PCOS and weight loss.. How can you do it faster?

I feel like its even harder to lose weight with PCOS.. I feel like my body holds on to the fat. I feel like I have to work out more to lose any weight.. Does anyone have any advice on what I need to do or change to lose weight faster? HELP!!!


  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    My doctors recommended a low carb diet for PCOS. It's helped alleviate the symptoms I was having. I lost weight a bit faster on it but it's still a struggle.
  • bima80
    bima80 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks that worked for me also.. So low carb is the best way to go..
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    I feel like its even harder to lose weight with PCOS.. I feel like my body holds on to the fat. I feel like I have to work out more to lose any weight.. Does anyone have any advice on what I need to do or change to lose weight faster? HELP!!!

    You DO have to workout more to lose weight! OK. So here's the deal. PCOS can, but does not always, lead to or result from insulin resistance in the body. Higher blood sugar levels make it difficult to lose weight. This is because higher blood sugar can lead to cravings and a store of fat. However working out lowers blood sugar decreases cravings and leads to easier weight loss. I have actually found that working out making a bigger difference in weight loss than a low carb diet for me. I can't do low carb, I just cant. I hate it, I'm unhappy and I gain weight because I binge. Exercising, even 30 minutes a day evens out blood sugar.

    Good luck.
  • bima80
    bima80 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks I'm trying both. It sucks cause its already hard to lose weight but it has to work this time around.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    A women at work said she's going to do the 17 Day Diet because it specifically states that it is good for Women with PCOS. Don't take my word for it though, she told me this, but I can't tell you if it's actually true or not. :)
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I have PCOS and have found that the best way for me to lose the weight is to eat like I am diabetic. No processed foods, no sugar, no white flour, etc. This is essentially a low carb diet. It has worked well for me, but you will have to find what works well for you. :)
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    Oh, I would add one more thing. Don't worry so much about losing the weigh fast. Worry about losing the weight FOR GOOD! This is a life long process. If you think of this as a diet to lose weight quickly you are dooming yourself. Think of this as a lifestyle change.
  • surscheler
    surscheler Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, try to eliminate most carbs by setting a goal of 20-40 per day. Use veggies or salad as a substitute for carbs. Look for hidden carbs in foods. Drink a glass of water before each meal to make you less hungry. Eat every 2hrs small portions to keep blood sugar from flucutating too much. If you still feel hungry or crave something sweet eat a small granny smith apple . It makes you feel full and satisfied longer. Some ideas to try.
  • jmm774
    jmm774 Posts: 34
    I have PCOS also and I've tried low carb diets but I'm miserable on them. The funny thing is when I was thin before I had my daughter, my PCOS got a lot better - so it's a cycle. Now I am just sticking to my calorie count every day and I've taken up running. That is working great for me but the weight loss has been slower than I'm used to, I'm just ok with that at this point in my life.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    Not confirmed but I suspect I have PCOS by symptoms, and I discovered recently that I have had to go very low carb or fast to get the scale to move at all unless I eat <800 cals a day, which I can't sustain. I was at a stall for several months at 1500 calories (average) a day, even often fairly (but not extremely) low carb. I find the very low carb easier to do than the more extreme calorie restriction, and also find it easier to fast periodically without binging when I'm very low carb as it suppresses my appetite anyway. For me, it appears that these days I cannot eat very many carbs at all without feeling significantly bingey, with some worse than others (pistachios, ugh). <20 grams for sure, maybe <10, I'm still working it out. :ohwell:
    I hope you find what works for you.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Work out more and lower carb as well as lower refined sugar. :)
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Don't try and lose faster because of PCOS, trust me, it happens at it's own rate. LOL.

    I've lost 25kgs (55lbs) since I was diagnosed with PCOS, and just last week I was told by my OB/Gyn that I no longer have any of the clinical symptoms (I'm still overweight, and I still have facial hair), BUT my testosterone levels are now normal, my cycles are regular and I'm no longer on medication for my blood pressure.
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    Don't try and lose faster because of PCOS, trust me, it happens at it's own rate. LOL.

    I've lost 25kgs (55lbs) since I was diagnosed with PCOS, and just last week I was told by my OB/Gyn that I no longer have any of the clinical symptoms (I'm still overweight, and I still have facial hair), BUT my testosterone levels are now normal, my cycles are regular and I'm no longer on medication for my blood pressure.

    Congrats on the reduction of your symptoms!
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    pretend you are a diabetic and a hippie at the same time!!!!!!
    It's the only thing you can do. look up what a diabetic has to eat,and what hippies eat and you will be fine.
    My sister and I both have PCOS. I think You can cure it. She thinks you can't. But then again, I'm 190 and she's 290. She won't let go of those sweets and eats way too much bread. Once the weight is gone. PCOS will be gone. Also go get your hormones evaluated by an endocranologist. There are also little tricks. Instead of noodles, spaghetti squash,instead of pizza crust, eggplant, instead of ice cream, a yo nana. Make sure to stay away from anything sugar free and fat free. That will only make your kidneys worse, with all the chemicals your body can't figest, and if you don't keep your kidneys in check, you can't keep your insulin in check. someone on here said stay away from processed food. EXCATLY!!!! try falling in love with Viet Namese food. or Thai. Perfect low carb , natural, no sugar food. You'll feel good after you eat it. Feel alive once, and not so tired. Or always split your plate in 4's. and make sure fish is in 1 quarter, and something green is in one quarter, something made of whole grains in one quarter, and something fruit in the other. No mammels, poultry, dairy or sugar. And a square of chocolate or a pommegranate. You need to treat yourself to something sweet or you'll become depressed and start fantacizing about Italian bakery's. lol
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey, I have been loosing weight consistently when I workout. I didnot workout for a month in between but took care of my diet (a bit) I did not loose anything but neither did I gain. I started again in August and working out has made all the difference you can look at my blog about last month with 30 DS here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/paruls86/view/30-day-shred-results-431398
    I have stopped caring about weight and am now measuring progress by how strong I have become....
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Losing weight is a test for the rest of your life. It is about re-educating your body to eat well and healthily. Dieting is not a race to see how quick you can finish. Have patience and do the job properly as your mum always taught you.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    I have really bad PCOS and i take Metformin twice a day to help with the sugar balance because otherwise i pass out a lot and its really annoying, its also good to get a blood test to check your insullin levels as if they are too high just store as fat. So far i've lost 30 pounds on my diet, and even my doctor was amazed as i had pretty much tried every fad diet you can think of (within reason of course), seen numerous dieticians, personal trainers etc and nothing had worked and was seriously considering surgery. I am pretty much Wheat, egg, dairy free, i try and stay as low sugar as possibly but i still allow myself treats or i go mad! But i'll have things like diabetic chocolates or diabetic ice cream, its pretty yummy. Its hard work and i wont lie, i have slipped up a lot and just gone 'stuff it i want normal foods!' but i always regret it afterwards. I also would say if you change your diet do it slowly, as you get used to it more.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    One thing I've found for PCOS is low GI. I still have 55% carbs but they're the right carbs. No white bread and so on.
  • bima80
    bima80 Posts: 46 Member
    pretend you are a diabetic and a hippie at the same time!!!!!!
    It's the only thing you can do. look up what a diabetic has to eat,and what hippies eat and you will be fine.
    My sister and I both have PCOS. I think You can cure it. She thinks you can't. But then again, I'm 190 and she's 290. She won't let go of those sweets and eats way too much bread. Once the weight is gone. PCOS will be gone. Also go get your hormones evaluated by an endocranologist. There are also little tricks. Instead of noodles, spaghetti squash,instead of pizza crust, eggplant, instead of ice cream, a yo nana. Make sure to stay away from anything sugar free and fat free. That will only make your kidneys worse, with all the chemicals your body can't figest, and if you don't keep your kidneys in check, you can't keep your insulin in check. someone on here said stay away from processed food. EXCATLY!!!! try falling in love with Viet Namese food. or Thai. Perfect low carb , natural, no sugar food. You'll feel good after you eat it. Feel alive once, and not so tired. Or always split your plate in 4's. and make sure fish is in 1 quarter, and something green is in one quarter, something made of whole grains in one quarter, and something fruit in the other. No mammels, poultry, dairy or sugar. And a square of chocolate or a pommegranate. You need to treat yourself to something sweet or you'll become depressed and start fantacizing about Italian bakery's. lol
    Thank you . I will try it.. I have done no carb and no sugar before and worked great for me. But I need something different..
  • bima80
    bima80 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everyone.