I don't want to die...



  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    You are one up on where I was at your age. At 26 I was half way through a decade of bulimia. It was the only way I knew to try and control my weight while my eating was totally out of control.
    You are on good company here.
    If you look back on your eating history, you will probably notice certain trigger foods that set you off.
    Recognizing a problem is the first step to dealing with it.
    If I can do that at nearly 2x your age, you should have no problem.:smokin:
  • MommaKit79
    I have accepted the fact that YES, I AM A FOODIE!!! I LOVE FOOD!!!! If someone makes something and it sounds good, I EAT IT!!! BUT, with the medical issues in my family, I know it is only a matter of time before they catch up to me and I want to be around to see my kids grow and my nieces/nephews grow!

    MAKE A SCHEDULE and dont buy any of the CRAP to keep in your house. I stopped eating fast food for a specified amount of time and now, when I eat it, it upsets my stomach!! AND, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, doesnt taste as good now! :-) ALSO, it may take some tweeking but, homemade food and CLEANER foods taste a whole heck of a lot better then processed foods.

    IT IS ROUGH, especially at the beginning! Find a workout regime you like, wether it is running, walking, goign to the gym, or doing workout DVDs in your home...find something you can LOVE/Enjoy to do. Then, the food issue wont be as bad...you wont want to "undo" what you have done with the workouts. Make a schedule and just give yourself time, like 2-4 weeks, to stick to it and see how you feel after it. If you like it, keep going, if not change your workout and try something else.

    Most people say FOOD ADDICTION is just a problem that hides something else but, I dont always believe that...I JUST LOVE FOOD!! You have made a public affirmation that you know your problem...now it is all about self control. I dont completely restrict myself on food, I just log it and try to limit it. NOW< my cravings and love for food are more toward the "better" foods and not so much the "bad" foods.

    GOOD LUCK and feel free to add me. I love motivating people!!! :-)
  • sydneyorbust
    i'm one of those people who love food! but decided to get healthy and didn't really want to die yet! health problems where statrting to show there ugly face and a friend told me about mfp. Step ! done..admit I need help and then.. let's do this. It is a lifestyle change not a diet.

    I'm down now 71 lbs in about 20 weeks and the change is noticable in all facts of my life.

    I'm telling you if I can do this anyone can..

    Add people as friends, feel free to add me, and you can see what others eat as suggestions and as motivation.
  • ellenhle
    nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it (*_*)
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. You also need a good support system. I think you have it here. This site, along with my other fave, Fitrocracy, has been a huge part of the success that I've had so far. Fitocracy by far has shown me the biggest level of support. It helps when the actual people in my real life try to make me feel bad for trying to get healthy.
  • Snoblin
    You can do this... stick with it! try a good diet - Rosemary Conley (Google it) does a really good diet where you can still eat all of the things you are used to, just alter your portion sizes..... you can lose around 14lb in the first month....
    Add me as a friend if you want - we can do it together :-)
    All the best and good luck,
    Kim :-))
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    It's not impossible, guy! You're young, you still have lots of time to turn the 'chronic-illness and early grave' bus around! Just stick with it and you'll see results soon! Sticking with it is really the key.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm 39, lost the weight....3 pounds until my goal...have kept it off for 2 years. You can do this...but it is a life style change NOT a diet, remember that. Do not give up, stay positive and driven and you will reach your goal!
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    You CAN do this!!!

    If all you do at first is log EVERYTHING you eat, that is a start. I knew things were not healthy for me. I knew things had a lot of calories. But you know what? I had NO CLUE how unhealthly and just how many calories! I was shocked.

    So I started slowly. I ate what I wanted just cut back to maybe 3/4 or 1/2 of what I used to eat. Then that became the "norm". Then I tried to replace all of the "fries" for example, with apple slices instead. Slowly.

    If I want something, I have it, just a small portion.

    And to be honest...my cravings for the "bad" things I had to slowly cut back on...are pretty much gone.

    Add me if you like.

    I had two kids in 15 months. I am just now losing the weight. My youngest? Is 9 and a half. LOL.

  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    if you're still here on this site - you have not accepted defeat. Leave the past in the past, starting today you can make good choices and soon the extra weight will be in the past too.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    It is NOT impossible!! There are so many people on here who can attest to that, who have posted their heartbreaks and their triumphs and all those awesome before and after photos!

    You know what you have to do. Make a commitment to yourself to LIVE, to be HEALTHY, to MOVE that body so you can be the best of YOU!!!

    You are not going to DIE, you are going to LIVE because from this day forward you are going to make good choices in what you eat and you are going to pick yourself up and change your attitude!!

    This is a journey and a lifestyle change and there is no better place to start than right here with people who know exactly what you are going through.

    Be good to your body and your body will be good to you :) Best of luck!!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    It is impossible if you never try.
    It is impossible if you accept defeat as the final outcome.
    It is impossible if you decide you cannot do this.

    That being said:
    My heaviest was 355 at the start of this year. I have had to roll with child #2 leaving home while I was in surgery for gall bladder removal, Child #1 deciding birth control was optional and now Im going to be a grammy in 2 weeks, and now foot surgery due for the end of this year which puts me totally off balance for how Ive been going about losing weight. Things have been in constant upheaval around my house, or so it feels like, and I am still being VERY successful with weight loss because it is far more important to me to not let life beat me down. I have FINALLY figured out that rolling with it and focusing on the big picture equals long term success and defeat is temporary, and you have GOT to get back up if you fall down.

    If I can lose, you can lose.
  • ElissaNP
    ElissaNP Posts: 19 Member
    I know how you feel.....I have a LOT of weight to lose and I don't want to have surgery to do it. I love to eat as well, but I have learned that I can eat like that 'ONCE IN A WHILE'....my eating life isn't over, it's just put on the back burner most days and weeks and saved for special events. Now I plan to have something wonderful later in the day, such as going our for a nice dinner. I don't deprive myself all the time, but I use common sense now (something new to me when it comes to food LOL)

    Please feel free to add me as a friend I can be pretty supportive, or I can be blunt tell you that you need to buckle down....and I'd appreciate the same honesty in return :-) Sometimes I need to have someone give me a shake LOL.
  • skconrad
    skconrad Posts: 10 Member
    Not impossible, as you see there are many of us here who had to start at one point. Just remember to start slow with a routine and eating that you can do and stick with. Starting out cold turkey and way too much will only burn you out and become impossible to keep up.
  • ElissaNP
    ElissaNP Posts: 19 Member
    Robin......... you're AMAZING! Please add me as a friend because I could really use someone like you.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    It is possible, its a lot of hard work, but it will be worth it in the end.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Also remember, you never fail till you stop trying!
  • ElissaNP
    ElissaNP Posts: 19 Member
    I agree SKConrad....... People come on and decide they are going to eat 1200 calories....if you 've been used to eating 3000 calories a day that isn't going to keep you on the wagon very long. Even if you started out at 2000 or 1800 you're going to lose...then change your goals after a few weeks and run with it for a bit before changing it again. You have to be able to live with it.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    It is not too late UNTIL you die. You can turn this around. You have to WANT it bad enough....HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

    I did it at the age of 38...35 lbs gone in 6 months; I could have dropped it faster had I been more dedicated at the beginning, but it's how fast you get there...it's about getting there.

    If you need support and motivation, feel free to Add me as a Pal. I will harrass you about eating your vegetables :smile: You should start by aiming for 5 servings of fruits & vegetables per day (at least 1/2 raw); then work your way up to 1/2 of your breakfast should be fruit (or vegetable or a combo) and 1/2 your lunch and 1/2 your supper/dinner should be vegetables (again at least 50% should be raw...this will help detox your body and move it from acidic to alkaline....most people's body's are very acidic from all the processed foods and this is the major cause of all illness and disease including cancer; changing your ph to be more alkaline you will see major improvements in your health -- guaranteed!)

    --- OH and make sure you eat ENOUGH calories...too few will slow your metabolism and hinder weight loss

    Read this ... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/512956-tdee-what-is-it-and-why-you-should-not-eat-below-your-bmr

    YOu may also want to look at the group -- http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3088-eating-for-future-you
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Not impossible at all... you love food, you don't have to give up food - for the time being you just need to control how much of it you have.

    I think one of the biggest mistakes a person can do is give up too much too fast - that is where failure comes in. You didn't develop the "unhealthy" habits over night, you cannot expect to get rid of them in that manner either.