Very discouraged.

Alright, I have been doing so well lately, staying on track an losing about 1.5 pounds a week. But for the last few weeks, i have GAINED 3.2 pounds. I have no idea how. I know my weight fluctuates up to 4 pounds a day, so i usually weigh in the morning. The weight I fluctuate throughout the day is usually back down by morning. But this time, it hasn't gone down. I am getting discouraged by seeing the scale move in the wrong direction. I know for a fact that I have not eaten anything to make me gain. I have stayed at or below my calories, and if i do go over, its by 2 or 3 calories. It's so frustrating to be working so hard and not seeing any results. Then seeing someone who isn't working out or watching what they eat, and they drop ten pounds like it's nothing. I feel like I'm trying to convince myself it isn't worth doing if I am just going to stress all the time. I don't want to give up, but I'm afraid I'm going to. Blahhh!!


  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Have you updated your calorie goals since your weight loss?
    How much water do you drink?
    Any changes in exercise? Perhaps you need to increase activity.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Hi, you may have just hit a plateau. You may want to give the exercise and counting calories a break for a week, or so. As stupid as that sounds, your body may have gotten used to the amount your are putting in and putting out. Are you eating over 1200 calories? Do you drink 8 glasses of water? I have a blog (on another site) where I connect with men and women from all walks of life, and it seems when they are hitting plateaus, they always give their bodies a break, and once they pick it up again, they're golden. I hope I helped a little, I'm not a weight loss super star... not yet anyway. Lolz. Good luck!
  • ashlensmomma
    ashlensmomma Posts: 124 Member
    Yes my goals have been updated, I do not drink as much water as I should, that's something I am working on. My exercise is about the same as always, I walk and jog, and a couple days a week I do either aerobics or Dance.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    First thing don't worry about how much and how others are losing weight, you are doing this for you and you alone. I have a guy who started after me and so far he has lost almost twice as me and we started the same time, but I don't let that bother me but rather look at it as motivation.

    If you are gaining, then you are not documenting everything you eat, cause it's really simple math in the end of the day. Have you updated your calorie needs since you started dieting (the more weight you lose the less food you need)? are you eating back all of your exercise and that might be part of the reason (you might be over estimating)? I can't give you much more feedback with out seeing your diary but those questions can help you figure it out.
  • sandra152
    Iam just the same Iost 1st and every thing has slowed down even though i am doing more exersise trying not to weigh myself every day told my hubby to hide the scales I look at other peoples eating plans on this site and they even fit in the odd glass of wine and still lose weight I darn't do that Its not fair not had chocolate since June or crisps I eat lots of fruit instead Idont know where I am going wrong HELP PLEASE!!!!
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Are you tracking sodium? If you struggle with drinking enough water then going a little over on sodium (or for me a couple beers) can really pack on the water weight. I find that when my eating has been okay if I gain a few pounds it has to be water.

    If you feel this might be a plateau a few things that seem to help many are taking a break...go to maintenance calories or just little under for a week or two. Or switch up your exercise. If you usually do areobics and cardio try some weights I did a boot camp class that was great some cardio some body weight exercises (lunges air squats, push ups etc) really kicked my butt.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Alright, I have been doing so well lately, staying on track an losing about 1.5 pounds a week. But for the last few weeks, i have GAINED 3.2 pounds. I have no idea how. I know my weight fluctuates up to 4 pounds a day, so i usually weigh in the morning. The weight I fluctuate throughout the day is usually back down by morning. But this time, it hasn't gone down. I am getting discouraged by seeing the scale move in the wrong direction. I know for a fact that I have not eaten anything to make me gain. I have stayed at or below my calories, and if i do go over, its by 2 or 3 calories. It's so frustrating to be working so hard and not seeing any results. Then seeing someone who isn't working out or watching what they eat, and they drop ten pounds like it's nothing. I feel like I'm trying to convince myself it isn't worth doing if I am just going to stress all the time. I don't want to give up, but I'm afraid I'm going to. Blahhh!!

    Mine did this a couple of weeks ago. My morning weight went up and stayed up for 3 to 4 days. But now it is back down, and even lower. IF you haven't changed the way you eat or exercise, this is probably something that is going to work itself out (like water gain). I know it is hard, but try not to stress. You are probably just fine.
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
    Don't give up. It most likely is water weight like others have mentioned. I weight myself daily and can gain/ lose 5 pounds or more from day to day. For me a big part of it is just remembering to stay the course and making sure that I am trying to get enough water and avoiding sodium.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    Do everything you are doing but put away the scale for a month. If you don't see weight loss, inches lost at the one month mark, then change something. Don't be discouraged and don't quit. Be patient and stop weighing. I had to stop because I hated the way the scale would change my mood from a happy place to a frustrated one. It helps nothing.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    it doesnt mean anything at all... keep going.
  • AnnefromMiss
    um...are you pregnant? :happy: :devil:

    I would say, stop weighing yourself for at least a week, if not two. Watch the sodium. Try a different exercise. Oh and allow yourself a treat once in a while. Plus, keep your cycle in mind, it can wreak havoc on your weight for up to a week before.

    Don't give up, the alternative is not pretty or fun. :ohwell:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    It could also be that you need to consider increasing the intensity in your exercise. Over time, as our bodies become more efficient, we can carry out the same workout with less calories burned. Are you using a HRM to calculate your burn? Have you updated your weight on it? Try changing things up. Are you getting lots of protein? Aim for 1g per pound of body weight (it's hard to get to at first - I still find it hard to get to 160) but try aiming for it. What is your exercise? Do you lift weights? Try adding in strength training if you aren't already.
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Are you having issues with constipation? If so then your seeming weight gain may be due to not having a BM for a while. If you think this is the case then make sure you are drinking plenty of water along with getting your fibre and the right amount of the healthier fats.

    Disregard if you are completely regular.
  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    Have you considered getting a heart monitor watch? It really tells you exactly how many calories you're burning---it's been really helpful for me!
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    It's just water retention, don't worry about it. Sometimes my horomones makes my weight jump up dramatically for up to 3 weeks and then suddenly it is all off plus some. Just keep it up with your good eating and exercise and drink plenty of water. I know how discouraging it can be, but, trust me, you'll be fine and back on track in no time.
  • Angelrica
    Angelrica Posts: 14 Member
    Have you tried spinning? It works wonders, I have lost a lot of weight. I do not like weighing myself, I would rather measure myself and how my clothes fit. Sometimes the scale can be mean lol. Good Luck and I know you can reach your goals.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Am going to give you some advice whether you take it on board or not it is up to you?

    If you are truly logging everything??? and are stuck??? You are in the calorie in/calorie out thing?

    Then, try this for 2 weeks OK??

    Go really over on protein for 2 to 4 days with low carbs (still eat some carbs)

    For 1 day try to eat mostly carbs ( you will find it impossible to not eat any protein)

    Add your normal exercise, the more the better!

    Rinse and repeat lol!
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Iam just the same Iost 1st and every thing has slowed down even though i am doing more exersise trying not to weigh myself every day told my hubby to hide the scales I look at other peoples eating plans on this site and they even fit in the odd glass of wine and still lose weight I darn't do that Its not fair not had chocolate since June or crisps I eat lots of fruit instead Idont know where I am going wrong HELP PLEASE!!!!

    You are likely to lose at a slower pace as you go along. The only thing for that is patience and just keep doing what you are doing.

    If you are stuck on a plateau or are gaining weight then there are lots of good suggestions in this tread and many other threads from people who have found themselves in the same situation.

    I haven't looked at your food diary, but note from your post that you are substituting fruit for chocolate and wine. I find that eating lots of fruit always knocks my sugar over the "limit". Some will say that sugar doesn't count if it comes from fruit, but since you are looking for suggestions you could try to cut back on the fruit and look to veggies instead (look for the lower sugar veggies - try researching low GI foods). Also, maybe try having a "cheat" day here and there where you allow yourself some indulgence. I hear that doing that sometimes kick starts the weight loss back into gear and it seems to have worked for me once or twice.
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    I think its time to "shake things up" with both your food and exercise. It sounds like most of your exercise is cardio, try adding strength training 2-3 times per week. All you need is a resistance band or some hand weights - here is a link to a list of different resistance band exercises and videos showing you how to do them.

    I focus on my weekly MFP totals so that day-to-day I may have a day where I'm over by 200-300 calories and another day where I'm under by the same amount. I try to net out to even but I think the variety keeps my metabolism from getting stuck. Also, if you've been eating the same food try some new recipes!

    Bottom line, if you are buring more calories than you are eating you will lose weight. I plateaued for about 4 months and then managed to lose another 7# by staying focused and on track.

    Good luck!
  • c_manda1
    c_manda1 Posts: 11 Member
    Don't back down! I get discouraged immediately because I'm soooo impatient. Just keep doing what you're doing .Try adding a few minutes to your work out or an extra lap at the track. "Just keep swimming"