Anyone else have an insatiable appetite?



  • JudithNYC
    JudithNYC Posts: 80 Member
    Are you getting enough calcium. I read somewhere that it helps. I don't know if it's true or not but I have tried getting my 100% calcium requirements from skim milk and lowfat yogurt and it has made a difference. MIght be the placebo effect but who cares. I am not shaking when I make dinner.
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    I have heard that getting an adequate amount of sleep each night can help curb hunger. My guess is that if you have a 2 1/2 year old you might not be getting enough sleep! :-)

    thats why I went to bed at 845 to stop me from myself. But yes a young child and a BF who snores like a bear does interfere with my quality of sleep. sigh
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Sounds like you could be addicted to food
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    for food?
  • i have those days where i can eat everything in sight and still feel hungry. i am trying a 1400 calorie now and i seem to always go over a bit on protien and fat, trying to find a balance but it is hard. right now im starving and cant wait for supper lol. i guess it takes time to figure it all out. good luck to you
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Think it's possible that the reason you're eating too much calories is due to stress and you're trying to soothe your stress away with a comfort food? I have 2 kids, and when I was worried sick about controlling their behavior I would eat 3 times as much food as I do now. The change? I stopped controlling the kids ;)
  • If you only have 8-10 lbs left to lose, your deficit should be about 250 calories below TDEE, which is half a lb of weight loss per week.
    oh awesome, thx
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    It's funny that while I was losing, 1600 calories was easy. But now that I'm on maintenance for the time being, I can't see how I did 1600 for so long! I usually wish I had more than 2000. lol. And to the person who said 2000 is a lot, I disagree! :wink:

    I'm trying to work on lifting/strength training now and hopefully I'll lose a little bit of body fat. After a while, I might go on a calorie deficit again.

    But I'm with ya, I feel like I could eat 2400 everyday :wink:
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    It's funny that while I was losing, 1600 calories was easy. But now that I'm on maintenance for the time being, I can't see how I did 1600 for so long! I usually wish I had more than 2000. lol. And to the person who said 2000 is a lot, I disagree! :wink:

    I'm trying to work on lifting/strength training now and hopefully I'll lose a little bit of body fat. After a while, I might go on a calorie deficit again.

    But I'm with ya, I feel like I could eat 2400 everyday :wink:

    AMEN! lol
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    I'm always's just that I like food!! But, as others have said, it is okay to be truly hungry. When you get hungry, eat lean protein and veggies. It works for me every time!!
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    If you only have 8-10 lbs left to lose, your deficit should be about 250 calories below TDEE, which is half a lb of weight loss per week.
    oh awesome, thx

    ya Im probably striving too low. But according to MFP (and we all know its not the golden grail) I should be eating 1450 cals a day with a sedentary lifestyle ( i have a desk job). Now I know based on that I could eat back exercise cals but even on the days I dont workout, 1450 just doesnt seem to be enough. Ill try to figure out what my TDEE really is and just subract 250 per day. Thanks.
  • BH_Holl
    BH_Holl Posts: 55 Member
    Have you thought about taking a break for a couple of weeks and eating at maintenance? Whenever I have been dieting hard for an extended period of time, eventually my body fights back and my hunger really intensifies. It doesn't seem to calm down until I have eaten at maintenance for one to two weeks and then I can drop calories again and start losing without the hunger.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    Eat a crapload of protein-rich foods. Grilled meat. LOTS OF MEAT. MEAT FOR BREAKFAST. MEAT FOR DESSERT.


    :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Before MFP, I was hungry all the time. I always had snacks everywhere just in case of hungry. Now that I understand nutrition better and have been eating better, I have found that I am rarely hungry, except when it's almost mealtime.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    If you only have 8-10 lbs left to lose, your deficit should be about 250 calories below TDEE, which is half a lb of weight loss per week.
    oh awesome, thx

    ya Im probably striving too low. But according to MFP (and we all know its not the golden grail) I should be eating 1450 cals a day with a sedentary lifestyle ( i have a desk job). Now I know based on that I could eat back exercise cals but even on the days I dont workout, 1450 just doesnt seem to be enough. Ill try to figure out what my TDEE really is and just subract 250 per day. Thanks.

    Try this:
  • Quibeful
    Quibeful Posts: 29 Member
    Hunger to a degree is good, but it is also your body's way of saying that it is in need of food. I have noticed that after a few days of eating appropriately, I want to feast like a beast. I say eat back a predetermined amount of calories and see if that helps. It won't hurt you in the long run and you will feel good instantaneous! Be moderately happy...COMPLETE happiness is overated! at least when you are "dieting".
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member

    Eat a crapload of protein-rich foods. Grilled meat. LOTS OF MEAT. MEAT FOR BREAKFAST. MEAT FOR DESSERT.


    This^ but with lots of healthy fat too. 65% of my food is fat.

    Since I stopped eating grains, legumes, sugar, etc. I no longer have food cravings or need to binge. Never. I eat terrific, fatty, filling, home-cooked foods and do not feel that I am "suffering" or "restricted". No urge to binge whatsoever. In fact, I usually have to eat at night just to get my calories up to goal. It's so great to not be hungry all the time!

    I have a child too. And the way I think about it is: if it's unhealthy for me, it's unhealthy for her too. So I no longer buy junk. She gets enough unhealthy food at her school and daycare; I can't do much about that but I can control what I bring into the house.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Try eating lots of small meals rather than 3 big meals.

    If you have a sweet tooth and think that it may just be those cravings causing the hunger then try having things like low cal instant hot chocolate drinks to give you the chocolate hit without the calories.

    Exercise in the evenings then have a snack like a protein bar or banana after to refill. That should keep you going till bed then you can sleep till your next meal and not need more food :D

    I heard somewhere that sometimes our bodies think we're hungry when we're actually thirsty, no idea if it's true or not but I've been keeping a bottle of water with me at all times and sipping from it regularly and it seems to be helping.

    Have low cal but really filling veg like mushrooms to bulk up your meals. One of my faves is mushroom omelette. 100g of mushrooms is something silly like 16 cals so you can go wild, I then have 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites and . use the spray oil stuff, I think a whole egg is about 100 cals and the white is about 25 so for under 200 calories you have a big plate of food.

    That's my 2 cents anyway :laugh:
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Do you eat any exercise calories back? Is 1500 your net?
    I could have written this post myself! I have 10lbs to go and I also have a 2 1/2 year old who has snacks that get me in trouble... I also feel a lot better around 2000, but I don't lose.
    Honestly, that hungry feeling never goes away for me. Some times I have the will power to ignore it, some times I don't. I could eat salads and vegetables all day long, as people recommend since they are lower and calories. I drink 120 oz of water per day. I know that I will never be one of those people who feels satisfied with a portion size of something.
    One thing that helps me slightly to curb my appetite is green tea or any tea. If I am cooking or waiting for something to cook, I try to drink a cup of tea.
    I just feel like feeling hungry is something I have to live with.

    Sometimes I try not to eat back my exercise cals but those tend to be the days Im hungriest. I changed my settings in MFP back to sedentary (i have a desk job) just so i could eat my exercise calories lol because when it was set to active (which was accounting for my workouts) I was still eating my exercise cals anyway. I was hoping for a magic pill. I tried looking for a fiber supplement (which was recommended in Jiliian Michaels 30 day shred) but I couldnt find anything with a significant amount of fiber. Besides the pharmiscist just said I would poo more often with a fiber supplement.

    I used to drink green tea at night. I will start doing that again. Thanks!

    you are MEANT to eat back exercise calories to some extent. MFP builds a deficit into your calorie range, then you exercise and your body doesn't have enough fuel to take care of daily needs.

    When I first started, it was HARD to stay in my calorie range. But lately it isn't as hard. I eat lots and lots of protein--I aim for 100g or more per day. Eggs, soy bacon, and cottage cheese or greek yogurt for breakfast. dinner leftovers or salads for lunch. Meat and veg for dinner. Almost never eat bread, make my sandwiches on low carb/high fiber tortillas ( 12g fiber each).

    It takes great effort to eat more than about 1800 calories MAX. A few times I have managed to eat over 2400 calories.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I'm the same way. I am starving about every other day. One day I'm fine can stay on track, the next I could lick the wall paper off the walls. Probably why I am losing so slowly anymore. I too am tring to lose about 5 to 7 lbs more. My body seems really happy where it is at. I wish I had a remedy for this hunger appetite thing. I wish I didn't crave the wrong things too. Some one suggested drinking tea. I do that ocassionally, and it does seem to help curb my appetite some especially at night when I want to snack or I feel like I am getting hungry again. Sometimes a protein shake will do the trick too. But again that is adding calories when they are not wanted. I feel your frustration! I'll be interested in peoples suggestions as well....