Stay At Home Mom

I'm a stay at home mom, looking to lose 70 pounds. I have 3 girls, ages 4, 2, and 7 months. I'm looking for anyone in a similar situation that would like to buddy up for motivation, support, tips, anything to make us feel like we're not doing this alone. I've lost 20 pounds here and there before, but have always gained it back. Now, after my last pregnancy I'm at my heaviest, ever. I'm in this for the long haul and would like to meet someone who feels the same!


  • TheKatatron
    TheKatatron Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! I'm in a similar situation! I'm also a stay at home mom with an awesome two and a half year old daughter! I'm at my heaviest as well, only becoming over weight in 2009 while pregnant! I'm going to blame hormones, and lack of willpower over sweets! XD I've picked up and put down Insanity twice, and have definitely went in and out of watching what I eat(normally after not seeing results). So, there are tons other mama's out there facing similar frustrations with their weight(and the stretch marks)! Uggghh! Lol!
  • quickchekgal
    quickchekgal Posts: 213 Member
    Hey! I'm going to add you! I'm also a stay at home mom. I have two children, ages 4 and 2. :)
  • Dee121212
    Me too! I have a 4 year old and a 15 months old. Feel free to add me. I just joined and looking for support and motivation :)
  • mrsdough1128
    mrsdough1128 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a stay at home mom as well. My daughter is 9 months, and I have only lost 23 pounds since I gave birth. I find it difficult to stay on track somedays. I am the heaviest i've ever been and would like to find someone to movtivate me so that I can show my daughter what a healthy lifestyle is,
  • Dee121212
    Is any one doing/starting/ or want to start the Jillian Michael's DVD "30 day shred"?? I have the DVD and have been doing it here an there, but never did it for 30 days straight!! I'm thinking about doing it because this is my only way of getting an exercise during the day.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi Im also at home have 5 kids 19 down to 9 also my 83 year old mum with Alzheimer's!
  • prissgarcia19
    prissgarcia19 Posts: 3 Member
    same here :) i have a 5 yr old boy and 2 and a half yr old girl. i am also at my heaviest since having my little girl. i lost 30 lbs last year and gained it back. it has always been hard for me to lose. i can be your motivation buddy :) i have been working out 3x a week . and have gained 5 lbs . i do not know whats going on ....
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a sahm to five year old twins and a three year old. Twins are in kindy now. :). I work out at the y a lot to get my cardio in. I'm on day nine of 30ds and am planning to start c25k after I finish that. Good luck! We can do it!
  • emilyci
    emilyci Posts: 17 Member
    I am also a sahm, so feel free to ad me.
    Is any one doing/starting/ or want to start the Jillian Michael's DVD "30 day shred"?? I have the DVD and have been doing it here an there, but never did it for 30 days straight!! I'm thinking about doing it because this is my only way of getting an exercise during the day.

    i started the 30 day shred back in January. i did two rounds of it (but over a 4 month period / basically used it every other day) i lost
    4 inches in my waist with it, which is what i was looking for. i am trying to get the motivation to do it for 30 days straight.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    YAY! I love adding more stay at home mommies! I am one too. I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old. I have been using MFP for over 2 years. I really love this site. I have met some awesome and inspiring people. Add me we can lose and get healthy together!!!! ~Corina
  • girlsrun
    I have two daughters 10 and 8. We just made a huge move from Memphis to Phoenix so I am a stay at home mom again. Not sure if or when I will go back to work. The stress of the move has added lots of extra lbs. I am 5 foot 9 and 196 and moving up!!! So, here I am looking for support. I signed up for my third marathon. It will be in Feb. but I can not run well at this weight. It's really hard starting over in a new area, getting kids settled in school, husband in a new job, and I have lost my gym buddies.
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    Hi there Ladies
    Iam a SAHM as well. I have a 5 yr old and 2 yr old. They keep me busy but I need to lose the weight. I have dropped about 50 lbs since starting on MFP and have about another 30 to 40 to go. Lets do this together.

    feel free to add me if u would like!
  • aliciabrigham
    I am also a sahm, so feel free to ad me.
    Is any one doing/starting/ or want to start the Jillian Michael's DVD "30 day shred"?? I have the DVD and have been doing it here an there, but never did it for 30 days straight!! I'm thinking about doing it because this is my only way of getting an exercise during the day.

    i started the 30 day shred back in January. i did two rounds of it (but over a 4 month period / basically used it every other day) i lost
    4 inches in my waist with it, which is what i was looking for. i am trying to get the motivation to do it for 30 days straight.

    Let's do the Shred together! Keep each other on track and motivated! I'll start whenever everyone is ready!
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    :smile: Welcome to mfp you can add emif you want :smile:

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
  • Dee121212
    Great idea! How about we start on Sunday?? I just did level one today, but I will officially start my 30 days straight on Sunday if everyone agrees :) I just need to get a measuring tape to check my progress lol I know that the scale lies some times and I don't want to count on it and get depressed if the number doesn't change!!:smile:
  • hshertenlieb
    I am a SAHM as well, to a wonderful 3 yr old boy. Last March, I was the heaviest I had been in my entire life. Nearly 170lbs and I am only 5'2". I started doing cardio on my elliptical (started in July, after already losing 10lbs, just to little tweaks in my diet) 5-6 days a week for a half hour.... I am down to 144lbs and still sort of eat what I want. Although, right now, I am stuck. I am getting married Nov 3rd and can not lose or gain anymore weight until after the wedding. I tell ya, I really can't wait...I was loving the results and feeling good. Now, it's tough....because of nerves, I have a hard time with either eating or keeping it down (TMI sorry). When I do work out and sometimes on the days I don't, I can hardly eat ALL the calories suggested. Anyway, I'm here for support or just to chat! Add me!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    SAHM to a wonderful yet trying 3 yr old. I have lost over 50 pounds since last year. I find the big thing is having a plan for yourself and what you are going to eat. Also setting aside exercise time remembering that being healthy is something you deserve!
  • scorl
    scorl Posts: 51 Member
    I am a new stay at home mom! 16 month old BUSY boy who is so much fun :) I started MFP the summer I had him (2011) and have found it very helpful in keeping me accountable and motivated. I recently (this past month) joined a 'bootcamp' and it's making a huge difference for me. :) Got the eating right down and carving out time to exercise... I feel great! Feel free to add me!
  • nandrone5
    nandrone5 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a stay at home mom with a 4,2, and 8 month old :) I started on MFP almost a month ago. When I started I was at my heaviest, 186lbs. It definitely shows on my 5' frame. I have been running 4 miles 4x a week and I do the 30DS the other three days. It has been working for me so far, but I plan to change it up if I stall out. Feel free to add me :)
  • LisaR517
    I'm a SAHM to 4 tornadoes (ages 9, 7, 5, and 2). :) Only ONE at home now!! Aaaaahhhhhhh!! Lol!

    For the 1st time in a looooong time, I'm focusing on *me* and it feels amazing. I'm in the best shape I've ever been! My family won't always eat the foods I'm now eating (my diary is open to friends), so at times it's a little annoying to have to make two different meals...but, it is what it is. ;) I keep trying with them! But Hubs is a meat and potatoes kinda guy. ;)
    I get my workouts in when I's finally a priority. A job, of sorts. Eventually I started liking the feeling of working out. Something I NEVER thought I'd say! ;)

    Feel free to add me, girls!