michelan man of the water!! haha
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Bump for later referral.