Fed Up and need advise

actually I’m not really fed up, I’m puzzled. I was off to a great start, sticking to my calories and doing half hour on my exercise bike a day, seemed to be working. So I probably shouldn't have weighed myself every morning but it was such a boost to see it slowly ticking down every 0.01 lost was like a special hug, then without warning I apparently put on 5lb in a day, I was still sticking to my calories and doing the exercise so I guessed it might be water weight and decided not to beat myself up, take no notice and carry on, perhaps my scales were getting revenge for the extra use?? :) but since then I’ve not lost those extra lbs and I’ve put on another 2lb. I'm still sticking to my calories and if I go over I don’t go into my usual that’s it I’ve had enough only the chocolate can help me, I’m useless I can’t do this Blah Blah Blah. This time I’ve looked at what I’m doing and I’m still puzzled.

I eat around 1600 / 1700 calories a day and then burn around 1000 on the exercise bike. I no longer sit about waiting for life to happen, in the words of my friend, I’m acting like someone let the gate open and I’m going for it. I’m not a salad eater and I know if I try and deny myself anything I’ll just crave it, so I’ve become a label reader. What am I doing wrong??




  • TimeWarp9
    That is puzzling! How much time are we talking about with the 5 and then the 2 and no loss? A few weeks? A few days? A few questions I would ask if it were me...

    Is it that TOM?

    Have there been any high sodium meals? (when I go out for Chinese, I won't touch the scale for a couple of days because it would just be too discouraging!)

    Has anything happened to the scale?

    Just make sure you're getting enough water, pay attention to the types of calories you are eating - are you getting the proper macros...? and double check your tracking method to ensure that you are recording calories correctly. Otherwise, I'm at a loss!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you are weighing/measuring/logging food accurately, and you haven't gone over your calorie goals, then there's no way you've gained 7 lbs of fat. I'd say either your scales are faulty or need a new battery, or something is going on with water retention. Hormonal fluctuations can make you retain water, as can eating more sodium than usual, or more carbs than usual, or increasing the intensity of your exercise (particularly if your muscles are sore). Do you think any of that applies? If you want to open up your diary, people might be able to give more specific advice.

    One more thing: do you eat your exercise calories back? If not, and you're burning 1000 calories in exercise, you probably should be, as you're not leaving your body much to work with. MFP gives you a calorie goal based on no exercise, on the assumption that you log extra exercise and eat those calories back.

    If you are eating them back, then how are you calculating the calorie burn? 1000 calories seems like a lot - how long does it take you to burn that? If you are using the MFP database or your exercise bike to calculate those calories, you could be overestimating them and therefore accidentally overeating (although probably not to the tune of 7 lbs in 2 days).
  • missionPossibleIcan
    I would totally agree about the water weight... there is NO way you can put on that much weight in two days. Have you been taking in extra sodium or carbs? I only allow myself to get on the scale once a week and ONLY in the morning. Weight can go up and down 5 pounds in one day... it is all about what kind of foods you eat and if you are getting water in. Keep up what you are doing. Hide the scale!
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    That is puzzling! How much time are we talking about with the 5 and then the 2 and no loss? A few weeks? A few days? A few questions I would ask if it were me...

    Is it that TOM?

    Have there been any high sodium meals? (when I go out for Chinese, I won't touch the scale for a couple of days because it would just be too discouraging!)

    Has anything happened to the scale?

    Just make sure you're getting enough water, pay attention to the types of calories you are eating - are you getting the proper macros...? and double check your tracking method to ensure that you are recording calories correctly. Otherwise, I'm at a loss!

    I second the above, it doesn't make any sense if you are staying under your calorie goal AND exercising why you would be putting on weight, aside from water retention or TOM. Also I know your body can get used to the exercises you are doing, so maybe consider cycling every other day and then choosing another cardio/strength workout to mix things up and cause muscle confusion. Make sure you are getting plenty of water.
  • shannon2331
    You say your burning a 1000 calories in a half hour on your exercise bike..... that seems very high for a half hour.
  • mgreenham
    mgreenham Posts: 40 Member
    I agree with Shannon... 1000 cal burned is very hard to do period, much less in a 1/2 hr of bike riding.

    Did you know you can change the things tracked in your food section? You should add sodium. When I did I was SHOCKED at how much sodium is in seemingly healthy foods.

    I also agree with others that the scale may be misfiring... check your weight on another scale.

    Scales are the WORST MOTIVATOR... head down, eat and do right. The scale isn't your friend...
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I can't see your diary, but, I would have to guess sodium. On saturday I had a high sodium day, and I gained 2 pounds that night. I finally lost it this morning by watching my sodium the last few days and drinking a lot of water
  • OnionGirl7
    Thanks all. It was over a few days that I put it on. It's not TOM and I'm not a huge fan of too much salt so it's not that. If it is water weight which I am prone to it's not my usual as the first place I notice it is my fingers. I weight / measure about 95% if my eats so I don't think it's that either.

    I don't eat all my exercise calories, I tend to see how I feel and if I go over then I'm not beating myself up, also if I fancy fish and chips or pizza or wine I count it but know that if I really go over it's no big deal.

    My exercise bike is new and has a calorie counter on it and I really try and power it as I used to cycle everywhere and am looking to get back to that.

    My scales however are a few years old and are still on their first set of batteries. But my daughter uses them and she hasn't noticed a change in her weight.

    I will keep at it as this time I really really want it to work :) thank you all so much for your support it really is appreciated.
  • missionPossibleIcan
    My exercise bike is new and has a calorie counter on it and I really try and power it as I used to cycle everywhere and am looking to get back to that.

    You should never count what the equipment says unless you have a heart rate monitor. That is just a base read... I was super surprised that after I had my heart rate monitor that I was working not as hard as the equipment said... I burn 1000 calories when I run 10 miles.. Just saying.