Anyone want to go low carb for a month?

So I've been stuck at the same weight now for about 2 months, and I've been averaging 1200 calories a day, some days 1300. I am never "hungry" ever. My weakness is those cookies at night time, any type of sweet starchy/chocolatey/cakey thing, even if I have cals left over for it. So if anyone would like to try to go low carb with me for a month and see what happens that'd be awesome.

I am 5'3 and 3/4
153-156 pounds (fluctuates)
20 years old

So if you're up for the challenge and have some great foods/recipes to share that'd be great..

Welcome aboard! :)


  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    watch out for those empty calories, i do take them once in a while but make sure it won't stick as a habit
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I am a "low carber" on a keto type diet and as much as I love it I wouldn't recommend you do it as a month thing, it's not a fad diet and if you treat it as such you WILL gain back the calories you lose, it's a life style change and honestly not for everyone. You will see a great amount lost at first, this is mostly water weight though.

    Edited to add one more thing lol. Most people experience "carb flu" when you first start, basically you crave them badly and you might even feel physically sick and drained, and possibly even get head aches. Not trying to scare you, just giving a heads up. If you do decide to follow through with this I wish you the very best :)
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    PS you would definitely have to give up those cookies/sweets because the simple sugar in those alone would bring you over your carb allowance
  • ssalmfp
    ssalmfp Posts: 27 Member
    I've given up grains and sugar for 3 weeks now, and I plan on going 2 months total. After that, I'm going to slowly reintroduce both back into my diet, but at much lower quantities than before. The fact is, I don't want to go the rest of my life without sugar and grains (I think I would rather be fat), but I'm hoping that I get out of the habit of eating tons of carbs.

    One thing to be aware of is that you will probably feel like **** the first week or maybe even two weeks. It is ****ing rough and there were times when I felt like giving up. Just try to make it through, and you will feel fine later.
  • MochaCee
    I am in week 1 of a low carb diet. I only have cravings when I wait too long to eat...a habit that I have to break. I'm in to do it for month.
  • gotcardi
    gotcardi Posts: 19 Member
    I went low/no carb for several months on the HCG diet a few years ago - and once I introduced them back in, I gained the weight back. I try to remain low carb most of the time (as I learned how sensitive my body is to them), but occasionally it's something I need to have (I have rice or pasta once a week).

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • cmalmaguer
    cmalmaguer Posts: 1 Member
    I will, im trying to also restart my diet, i do pretty good at the low carb thing but sometimes i need help. I am a new convert to green juice smoothies, that helped me lose 21 lbs in 2 months...great way to curb the sweet tooth as well...if youd like the recipe let me know
  • stephaniern21
    I did a no/low car diet for about 2months and got very sick, my blood and sugar levels went all out of wack, and I became very moody! It did help to shed the pounds though, and very quickly at that.. but as soon as you start eating those carbs again the weight will come back on- maybe even with some extra you didn't have before. Today though I started a low/no carb thing that I want to do 2 days a week. I feel like that will give me a little boost of help, and will be easy to maintain for a long time instead of just being a crash quick fix! Maybe you should try just a few days a week, or even every other day instead of a month straight?
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    I am a "low carber" on a keto type diet and as much as I love it I wouldn't recommend you do it as a month thing, it's not a fad diet and if you treat it as such you WILL gain back the calories you lose, it's a life style change and honestly not for everyone. You will see a great amount lost at first, this is mostly water weight though.

    Edited to add one more thing lol. Most people experience "carb flu" when you first start, basically you crave them badly and you might even feel physically sick and drained, and possibly even get head aches. Not trying to scare you, just giving a heads up. If you do decide to follow through with this I wish you the very best :)

    Yes, yes, yes...I could have written this post because it is exactly what I was thinking! I started out on MFP at the default goals, eased into a lower-carb diet at the suggestion of a friend who has lost a good deal of stubborn weight over the past several months, and have found myself leaning toward a seriously low carb diet. Not sure if I am in Keto, but my net carbs are 30 or below each day. I had the carb flu and it sucked, but by the end of week one, my waist, stomach, and lower back areas, and also my face, neck and upper arms. looked dramatically different to me. I am a believer. I am also a reformed bread and dessert addict, so if I can do it, anyone can!!
  • dansan20002
    How many carbs should should someone have a day on a low carb diet?
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    To break your plateau I would recommend uping your cardio and add strength training if you don't already do it. I didn't check your diary, but make sure you are getting enough protein. If you eat a regular diet thats rich in fruits, vegis, lean meats you will automaticly be lower protein! Stay away from alot of bread, pasta, and cookies ;) You'll do just fine!! Lottsa greens!!
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    I've given up grains and sugar for 3 weeks now, and I plan on going 2 months total. After that, I'm going to slowly reintroduce both back into my diet, but at much lower quantities than before. The fact is, I don't want to go the rest of my life without sugar and grains (I think I would rather be fat), but I'm hoping that I get out of the habit of eating tons of carbs.

    One thing to be aware of is that you will probably feel like **** the first week or maybe even two weeks. It is ****ing rough and there were times when I felt like giving up. Just try to make it through, and you will feel fine later.

    If you make it through two months you will I predict that you will never go back...the hard part is already over for you. I find that i don't even want those things any more, and when I do have an inkling for bread or a sweet, it is so much easier to say "no." And did I mention I have only been doing this for a week? The result has been so dramatic that it keeps me motivated to keep going with it.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Your body needs carbs for energy!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I did a no white carb/refined sugar program for a month....I got rid of the out-of-control cravings. After the month was up, I added back some of those carbs in moderation. I lost weight during that month and I have continued to lose ever since.
  • stephaniern21
    Also! If you are looking for some yummy ideas that are good for a low carb diet I have:

    1/2 package of sugar free pudding mix(whatever your favorite flavor may be) plus a non fat plain greek yogurt- YUM!

    Cauliflower "Bread":
    1 cup chopped cauliflower
    1 egg
    cheese (i usually use parmesan and mozz- and at your discretion on how healthy you want to be.. or flavorful lol)
    Garlic and Onion powder
    Oregano, Basil, Parsley (this is what i use, but feel free to add whichever kind you like!)
    Mix all ingredients and bake for about 15-20 minutes at 375... so good!
    (i like to make it a little thicker so it doesn't stick to the bottom as much.. i'll even flip it half way if i feel like its sticking)

  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    How many carbs should should someone have a day on a low carb diet?

    I have been asking a lot of questions on the low-carb group boards. Google "Ketosis," which will help you understand why it works. Also Google "MCTs" because it will help you understand fats a little better.

    I have posted a bunch of questions onto La Vida Low Carb (a group on MFP) and gotten some productive help. Friend me if you want to take the journey together!

    p.s. I have my defaults set at 20% carb, 40% protein/fat. But I try not to go over 30 net carbs a day (which is getting to be really easy for me to do). Net carbs=carbs-fiber. :)

    Editing to add that I do not skimp on leafy greens and other veggies. That is where most of my carbs come from, and the rest are from low-carb tortillas, which I eat 1 or 2 of per day. It is the white, starchy and processed things that ruin it. My mantra is "grill & greens."
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    i am a low carber and haave lost most of my weight doing low carb. It really does work better than any other way of eating ive ever tried. I think the first poster was correct about making it a lifestlye change rather than a short term thing. I learned that the first time I tried it. It had to be a lifestyle change. We low carbers are actually few and far between and there are many misconceptions about it. I also know better than to start a forum topic on anything low carb related because it just turns ito an argument. I love my low carb way of eating and don't staRVE OR FEEL DEPRIVED EVER!!!
  • iluvoptics
    I went Primal/Paleo a few months ago and it's changed my life. I have about 50-100 carbs a day. and between .5-1.0 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. the rest of my calories come from fat! If you're going lower carb, you need something else to fill in those calories. I experienced a little bit of fatigue and re-routing of digestive system the first week. Once the body gets adjusted to it, you become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner. Cravings decrease because you're not eating the foods that trigger them!
  • tiffanysmummy
    I'm eating LCHF (low carb, high fat) and lost 15kg. I got to my goal weight very easily and then decided to add some carbs back in. Quickly I regained 3 kg. I've now decided to remain LCHF forever as I feel great and don't need to count calories while always feeling satisfied. I have no desire for breads, cakes etc as my body just doesn't crave them anymore.

    I recommend it as a lifestyle change, not a quick fix as you will put the weight back on if you don't stay with it.
    Me, me, I will do it too! I actually love low carb and will commit to a low carb lifestyle for a month (probably more). This site ... the breakdown when we chart ... is definitely not set up for it, but who cares?? I feel better when I go low carb because it evens out my sugar levels ... no ups and downs in my insulin levels so no sweats and nausea (I had a gastric bypass and I am sensitive to certain carb combos). Meat, veggies ... a piece of fruit occasionally, no bread and no sweets ... that's my goal. It works!