Haven't been able to get back on track since dr. appointment

Hi all, I've found myself in a bit of a rut and I can't seem to claw my way back out of it.

To put this as nicely as possible, I went to a gynecologist last week because I was experiencing symptoms on par with endometriosis. I'd never been to this doctor before and looking back, I really wish I had done some more checking up on her. She spent less than five minutes with me - she didn't even perform my exam herself, but rather had an assistant do it.

Thanks to the oversized gown I was already wearing, she never really looked at me, either - just my weight on paper. I clocked in at 198 pounds that day. Rather than talk about my concerns with what my body was doing during its menstrual cycle (sorry if that squicks anyone out!) she only wanted to say that I needed to lose 50 pounds. She wanted me to lose the weight before diagnosing anything, because she felt that that was my problem. She refused to listen to the fact that I weighed almost 350 pounds as a teenager and never had this problem before. She treated me like I was a humungous whale and any medical problem I might be experiencing was because she felt I was 50 pounds overweight.

To top it all off, she ordered a blood test on me and the results came back with my insulin levels elevated, putting me at insulin resistance. She tried to prescribe me not only Metformin, but also Adipex and Topamax - an APPETITE SUPPRESSANT and an EPILEPSY DRUG, respectively. Topamax supposedly causes weight loss as a side effect to its epilepsy treatment. She thought I have such a problem with losing weight and eating food that she seriously tried to put me on drugs to crush my appetite and unnaturally make me lose weight. She also gave me diet sheets for a 1,000-calorie diet per day, something my nutrition professor stressed wasn't healthy AT ALL.

I know the lady is a quack and I have no intentions on going back to her, but it still has me so bummed out. I haven't been able to keep my diary since that day, and I'm having a hard time finding any motivation to do anything right now. I feel sick that she looked at me as little as she did and decided I have a problem with food and losing weight. It makes me feel like what I've done to get to this point over the past few years is for nothing. I'm just looking for a little support, I want to get back on track very badly. Thank you one and all. Blessings.


  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Wow, what an awful person! I don't know how she could have done that to you! Unfortuantely you ended up seeing one of the bad doctors, who don't listen and don't seem to fully know what they're talking about. You need to forget about her, try and find another, better doctor and not let one idiot make you get off track. You can do this! And good on your for continuing to do this the healthy way! :flowerforyou:
  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    Take everything she said and throw it out the window. Find a new doctor that will take the time to sit down with you and understand YOUR body rather than her belief at what your body should be.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member

    Sorry you've been treat like *kitten*. Doctors can be *kitten*, as a fellow endometriosis sufferer I have had my fair share of mis-diagnoses & fobbing off. The unfortunate thing is there is only a few doctors out there that truly understand the condition and that know how to treat it. My advice would be to research endometriosis doctors online and get a 2nd opinion with a specialist. I too am overweight (and used to weigh over 330lbs at one time) but was never treat like that, and am receiving treatment regardless of my size.

    Look how far you have come already from over 350!!!! Please do not give up, and CETRAINLY do not do her fad diets/ pills if you are not under supervision or do not want to do them.

    There is an emdometriosis group on here, feel free to join us :o)
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    A doctor can really de-rail you, since we are "cultured" to look at them as an authority figure. However, the good thing about getting older, is that you learn, that you KNOW your body and you KNOW you are smart. You learned a lesson that you got a quack doctor. And I've been there. And it's VERY upsetting. You know she's a quack, so try to put it out of your mind. I've been flitting around dr's for a few years now, and FINALLY found one that will actually sit down and listen to my concerns. I've actually had my dr. tell me that I can't be having menstrual/pre-menopausal issues because I'm not old enough yet (Umm, I'm 45...???) So looked for a new one. Keep looking and now get back on track :-) Don't let her take that away from you. You are a confident woman! You can do this!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Prove her wrong without the *kitten* load of drugs she tried to give you.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    That's horrible, I'm sorry. Doctors can be so brusque, dismissive and domineering sometimes. Would appear they do not teach empathy or communication skills - some doctors have them naturally, others simply do not. I can't understand why she would prescribe epilepsy medication - that's very bizarre.

    If it was me, I would probably write a letter to the hospital administrator or health center manager etc explaining your experience and registering your complaint against the doctor. It might not do anything, it's true, but it may make you feel better to be heard. Best case scenario, it might mean that she treats the next person with more consideration and care...
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    Let me tell you my fun story, so you can relate.

    I was 16. I walk into my gyno for extreme pain in my lower abdomen (on the right side all the time) and cramps that would literally put me on bed rest during my period. The woman walks in and says these exact words "the problem is you're fat". She goes in to saying that if I don't lose weight I am a high risk pregnancy**Note, I am 16 and not even pregnant* and "who would want to chance having a baby with someone who is high risk" She hadn't even done a pelvic on me or anything. So I go home bawling my eyes out and my mom just figures the doctor had the "you need to lose weight talk" and I took it personal. To prove me wrong, my mom made another appointment and went with me. When I told the doctor that my pain was an 8 all the time out of 10 and she replied "really? Well I had surgery from here (upper tummy) to here (lower tummy) and after I said my pain was only a 6." I have never seen my mom throw the biggest fit. my mom said "REALLY WHO ASKED YOU" and it lead on to where my mom was going to sue for malpractice concidering she wasn't even doing tests on me before diagnosing me. I was scheduled for an internal ultrasound the next morning. They found an insane mass of cysts on my right ovary and a few cysts on my left, signs for PCOS. The doc almost seemed pissed that I was right. She slammed her charts down, showed me the images, then said for the next step I need to schedule an appointment at the front for a lacroscopy. It wasn't until I got to the front where the office girl told me the doctor requested that I was no longer her patient and gave me a list of "specialists" who could assist me better.

    I went to a male physician and it was heaven. He didn't have a female body so he didn't have an opinion on what he thought was wrong. He was wonderful and EVERY SINGLE DOCTOR of mine since have been male. I know the idea is uncomfortable, however, they do not try to associate their expierence with yours, they only help you on a purely medical level.

    Don't let that b**ch doctor throw you off. See her face and hear her words when you're working out. Think that one day you'll see that biotch on the street and you'll be healthy and she'll be old and miserable, which it sounds like she already is. Don't let one bad apple throw you off your journey.

    Feel free to add me if you like. You can do this. I believe in you.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member

    I don't have anything more to add other than what has already been said. It really sucks that someone who is in a position that leads us to trust and respect them left you feeling so deflated. It's terribly frustrating when legitimate health concerns are ignored by doctors because s/he only sees the excess weight.

    I'm guessing that you encountered some terribly rude people when you were in high school. I was overweight in high school and I definitely remember the not-so-nice jerks who delighted in singling me out. Maybe you could go ahead and lump this doctor in with those other Negative Nellies from your past and leave them all there... in your past.

    You have already had SO much success! And your success FAR outweighs the opinions or comments of anyone, even a doctor, who doesn't see what you have already accomplished.

    You are better than those people say you are, and you deserve to stay on track. You can do it.
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    Let me tell you my fun story, so you can relate.

    I was 16. I walk into my gyno for extreme pain in my lower abdomen (on the right side all the time) and cramps that would literally put me on bed rest during my period. The woman walks in and says these exact words "the problem is you're fat". She goes in to saying that if I don't lose weight I am a high risk pregnancy**Note, I am 16 and not even pregnant* and "who would want to chance having a baby with someone who is high risk" She hadn't even done a pelvic on me or anything. So I go home bawling my eyes out and my mom just figures the doctor had the "you need to lose weight talk" and I took it personal. To prove me wrong, my mom made another appointment and went with me. When I told the doctor that my pain was an 8 all the time out of 10 and she replied "really? Well I had surgery from here (upper tummy) to here (lower tummy) and after I said my pain was only a 6." I have never seen my mom throw the biggest fit. my mom said "REALLY WHO ASKED YOU" and it lead on to where my mom was going to sue for malpractice concidering she wasn't even doing tests on me before diagnosing me. I was scheduled for an internal ultrasound the next morning. They found an insane mass of cysts on my right ovary and a few cysts on my left, signs for PCOS. The doc almost seemed pissed that I was right. She slammed her charts down, showed me the images, then said for the next step I need to schedule an appointment at the front for a lacroscopy. It wasn't until I got to the front where the office girl told me the doctor requested that I was no longer her patient and gave me a list of "specialists" who could assist me better.

    I went to a male physician and it was heaven. He didn't have a female body so he didn't have an opinion on what he thought was wrong. He was wonderful and EVERY SINGLE DOCTOR of mine since have been male. I know the idea is uncomfortable, however, they do not try to associate their expierence with yours, they only help you on a purely medical level.

    Don't let that b**ch doctor throw you off. See her face and hear her words when you're working out. Think that one day you'll see that biotch on the street and you'll be healthy and she'll be old and miserable, which it sounds like she already is. Don't let one bad apple throw you off your journey.

    Feel free to add me if you like. You can do this. I believe in you.

    I only have male doctors now as well... most female docs that I have had were like this!

    You know your body... Do what you feel is right!!!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Oh man. That's too bad. :( Endometriosis can affect anyone, regardless of weight. I'm sorry you're going through that.

    As for the metformin, I would encourage you to take that. Have you read about insulin resistance? If a blood test confirmed it, which you said it did, that means your glucose will always be elevated because your insulin isn't bonding with it. I have the same issue, and I've been on metformin for almost two months. Taking metformin will help your body process the glucose into energy instead of fat. It will greatly improve your overall health, cravings, and energy, and it will reduce your risk for full-blown diabetes. Before I started taking it, I was hungry ALL the TIME, no matter when or how much I ate, and I had zero energy. I'd nod off all day. I would take your blood test results to a new doctor, have them confirm it, and have them talk to you about the diagnosis. Insulin resistance can affect anyone at any weight and can lead to weight gain because the glucose is just hanging around in the blood getting converted into fat. Metformin isn't a "fad" pill like the others. It really is meant to treat a condition you should pay attention to.

    You can skip the phentermine, though. Some doctors prescribe that to control your appetite until the metformin kicks in (which can take a few weeks), but it's definitely not required. It sounds like she sees it as more of a quick fix instead of trusting that you've lost weight just fine on your own. Definitely skip the Topamax.
  • slynnalex
    slynnalex Posts: 38 Member
    THe doctor was just plain wrong - PLEASE find a doctor that will listen to you. Don't give up. I have a friend who is overweight and had all kinds of symptoms, but no dr would listen. Finally she found one that would and did the proper tests and found that she had a very serious problem. They didn't listen because she was fat and assumed that all of her 'problems' came from that; they were very wrong and it nearly cost my friend her life. Maybe you could take a friend to your appointment - someone to advocate for you.
  • JEG2012
    JEG2012 Posts: 158
    I agree with all the comments prior to mine..... There are really good docs out there who do give a damn about what they doing and how the care for their patients.

    You are much stronger than you know and YOU can achieve your desired weight. Sure there will be rough patches along the way, we all have them. MFP is a strong bunch, we don't leave the stuggling behind, we reach back, grab their hand and tell them "C''mon, you can do this".....
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I have 2 kids on epilepsy meds...one has epilepsy and the other has seizures from brain damage. They get a different med (Keppra) and the side effects are so horrendous, I have begged the neuro to get them something else and he (and others) have told me that this med has the LEAST side effects. Mood swings like you would not believe. They are so emotionally fragile and fall apart crying at the tiniest little anything. I've even read it can make you suicidal.

    That said, it scares the crap out of me to think of you (or anyone else) being given seizure meds for weight loss.

    I hope you can find a new and much better dr soon!
  • darlingdynamoxo
    Don't let the doctor throw you off your awesome track!

    I went through the same thing a few years back with a gyno. It was very awkward. And I said, "I'm sorry, I came in to make sure my lady parts were in working order not to get appetite suppressant drugs that make me feel like I'm on speed.. maybe you should check your appointment book".

    Some doctors don't ask what's wrong before deciding what needs to be done about it.

    You can do this! You can do anything!
  • NoMoreFlubbering
    NoMoreFlubbering Posts: 95 Member
    Please add me, and anyone else who can help support you. I don't know anything about the drugs, but I have lost 40 pounds on my own before, so at least I can help support you in that. I'm looking forward to losing my excess weight again, and would love to have supportive friends beside me!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member

    Get a new GYN STAT missy!! It took me YEARS to get my endometriosis diagnosed. Yes, getting to a healthy weight does help some of the crazy TOM symptoms but when you have endometriosis losing weight does NOT help.

    Also, run as far away from those drugs as possible. Topamax (aka dopamax) can make you crazy. I took it for a while for my migraines.

    Most importantly, listen to your gut and seek a second opinion!! :flowerforyou:
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I completely understand how you feel. I hav been dealing with undiagnosed back pain for 15 months and the first doctor I saw when I moved back home basically told me to seek psychiatric help instead of trying to figure out what is wrong and she drug tested me without my consent or knowledge. The next doctor only cared about my weight. I finally found one that is trying to help, but we believe I have endometriosis also so now I have to go to yet again another doctor. Dont let them bring you down. They get so focused on one thing they forget to treat us like people sometimes.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm sorry you had to go through that but don't let this one person negate everything you have accomplished!! I know it's hard to get back on track...I'm struggling with that right now, but you can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    You know what she said and did was rubbish. Did it hurt? Absolutely. Did it change anything? No. You are still the same person you were before you saw her. You still have the same ability to do what you were doing before. Don't let her get to you, and if you can work out a way to see another doctor, do it. If you are having enough issues to be concerned, you need to see a doctor that will spend time with you and discuss them.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Endometriosis can only be diagnosed through surgery. A lot of doctors can guess that you have it but until they go in and look they cannot be 100% sure. I have endometriosis and let me tell you it is not fun and neither is the surgery to diagnose/burn any off. My doctor went in laporscopically and said it was not just on my ovaries but all over my organs. He lasered off what he could but told me this will come back.

    I am so sorry that your OB was not great. I had the same issue with my old doctor. She was a woman and I thought great a woman OB. Wrong. The man I went to did a much better job.

    Are you on BC? If so that should help with some pain. Good luck girl!