trying to loose 100+ lbs before my wedding

hello all, i am trying to lose 100+ lbs before i get married next september, i currently weigh 290 and i am 5' 7" i would like to get down to 180 lbs before i get married, in high school i was 230lbs but since i have gotten as high as 310 lbs, i am trying to get a kick start by knocking the soda habbit, i would like to find someone with simmilar goals. add me if you want



  • justicekenny
    awesome you decided to take this journey that will challenge you physically, most importantly mentally .. Ive lost over 80 plus pounds twice in my life, working on a third right now .. This time around it has been the mental side I have struggled with .. Friend me, hit the weights, and lets get this thing started .. good luck..
  • claudiacarmel
    claudiacarmel Posts: 39 Member
    I drink sparkling water instead of soda, works great for the fizzy taste. Good luck on weight loss and congrats on the wedding.
  • cuddlyness
    Hello to you. I joined myself yesterday as i am a bridesmaid in my sisters wedding in may. I also have 100+ to lose but hoping for 50if not more for the wedding. Id be happy to do it along with you x