Beach Penguin is in the Kitchen!

Hi, Everyone!

I am back at this site after many months away. I have been in mourning for some months now and it has taken a toll on my eating and weight, lately. So, I am here to get a handle on that again!

I have always been very in tune with what are whole foods, or what I now have learned to call, clean eating! For about 6 years now, since overcoming a terrible sickness, I have focused on things like cooking from scratch and blood detoxing. Lately, I have become a raw or living foods enthusiast, I am experimenting with vegetarian cuisine, seed and bean sprouting and making my own homemade oils, butters and breads. And, I love to make soups in the crock pot!

I live alone, which gives me the time and space to do these projects but I face a big challenge, I need to learn how to eat alone! :ohwell:

I hope no one on MFP gets too annoyed with my FYI-posting. I have gained so much information about nutrition and cooking from my mom, that I just feel I have to share it! She shared it with me!

Enjoy Living!
