"I can make you thin", Paul McKenna

mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
Has anyone on here tried this? How did it work for you?


  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Yes and No.
    Not for me, you're supposed to sit and listen (often with eyes closed) to it everyday and - can't quite remember - but it's about 45 minutes long. Time better spent (1) doing exercise (2) cooking healthy food?
    Much of his philosophy is about re-engaging with your true hunger - eat when you're properly hungry and stop when you're full-ish.
    I'm not saying it wouldn't work for anyone, but I stuck with it for a few weeks and then gave up.
  • josie141
    josie141 Posts: 7
    hi i'm on day 3 of paul mckenna. I remember my sister talking about it years ago, i didn't take much notice at the time, but thinking back on it- she was a yo yo dieter like me. she used to go up and down in weight from a curvy size 14-16 to size 8. She now seems to have a really healthy relationship with food- leave what she dosn't want on the plate, healthy balanced meals which are often light- and has stayed at a healthy weight for years. she dosn't stuff her face like i do! I think paul mckennas programme caused this change in her, his system is meant to work for life. I thought it must be placebo effect, and didn't believe it would really work for me, but i gave it a go anyway after seeing a programme on tv about hypnosis last week. i don't want to speak too soon but for the past 3 days i've eaten around 1200 calories each day. i would normally find that such a struggle but it has been fine! the main things he teaches are to conciously enjoy every mouthful (concentrate on your food and listen to your body telling you when you've had enough). eat what you want when you want (as knowing your not allowed certain foods or having a calorie limit just makes you want it even more!) but always making sure you STOP eating when you begin to feel full. it sounds simple but for me i find that part extremely difficult, i have a compulsion to finish everything on my plate even when i don't want it atal! but i have been trying, and yestarday and today i left about a quater of my meal when i recognised i was full. It wasn't easy (even though i was full) sounds silly! Apparantly in a few weeks of practising his methods and listening to the cd daily, doing this will become natural, i won't even have to think about it I will do it autimatically. I really hope this works! I have been unhappy with my weight since the age of about 7, constantly on a diet or a binge, and I just want to find something that keeps me at a healthy weight for good. I will keep you posted if you like :-) then you can try. But you've got nothing to loose really- apart from about £5 on the book and CD.
    the calorie counter on myfitnesspal is also brilliant and i've lots weight using it before, but as soon as i feel a bit more comfortable with my weight i just pile it back on! i end up bigger than i was when i started the diet, i'm sure others can relate! anyway good luck and let me know if you decide to give it ago and maybe we could give each other tips :-) xx
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    I have decided to give this method a decent try, my mindset is the issue. For me comfort eating is a major problem and just hope the tapping techniques work to enable me to lose weight. Good luck all :smile:
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    Hey - how is it working out for you? I just bought the book and CD, it seems so simple that it actually makes sense....it IS all in the head.....so let's make the changes there! Good luck!!
  • AuntieGinge
    AuntieGinge Posts: 50 Member
    I read the book & although I didn't follow every practice the one that I do still try to do every time I eat, because it really makes a difference to the amount of food I eat, is the putting your knife & fork down between mouthfuls & not picking them up again until you've swallowed!
    I'm a guzzler, I can eat food so quick it's gone before others are even a quarter of the way through theirs, and then had the tendency to get seconds (sometimes thirds) because my stomach hadn't registered fullness with my brain, I then would end up feeling bloated/sick because of too much food (not to mention consuming waaaaaaaaaaay over a healthy amount of calories).

    I do try to focus on eating (no tv etc.) too.

    It's definitely worth a read even if you don't do every part of it - Good Luck!

  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    I used the CD religiously in 2007, it made a huge difference to my mindset, it made my diet and exercise seem really effortless and easy. I was a lot more confident about my body image too. I found it so beneficial.

    As with most hypnotic offerings, it will only work if you're open to the suggestion. I found it easier to use the CD once I'd learned to meditate (which I did with yoga) and eventually you start to look forward to your time with the CD as it's so nice, calming and peaceful.

    I dug it out last night as I wanted to start using it again to help with my motivation. I've transfered it onto my iPhone. It's 25 minutes long, so I listen to it when I go to bed just to relax me before I go to sleep. I woke up feeling wonderful today!