Equipment/Belt for tummy flab ?

The other day I tried 30 day shred, the first part. During the jumping jacks I couldnt even focus on what I was doing because my tummy kept bouncing. Gross I know. I had a csection over a year ago and wonder if that has a lot to do with my extra tummy flab that wont go away. Im not here to dwell on that. I am curious if there is a belt or something I can wear while working out to hold my tummy in so I can do jumping jacks? Kinda annoying having your tummy slap you when you are trying to work out. Makes me feel like my tummy is fighting me.


  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Before I lost weight this was an issue for me and I just have to say I bought those yoga, work out pants a little snugger than they should have been, the ones with the fold down top and I just didn't fold it down, it added extra support. you could maybe use a tube top for extra support... do what you have to to keep going!
  • ooo a tube top is a great idea!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    They have 'tummy control' belts in the underwear section of Kohl's. I bought one when I was at my largest so my stomach would be more restricted. The only issue I found with it was that it was made of a material that was 'slippery' and whenever I'd move around a lot, it would bunch up/ride up and become useless. Not sure it was meant for working out, but it was worth a shot. XD
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    i also have an undergarment (something like a girdle) that i wear to 'hold me in.' you could try one of those.

    actually, reading your post i might start using mine during work outs. ive been trying to figure out why i LOVE to run but i dont do it, and had a lightbulb moment that THAT is the reason why.

    so thank you. :)
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Any medical supply store will have an abdominal binder. You can also find them in catalogs and online (often in old fogie's sites). They will hold in the loose skin while you work out but do not wear them all the time or your muscles will get lazy. Old fashioned girdles or quasi-girdles (tummy support panties) also help. I had three C-sections so I know what you are going through! Great job on getting to work on it!
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Maybe you could try a waist trimmer belt. You can zip it up however tight you want it to be, but it will also make you sweat more around your midsection. Good for at-home exercisers, not so great for gym exercisers (I learned that the hard way).
  • HeatherDominik
    I know that "sweat belts" are a divided topic.. some like 'em and some don't. But I'm not advocating for/against their packaged purpose here lol! ;) ...I used one to keep myself "tightened" and supported because I hated the bouncing-around feeling. They are something like $5 at WalMart... And they have velcro =) (I guess you could even wear it inside out to avoid the rubber/sweating effects maybe?)
  • HeatherDominik
    Maybe you could try a waist trimmer belt. You can zip it up however tight you want it to be, but it will also make you sweat more around your midsection. Good for at-home exercisers, not so great for gym exercisers (I learned that the hard way).

    ^this thing! =)
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I also had a c-section, so I get you. Just wear a fitted tank top, keep doing what you're doing and remember that what you eat is about 80% of how you look.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    I just bought a neoprene "support belt". Can't say yet if it really helps slim you, but it definately makes my tummy jiggle less... I have the same problem you do with the boucing. Mine was $15 on Amazon.
  • sempertracy
    sempertracy Posts: 50 Member
    After my 2 c-sections I used a compression tank that you can get at Target for $15 or less. It's in the workout clothes section and it worked great! Plus once your belly goes down you can still use the shirt to work out in and it helps measure your improvement of inches lost.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Spanx!!! Or a girdle!! they work wonders!!!
  • haha thanks everyone! Looks like I have some products to check out :P