Fatigue and cravings

I've noticed when I'm tired from not getting enough quality sleep, I am constantly hungry. Do you have that problem? How do you curb the hunger pangs?

Thanks :)


  • pattimelz
    pattimelz Posts: 8 Member
    Yep my doctor said I need to eat more lean protein.
  • IrshRnr56
    IrshRnr56 Posts: 47 Member
    Yes! And I've heard on the news that tired people tend to want carbs, which provide a quick but short lasting, boost to wake you up. The trouble is, when the sugar is absorbed, the level drops and you're back to feeling really tired.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    With me, I always thought overeating when I was tired, was just a way to keep busy and keep awake. I've started sipping herbal teas all day to keep my mouth busy rather than eating. It seems to be working so far!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I get cravings when I'm tired too. I just tough it out or have a coffee until I can take a nap or go to bed early.