Old Richard's Simmons' tape- how to count it? (Newbie)

kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
I just did the Tone n Sweat video from back in the early 90's. I loved it when I was trying to lose weight after my third child. I can't find this in the data base nor can I find something similar to list as a replacement. It was about 30 minutes and I used a toning cord and worked legs, arms, shoulders, back, chest and abs. Any suggestions on how to list it. Thanks!


  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    Maybe circuit training? that sounds about right to me... Or just high impact Aerobics... you can always get a heart rate monitor as well and 'create' your exercise!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I have a dvd by Jodi Stolove that's called chair dancing. I searched around the internet and the closest I could find was it burns about 300 calories. It has so many variables with exercise so I just used the 300 as a guess. We've done the Richard Simmons video at my exercise class too. I think it's a really good cardio workout.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I don't know how to record it, but where in the heck did you find it??? My mom had one when i was little, and i thought it was so fun!! I would do anything to find one now, haha :D
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    I had saved it from when I was doing the Richard Simmon's diet plan. I saw one on Amazon, I think.
  • cindyroy

    Here is a link to one of Richard Simmons first video... You can stream the whole video for free.

    Have fun! ;-)