Aw-Yeah Moments

I had an aw-yeah moment last Saturday. I went to Cedar Point with friends for our yearly visit and I was able to sit in the seat for Millennium Force and have some slack in the restraint belt. Anyone who has gone to CP can attest that it all depends on your thighs more than your waist for 2 of the roller coasters. I have always had a larger thigh area, but the difference from last year to this year was big enough to notice. Last year I was able to go on with a "Suck it in and sit at a funny angle to buckle" maneuver, but this year was very relaxing. Apparently other people have noticed as well. My girlfriend and I went bowling on Sunday and when I sat down after a frame she said, "You really have lost some of your butt." My reply was, "Well I really don't want to find it again." I know I still have a ways to go, but it's the little things that make the difference.

Anyone else have an uplifting experience recently that serves as motivation?


  • grey_leopard
    Dude that is awesome! Keep it up.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    My most recent Aw-Yeah moment is when I touched my butt and thighs and felt the tightness from the heavy lifting. Made me feel strong and sexy :) AWWWWW-YEAHHHHHHHH!
  • ASarioglou
    ASarioglou Posts: 11 Member
    I am a college student. My math lecture is the only class I have that is located in one of the older lecture halls. The chairs were from the 60's so they are small. I usually have to push my butt down in the chairs and when class is over I have trouble getting up. Lol the chairs are no longer screwed to the floor so I end up picking it up with my hips. Today I sat down without my hips touching the arms of the chair and popped right up when lecture was over. I didn't even realize until I got halfway to the door. So I sat back down just to make sure I wasn't going crazy and I wasn't. ****Happy Dance****
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    My most recent Aw-Yeah moment is when I touched my butt and thighs and felt the tightness from the heavy lifting. Made me feel strong and sexy :) AWWWWW-YEAHHHHHHHH!
    ...... I'd say something, buuuuut

    Anyway, congrats man! My most recent Aw-Yeah moment was probably when I threw on a pair of 34 jeans. Considering I was around a 38 a few months ago. Still tight in the thigh region, but that's because I have massive legs from 11 years of football (American, NOT soccer!)
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    My most recent Aw-Yeah moment is when I touched my butt and thighs and felt the tightness from the heavy lifting. Made me feel strong and sexy :) AWWWWW-YEAHHHHHHHH!
    ...... I'd say something, buuuuut

    Anyway, congrats man! My most recent Aw-Yeah moment was probably when I threw on a pair of 34 jeans. Considering I was around a 38 a few months ago. Still tight in the thigh region, but that's because I have massive legs from 11 years of football (American, NOT soccer!)

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