New to This Site

I am new to this site. I am 32 years old and a mom of 2 boys. One plays hockey so we would eat out alot and I am trying to get back to what my weight was before my second child. I am trying to eat health and find time to exercise some. Feel free to add me if you would like. Good Luck with all your goals.


  • I have only been on the site for 11 days and find it to be the best tool. I have made wonderful friends already and look forward to seeing their progress each day. As a busy mom that works full time it is hard to workout sometimes. Add me as a friend if you want.
  • Hi all! I am a 36 year old mother of 5 busy children! I started running in August and have lost 18#. I have 14# more to lose to reach my goal and I also wanted to tone up my muscles. So, I started the Insanity program. I am now in week 2 and love it! I can already see more muscle definition in my legs and arms. I just can't figure out how to log Insanity in my exercise log. Good luck everyone!
  • I understand never having time, I am a full time working single mother. But I have found time over the past two months and managed to loss 18 pounds so far. And have found great support from this site. Feel free to friend me for support and motivation.