Anyone else have an insatiable appetite?

I feel like no matter how much I eat I am always hungry. Anyone else have that problem? I am trying to lose these last 8-10lbs but my body doesn’t want to function on 1500 cals a day. I’m happiest at around 2000 (if not more). So how am I supposed to keep full and lose weight based on that? I eat plenty of nuts, protein, and fiber, try to drink 60-80 oz of water a day. What else can I do? And if I try to hold off eating when Im hungry, the hunger pains get so bad that I binge. Like last night, I tried and tried to wait for dinner to finish cooking and thanks to my 3 year old son there was an opened bag of cookies right there and before I knew it I devoured them! I don’t even know how many I ate. Then of course I felt guilty, ate my dinner and went to bed at 845 feeling depressed. Help! Any constructive feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    Do you eat any exercise calories back? Is 1500 your net?
    I could have written this post myself! I have 10lbs to go and I also have a 2 1/2 year old who has snacks that get me in trouble... I also feel a lot better around 2000, but I don't lose.
    Honestly, that hungry feeling never goes away for me. Some times I have the will power to ignore it, some times I don't. I could eat salads and vegetables all day long, as people recommend since they are lower and calories. I drink 120 oz of water per day. I know that I will never be one of those people who feels satisfied with a portion size of something.
    One thing that helps me slightly to curb my appetite is green tea or any tea. If I am cooking or waiting for something to cook, I try to drink a cup of tea.
    I just feel like feeling hungry is something I have to live with.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think sometimes people forget that it's OK to be hungry now and again. Unless you're so hungry to the point you're going to faint or you have the shakes, it's ok to be a little hungry and wait for the next snack or meal. 2000 calories is a lot, so I'm not sure how you can be hungry on that!! Lol
    Maybe keep some veggies around ya!! Carrot sticks, cucumbers, broccoli..something with minimal calories that you can munch on whenever you get the hunger pains!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you only have 8-10 lbs left to lose, your deficit should be about 250 calories below TDEE, which is half a lb of weight loss per week.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Exercise a little more, so you can eat a little more.

    Without being able to see your diary, I'm also going to suggest tinkering with your macros, namely eating more protein and low calorie vegetables.
  • I think you're feeling sugar cravings more than anything else, and you need to reset that craving. Try to eat things with more protein and fiber, so they fill you up longer. And although it's tough with kids around, I'm sure, try not to keep the overly tempting stuff in the house. If it's not immediately available, you're much less likely to binge on it. 'If you're trying to eat more healthy, maybe your kids can help by eating healthier themselves, and trying not to keep the sugary foods on hand.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    More unsaturated fats. Perhaps you should eat at maintenance for awhile. Then cut only 300 calories from your maintenance calories. Realize that the last few pounds are going to take the longest.
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    Do you eat any exercise calories back? Is 1500 your net?
    I could have written this post myself! I have 10lbs to go and I also have a 2 1/2 year old who has snacks that get me in trouble... I also feel a lot better around 2000, but I don't lose.
    Honestly, that hungry feeling never goes away for me. Some times I have the will power to ignore it, some times I don't. I could eat salads and vegetables all day long, as people recommend since they are lower and calories. I drink 120 oz of water per day. I know that I will never be one of those people who feels satisfied with a portion size of something.
    One thing that helps me slightly to curb my appetite is green tea or any tea. If I am cooking or waiting for something to cook, I try to drink a cup of tea.
    I just feel like feeling hungry is something I have to live with.

    Sometimes I try not to eat back my exercise cals but those tend to be the days Im hungriest. I changed my settings in MFP back to sedentary (i have a desk job) just so i could eat my exercise calories lol because when it was set to active (which was accounting for my workouts) I was still eating my exercise cals anyway. I was hoping for a magic pill. I tried looking for a fiber supplement (which was recommended in Jiliian Michaels 30 day shred) but I couldnt find anything with a significant amount of fiber. Besides the pharmiscist just said I would poo more often with a fiber supplement.

    I used to drink green tea at night. I will start doing that again. Thanks!
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    Do you eat any exercise calories back? Is 1500 your net?
    I could have written this post myself! I have 10lbs to go and I also have a 2 1/2 year old who has snacks that get me in trouble... I also feel a lot better around 2000, but I don't lose.
    Honestly, that hungry feeling never goes away for me. Some times I have the will power to ignore it, some times I don't. I could eat salads and vegetables all day long, as people recommend since they are lower and calories. I drink 120 oz of water per day. I know that I will never be one of those people who feels satisfied with a portion size of something.
    One thing that helps me slightly to curb my appetite is green tea or any tea. If I am cooking or waiting for something to cook, I try to drink a cup of tea.
    I just feel like feeling hungry is something I have to live with.

    Sometimes I try not to eat back my exercise cals but those tend to be the days Im hungriest. I changed my settings in MFP back to sedentary (i have a desk job) just so i could eat my exercise calories lol because when it was set to active (which was accounting for my workouts) I was still eating my exercise cals anyway. I was hoping for a magic pill. I tried looking for a fiber supplement (which was recommended in Jiliian Michaels 30 day shred) but I couldnt find anything with a significant amount of fiber. Besides the pharmiscist just said I would poo more often with a fiber supplement.

    I used to drink green tea at night. I will start doing that again. Thanks!

    FYI the magic pill part was a JOKE!
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    I think sometimes people forget that it's OK to be hungry now and again. Unless you're so hungry to the point you're going to faint or you have the shakes, it's ok to be a little hungry and wait for the next snack or meal. 2000 calories is a lot, so I'm not sure how you can be hungry on that!! Lol
    Maybe keep some veggies around ya!! Carrot sticks, cucumbers, broccoli..something with minimal calories that you can munch on whenever you get the hunger pains!

    No Im hungry at 1500 cals. Im happy at 2000! :happy:
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I feel like no matter how much I eat I am always hungry. Anyone else have that problem? I am trying to lose these last 8-10lbs but my body doesn’t want to function on 1500 cals a day. I’m happiest at around 2000 (if not more). So how am I supposed to keep full and lose weight based on that? I eat plenty of nuts, protein, and fiber, try to drink 60-80 oz of water a day. What else can I do? And if I try to hold off eating when Im hungry, the hunger pains get so bad that I binge. Like last night, I tried and tried to wait for dinner to finish cooking and thanks to my 3 year old son there was an opened bag of cookies right there and before I knew it I devoured them! I don’t even know how many I ate. Then of course I felt guilty, ate my dinner and went to bed at 845 feeling depressed. Help! Any constructive feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

    I never quite conquer hunger. About the best I can do is manage it. I am almost always hungry no matter what I do. I've tried everything. Hunger is my nearly constant companion.
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    I think you're feeling sugar cravings more than anything else, and you need to reset that craving. Try to eat things with more protein and fiber, so they fill you up longer. And although it's tough with kids around, I'm sure, try not to keep the overly tempting stuff in the house. If it's not immediately available, you're much less likely to binge on it. 'If you're trying to eat more healthy, maybe your kids can help by eating healthier themselves, and trying not to keep the sugary foods on hand.

    Im sugar cravings have EVERYTHING to do with it as I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I typically dont buy cookies but it was an impulse buy at the register. :grumble:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    Eat a crapload of protein-rich foods. Grilled meat. LOTS OF MEAT. MEAT FOR BREAKFAST. MEAT FOR DESSERT.

  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    Exercise a little more, so you can eat a little more.

    Without being able to see your diary, I'm also going to suggest tinkering with your macros, namely eating more protein and low calorie vegetables.

    Ive tried watching macros but I always seem to fail at the right balance. I even have a pie chart staring me down right now at my desk!
  • I agree with you if I don't feel full after eating or getting hungry whilst tea is cooking then I also have cups of tea which puts a full feeling in my stomach which really helps to push those hunger pains to one side :-)
  • Yep, that's why they put them there at the register. It's all an evil plot against us.

    UNITE! Fight the evil grocery gods that are trying to make you gain weight!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Only for... never mind.

    I find that sugar is a HUGE hunger trigger for me and avoid it like the plague. I'm generally eating at a 750-1000 cal deficit.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    I have heard that getting an adequate amount of sleep each night can help curb hunger. My guess is that if you have a 2 1/2 year old you might not be getting enough sleep! :-)
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member

    I do... when I eat chilli, so it would make sense to avoid chilli right?

    Nope, no siree... I LOVE chilli, without chilli I would die, the hotter and stronger the better, the more chilli I eat the more I want, and it must be substantial... not like can't chew it... I NEED to chew the hell outta the chilli... like a compelling story or pringles! Once you pop you can't stop! Or was that virgins? Anyway you get the point!

    Chilli is my weakness I can avoid and not eat without an issue... introduce chilli, and I'm a monster with chilli on this, chilli on that, heck I love chilli wine or chocolate... :/ Hell... as long as it is spicy I guess I would eat it.

    Ate maggots in Thailand, grasshoppers too, and even some frog in their bar made stew!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Perhaps you could divide your calorie budget differently than you do now. I find that I stay satisfied on 1350 calories divided somewhat evenly into 4 separate meals approximately 3 hours apart. I'm hungry by the next meal for sure, but the meal of around 330-340 calories satisfies the hunger.

    Another thought - maybe it isn't really food that you're hungry for. I've gotten myself into trouble with that one, feeling so hollow inside, eating until I was stuffed to the point of misery, never filling it. I needed something, but it wasn't food. I'm still working that out.
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    to be honest i find that i only lose weight if i' exepriencing hunger for a decent proportion of the day! I make it bearable in that last hour or so before a meal with a cup of tea or diet coke. I'm very busy and work 11 hour days though so i guess that helps.