Running in the dark



  • jenlipe
    jenlipe Posts: 54 Member
    I get up and run at 4:50. Love the dark and quiet. I run my small neighborhood and feel comfortable there. I do NOT wear my head phones so I can be a little more aware. And my husband always knows my route, when I leave and when I come home.
  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    i run in the dark, with reflective clothing, a flashlight, and my Taurus slim 709. I feel more comfortable that way... I always thought it would be a pain in the *kitten* running with it, but its really not that bad.. Plus I'd rather have that then something bad happening
  • tri10806
    tri10806 Posts: 192 Member
    I had done plenty of runs through my neighborhood in the early morning or evening by street light; but my first real experience came pacing my cousin in a 100 mile race through the mountains all night. We had headlights and flashlights and it was quite a thrilling experience. Now I look forward to running at night and plan them often. Especially ones like full moon runs.
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    I run at lunch time....maybe your boss would give you an extended lunch and let you make up the time at the end of the day.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I used to run at 4:30 am, but now that it's darker (and cold!) I became leary, too. I bought reflective velcro straps for my ankles and arms and a neon yellow Under Armour jacket/coat. I stay on the main road & hop on the sidewalk when cars come. I do most of my running on the weekends now, though - around 6:30 am when it's a little lighter out but still not much traffic. I was sooo looking forward to doing this fall running thing (I just started running in March/April; did my first 5K in Sept), but the darker times & the cold weather are not liking me much - nor I them!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I use glow sticks or the light on my iPod to light me up and then wear white and reflector belt. I lvoe to run in the dark now. So peaceful.
  • kg2run
    kg2run Posts: 25
    I'm feeling the same way. I actually sucked it up and used the treadmill this morning, but I really hate the treadmill so I can sympathize.

    The times I have gone when it's dark, I've taken one of the dogs, but that presents a whole other set of obstacles (carrying a bad of poop and running is not something I enjoy).
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I run on my lunch hour in the cooler weather. I do sometimes run at night in the dark though. If you don't have a dog bring some mace and always carry a flashlight. I wear reflective clothing, bring my dog (she has a reflective collar), carry a flashlight to turn on when cars come by (I live in a rural area, so there's not a lot of traffic after folks get home from work). It is so peaceful to run at night in the dark. Especially if a light snow is falling. Give it a try! :wink:
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I wear reflective gear with flasher on my CamelBak and carry a flashlight. I also make sure I'm very aware and don't blast my music too loud to hear cars. I've been wanting to try knucklelights or a headlamp. I hate that my Garmin doesn't light up.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I usually run in the dark without a light on a bike/running path near my house. On the parts where it is under trees it is so dark that I nearly ran into a guy coming the other way once.

    If I am running on the road in the dark I usually wear a blinking light and a headlamp to make sure the cars see me. A cap with a bill is also useful so you can block the oncoming cars' headlights and avoid night blindness.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Get a headlamp and some reflective gear and get out there and run in the dark. It's fun!
    This is what I did.
  • I actually prefer to run in the dark!

    I usually run along a pretty main street with several shopping centers, a hotel, and a mall along the way, and the parking lots are always lit up well enough for me to see where I am going. Maybe you have a route similar to this close to you?

    Although I don't wear a headlamp, I do wear neon colors and reflective stripes so that I won't get wiped out by a sleepy driver :yawn:
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    Unexpectedly, I ended up running in the dark this morning due to a schedule crunch. I ended up using the flashlight app on my iPhone facing outward. It worked reasonably well, and it was fun too.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I get up and run at 4:50. Love the dark and quiet. I run my small neighborhood and feel comfortable there. I do NOT wear my head phones so I can be a little more aware. And my husband always knows my route, when I leave and when I come home.

    I also do not wear my head phones when running at night. Its very important to assist less vision with more hearing when running at night.
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I'll check out the headlamps.
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Not that I really do all that much running, but I play Ultimate Frisbee on Wednesday nights and a local high school and they've got a track around their lit field and it is packed with people. So I would concur with someone who said check out your local schools. That or find a buddy to come run with you so that you're not out running alone? I've gone a couple times with my husband, around our own neighborhood and in more well lit areas and it was nice, but I'm really paranoid (perhaps one too many CSI or Criminal Minds episodes) so I was always on the look out for something LOL....I'd second the local school track again, or community centre!
  • Colstriper
    Colstriper Posts: 71 Member
    Bad *kitten*. The new Smith and Wesson Sheild is a good option too.
  • Colstriper
    Colstriper Posts: 71 Member
    i run in the dark, with reflective clothing, a flashlight, and my Taurus slim 709. I feel more comfortable that way... I always thought it would be a pain in the *kitten* running with it, but its really not that bad.. Plus I'd rather have that then something bad happening

    Bad *kitten*. The new Smith and Wesson Sheild is a good option too.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Get a headlamp. I tripped over some seriously uneven pavement a couple weeks ago. I still have a scab on my knee from the fall. If it's that dark now I run with a headlamp. It's not as awkward as I thought it would be.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I run in the dark year ' the summer because of the heat, and in the winter b/c of shorter daylight hours.
    I have a visor onto which I clip on a small lamp (camping section of walmart, target, academy, etc $5 for a pack of two). I wear light colored clothing (shirt) and also a flashing blinky light (for the back of my hat or shirt). I've also used a velcro blinky bracelet (all about $1 at dollar stores).

    Because I can access the crime rates for my city and figure out the likelihood of being attacked, I never worry about that.

    I do worry about falling down, injuring myself and not being able to return, so I bring my phone. (in the day time, too)

    I don't listen to music at night, so I can hear bikes or cars approaching. (day time, one ear phone only)

    When running on a road shared with car traffic, run against the traffic. When running on a pedestrian/bike only path, stay far right. Those are important all the time when running outside, but especially at night when visibility is limited for everyone. Always announce passing when you do pass someone, so they aren't startled or don't accidentally step in your path.

    Good luck! and, have fun! I enjoy my night time runs more than any of the others