50 need to lose 40

Greetings everyone!

I am a 50 year old female and I am hoping to drop 40 - 45 pounds. I'm 5'5" and currently a strapping 172. I just found this site today. The goal calculator says I need to be on a 1200 calorie diet right along with so many of you.

I am hoping to pick up some support buddies to keep me motivated. I'll cheer you on if you'll do the same for me. Sadly, I'm not very tech savvy. If you agree to be MFP it may take me a day or two to figure out how to become friends, but I'll hang in there until I can make it work.

I am tired of my back and knees hurting, having a closet full of clothes I love but can't wear and don't even get me started on back fat! Lets do this thing together : )


  • tigs728
    tigs728 Posts: 18 Member
    HI there, pretty much the same as you at 54 years with about 40 to lose. I have a wardrobe of gorgeous clothes that I want to get back into. And I am OVER the sore knees which I am sure is because of the extra weight. I am 5'5", currently 175 lb, and and been logging food and exercise on here for a good two weeks now. I am on 1200 cals and eating back the calories from exercise. The best thing is I feel I am in the groove now and started reading the posts here. SO encouraging to read people's journey's. And good to meet you on here. Have a great day!
  • VerucaSult
    VerucaSult Posts: 35 Member
    Love your name... I'm 40 with, ummm well, LOTS to lose! This site has been an awesome motivator! Good luck and add me if you want to!
  • gpteran
    gpteran Posts: 37
    Hi mustangmonie... Like you I'm in my 50's (just turned 54 this September) I've lost 30 lbs so far and looking to lose 15 lbs now. I did it I know you can do it! Friend me and I'll help keep you motivated!
  • meonpc
    meonpc Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there. I'd be thrilled to be your weight-loss buddy. I am 55 and my goal is to lose 30 pounds. I started at 167 and have lost 5 since joining last month. I am constantly on here reading the "success stories" to help my motivation, and I know that having some MFP friends would be even better!
  • want2lose20now
    want2lose20now Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Gals! I am also new to MFP. I am 55 yr. woman,who has had some serious health issue's the last two years (Graves disease) I need to lose 35-40 lbs. I am very motivated to be healthy, feel good, and look good! I would love some dedicated friends who are serious about their health and weight loss :) I'm not sure how to add people. Have a great day!