5:2 diet newbie - suppport wanted please!!!


Now that my holiday is out of the way, thought it was about time I decided to shift some weight before Christmas. A colleague told me about the 5:2 diet and thought i'd give it a try. If anyone has any recipes they wish to share, i would be grateful as I only have couple at the moment and I would be happy to hear how anybody else is coping on this diet too.




  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member

    I'm new too, on my day 5, please add me for motivation and support :flowerforyou: x
  • jazzypom
    jazzypom Posts: 13 Member
    I've been doing well with 5:2 actually. I lost about eight pounds with it in quick succession. But due to hormones and *that time* I'm plateauing (just ten pounds to go!), so I'm just going to eat normally (not crazy) for ten days, take a break and go back on it again.

    I don't really have any recipes. On my fast day it goes like this:

    Breakfast: egg and unsweetened mint tea

    Lunch: 1 oz almonds, as much water as I can drink

    Dinner: My recipes tend to be veggie - like chickpea fajitas, or soups

    On fast days I do try and go to bed early.
  • Thanks Jazzypom for the advice - I think I too will have early nights on my fasting days.

    My first day is tomorrow - not sure yet what to do for breakfast - i'll probably start with a green tea and maybe a poached egg. One of my colleagues has porridge (oats so simple) but made with water - I don't think I could do that!!!
  • Eddie274
    Eddie274 Posts: 156
    You can all add me if you like, and educate me as to what this 5:2 diet is about. I'll support you anyway, even if we're on different diets. We're all trying to lose weight.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm thinking of starting this tomorrow. :-)
  • CaseyAllyssa
    CaseyAllyssa Posts: 19 Member
    I've never heard of the 5:2 diet before. What is it?
  • Thanks Jazzypom for the advice - I think I too will have early nights on my fasting days.

    My first day is tomorrow - not sure yet what to do for breakfast - i'll probably start with a green tea and maybe a poached egg. One of my colleagues has porridge (oats so simple) but made with water - I don't think I could do that!!!
    What do you normally eat? check the calories on it and if it's under 400 you should eat it. The more normally you can eat the easier it is. I find I am eating fairly normally but I eat less of what I used to eat and cut out potato chips and chocolate bars. I still have treats, just not every day! I either have 2pcs of ww toast and tbsp of peanut butter, a western sandwich or some other egg dish for breakfast everyday.
  • Tdaughtersmom
    Tdaughtersmom Posts: 38 Member
    What is 5:2?
  • kvachon
    kvachon Posts: 24 Member
    What kind of diet is this? Would love some info
  • tlmitchell70
    tlmitchell70 Posts: 23 Member
    Never heard if 5:2
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    Oats with water is very good. If you are allowed, you may want to put a sprinkle of cinnamon on it. Not sure if you are allowed fruit, but that is another option...cut up an apple and throw it in before you put it in the microwave. I love having porridge because it really does give me sustenance for the day!
  • for2day
    for2day Posts: 209 Member
    For those asking what the diet is - this is how wikipedia describes it - hope this helps!!

    The 5:2 diet, also written as 5/2 diet, is a diet which involves severe calorie restriction for two days a week and normal eating the other five days.

    The diet involves very low calorie restriction for two days a week and allows normal eating for the other five days. Although the amount of calories consumed on the two days a week is restricted it is up to the particular dieter how they divide it throughout the day, men can consume 600 calories and women 500 calories. A typical fasting day may be a breakfast of 300 calories such as two scrambled eggs with ham, water, green tea or black coffee and a lunch or dinner of grilled fish or meat with vegetables amounting to 300 calories. The Daily Mail said of the diet, "Gorging yourself on as many burgers, chips and cakes as you like one day then eating fewer calories than you find in a cheese sandwich the next might sound like a worrying eating disorder. But this regime of chomping away to your heart’s content one day, and virtually starving yourself the next is the latest diet craze. It’s known as ‘intermittent fasting’ or ‘alternate-day dieting’,and devotees insist the pounds just drop off."
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    For those wanting to know what the 5/2 diet is.....go to Wiki!
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    o thats the only way i eat oatmeal!
    with a little bit of cinnimon
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    I think I am going to do this diet, they do indicate that for those that want to lose weight to be sensible about what they eat on their feast days!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    I've got my second fast day tomorrow - I actually enjoyed my first on Monday - feel free to add me, but as I only log my food now on two days a week it might take me a while to get back to you! I found a great soup recipe here:
    which kept the hunger at bay, and there are some good groups on facebook for support. There are other good recipes on BBC Good Food - search under healthy and on advanced search, look for the calorie count you want. The daily allowance for fast days is 500 for women and 600 for men. The joy is knowing you can eat what you like tomorrow!
    For anyone who wants to know more about the diet, watch the Horizon programme "Eat, Fast and Live longer" which is on Youtube in four parts - the healthy benefits are the main reasons for the diet but weight loss does seem to be a major side effect! I'd love to know how you all get on!
  • I did my second fast day yesterday and so far I'm getting on really well on this diet, though as I need to lose a lot of weight I'm doing it as a 4:3 diet, with 3 days a week of fasting. I tend to have one large meal at around teatime rather than splitting the food up. Different things work for different people.

    I think the Daily Mail (as always) has missed the point. You don't gorge yourself on burgers etc on non-fasting days. You still have to eat relatively sensibly and under 2000 calories (or whatever myfitnesspal says your metabolic rate is). Because it would be ridiculous to have 500 calories on one day then 3000 on the next! But if you want burgers, pizzas or cream cakes within your normal daily calorie allowance then you can have them. What I tend to do on non-fasting days (bearing in mind it's very early days for me yet so I haven't got into a proper routine) is have one treat thing, then try and have low calorie nutritious food the rest of the day. So on Monday we went out and had a full English breakfast, but then I made veggie stew for tea.

    Unlike many diets where you feel you have to count calories all the time, with this you only have a couple of days a week when you're eating very little. The rest of the time you eat normal sized meals.
  • Thanks Lindsayrob for the recipe, I must admit i'm in need of some good tasty recipes because if it all get too bland I may well give up!!!

    My first fasting day was yesterday and I must admit it wasn't too bad, although im sure some days will be worse than others. I definately can't do it at the weekend as that is when i will allow myself treats!!
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    I did my first day yesterday, no problems, lots of broccoli, oatmeal and chicken soup! Tomorrow will be second day.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    First fast day yesterday - it was pretty easy actually, I even squeezed a bedtime beer in there. Have magically lost 2lbs too, though I know that its water weight.

    I feel clear headed and energetic. :-)