Looking for friends



  • I'm new to this site looking for advice and friends to share this with.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Welcome! You can add me : )
  • Blown_Away1
    Blown_Away1 Posts: 123 Member
    You can add me! I'm for for support and motivation as well :) Anyone looking for extra support can add me
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
  • Yankees242
    Yankees242 Posts: 29 Member
    looking for friends too...

    I am on here everyday and looking to help motivate and stay positive.

    Add me. =)
  • Adding
  • glynts
    glynts Posts: 11
    Feel free to add me(:
    I'm new but active on MFP, and very supportive(:
  • I've been on here for a while but haven't really known how to get started finding friends. So...I'm looking, as well! Feel free to add me!
  • Rudeboy614
    Rudeboy614 Posts: 11 Member
    I don't have a thyroid problem, I have a snack problem. I'm always on here and am looking for support, suggestions, motivation as I try to get/stay fit.

    I'm adding everyone I see on this thread. Feel free to add me as well.
  • I am new too. Add me if you like.
  • mymonty
    mymonty Posts: 57 Member
    I'm also looking for friends to motivate, encourage and share! If that's you, please add me!
  • Yankees242
    Yankees242 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't have a thyroid problem, I have a snack problem. I'm always on here and am looking for support, suggestions, motivation as I try to get/stay fit.

    I'm adding everyone I see on this thread. Feel free to add me as well.

    I suffer from the Same thing. :-/
  • Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • 59orphan
    59orphan Posts: 16 Member
    Add me...and I will do the same.
  • Dr_sparky
    Dr_sparky Posts: 52 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • gallot
    gallot Posts: 6
    Thanks to everyone who added me if there is anyone I missed let me know, I am kinda
    overwhelmed as I didn't expect so many people to add me so I will try to keep up with all
    of you, it is great to have so much encouragement and help and I will do my best to do the
    same for you..!!