Falling out of love with MFP



  • zigeuner62
    From your profile:

    "We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, "

    Onward :)
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    small manageable goals that slowly add up to the big picture. Maybe it is logging every day for a week to then logging for 100 days. That all includes just doing it. Struggles are what make us human and why we are here in the first place. Decide it is your time and Just do it. and if you have a tough day, brush yourself off and start again !
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Sounds like you got bored.

    Mix it up and do something different. Moving around and raising your heart rate means losing weight and building muscle! running on a treadmill isnt fun and neither is the eliptical. Go out and buy yourself a basketball or soccer ball, find other people that are interested and do that once a week. If you're both working alot why dont you have a date night and go dancing together, that'll burn calories and get you both in the mood to burn some more later on!

    In terms of food if you're being too strict or eating the same kind of things you need to change that up. Put your calories onto maintenance if you want to eat some more for a while, staying the same weight is better than putting it back on! then when you're back in gear you can switch it back on and start losing again.

    Just dont give in. Maintain and switch it up at the very least ;-)
  • nancyaaa
    nancyaaa Posts: 64 Member
    Yeh I got bored with logging everyday too, was in a rut for almost 3 months. I have been back lately cos now I use the barcode scanner to log food with my phone MFP app. I'm a geek so it has kept my interest lol
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Two things:

    1. Nobody can do it for you.

    2. Your diet and exercise is one thing you CAN control when things are changing around you. Don't let the changing things control you.
  • Dreamer058
    After reading all the replies I feel like I can get remotivated and start again. I haven't been eating terrible but haven't been as good as I should be so staying the same. I was transferred at work and now drive a lot longer, family illness, additional obligations, you know how it goes. We can get back on track with a few changes. I intend to make those now. I will never give up again!! I know we all can do it. Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!
  • bricktowngal
    That's exactly how I felt but I came back and hopefully I will gain momentum and stay this time! Good luck to you too!
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    This my friend is so understandable...I was at that point not to long ago...Been here a while and the same love that I use to have wasn't there no more...My list was huge and I soon found out I really didn't need that many pals or some pals....I soon deactivated and came back after realizing this journey was about who from the beginning(ME) and that is when I got my drive back and now pushing towards new goals in a positive environment...came back with limited, supportive pals and has been on-going...Sometimes life along with cyber world can be over bearing and you need to briefly step back...But don't leave...there is hope of getting it back...
  • gaylelynnmc
    You know I totally understand how you feel...I have thought the same over the past few months...however...I know that this isn't just about having a ton of friends...this is about you...me...the individual person...sometimes this is the best way to do things when it comes to weight loss. I learned years ago that keeping a diary of all the food that goes in my mouth helps me...this is just such a great way to do it...and I love that I have friends on here that don't mind kicking my butt every once in a while...I really appreciate all their help along my way. In reality though it is you who has to be happy with how things are going...use this just to keep track of what you are eating and your exercise...it really is a huge help in the area...if you need someone to push, pull, or just to listen...I am there for you...feel free to add me...I know this is a struggle somedays....cheers, Gayle
  • gaylelynnmc
    P.S....routines change...just keeping track will help you in the long run...I am sure of this,,,trust me...I have lost up and down for years...this time I am staying put...and being here helps me!
  • Gilligan11
    Gilligan11 Posts: 17 Member
    Totally been there. For me, I had to fail for a while and deal with the consequences of my actions.... gaining 40 pounds in three months! I got back on track by relooking at what my goals were, why I wanted to do this in the first place and figure out if something was standing in my way which there was. I've done some counselling, journalling and searching out things that aid in my success which got me back on track. good luck!! I hope you find your passion again!