How do you get rid of cravings?



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    As in the title. Any ideas? Cravings especially for the likes of sweets, or a bar of Mars or crisps etc. How do you combat it?

    Very easily.... I learned about food triggers, sensitivities and allergies and how certain foods were affecting me both hormonally, physically, etc...

    I dont crave junk food.. I dont even miss it.
    I dont miss pasta, potatoes, rice, corn, flour, bread - I dont want any of it... when I got rid of those foods under medical care, it took care of all of my sweet-related addictions...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Stop eating the things you crave. Eliminate them from your diet entirely, yeah I said it.

    The more you eat them, the more your body wants. They're like poison, empty nutrient-void foods that trick the brain into wanting more & more. Get rid of them. Eat nutrient-rich foods instead, things that will actually satisfy your body's needs. Once the crap is out of your system & you've replaced them with beneficial foods, your body & mind will thank you, and the cravings will be a thing of the past.

    What if I crave asparagus?
  • Leeannboswell
    As soon as I gave up wheat, last April, I no longer have cravings for sweets, flour, sugar, junk food, ice cream, goodies, etc.

    I eat only pure foods, like it comes out of the ground or off the tree, except for yogurt, honey and peanut butter and meat (small amounts, not more than 4 oz per day, if that).

    No cravings!! Go figure!!!
  • Leeannboswell
    Yah!! Hear! Hear! You hit it on the head. Don't eat it, you won't crave it. Duh!

    Eat the asparagus!! Go Nuts!!!
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I usually wait 30 minutes, drink more water and do something else to get my mind off of it. If I still want it after 30 minutes, I have it then. With me, if I wait longer, then I'll eat more then what I wanted. I don't buy the big size bag of candy, chips, etc. If I do it at home, then I buy something that I know my 19 yo likes and then I know it's going to be gone a lot sooner. Sometimes the 30 minute thing work and sometimes it don't. The best part, I don't beat myself up if I give in the craving.

    It's normal to have cravings, I just try to have something healthier and when that healthier item don't work, then yes I will get a Snickers or whatever I am craving...hahahahaha.
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    Drink water then wait 15 mins take a walk then when all else fails. I eat ONE serving of fresh fruit or veggies. And if that doesnt work I drink more water. And if that doesnt work I eat one serving size of the item that I crave. If its really unhealthy like Taco Bell for example. I cook it myself to lower the calories. If its cookies like Oreos for example I will just have HALF of a serving size thats like one cookie.

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
  • Leeannboswell
    Yah!! Hear! Hear! You hit it on the head. Don't eat it, you won't crave it.

    Eat the asparagus!! Go Nuts!!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I try to budget in a treat each day. So sometimes I can just remind myself that I will be having a yummy dessert after dinner. If it's TOM-induced, I usually cave-in. :frown: