Starting to hate exercising.

I have been back at this for about 4 months now. Every so often I change up my routine as not to get bored. I am now doing the Jari Love get ripped series. The problem is I am really starting to hate to exercise. I used to love it and couldn't wait to get home to start. Now if I dont get in my shorts and hit the basement as soon as I get home I won't work out. Anyone else going through this? You would think the results I'm seeing would keep me motivated, but they are not. With Winter coming now is not the time to slack off.


  • MMKE4ever
    MMKE4ever Posts: 115 Member
    You know I am right there with ya.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I totally get where you're coming from. I have found a few things that have worked for me though.

    I find that if I join an exercise class, I'm more motivated to go each session. If you don't want to pay for classes, maybe you can get together with a friend to exercise together. I have found that I enjoy the social aspect, I push myself harder when others are around me and are encouraging/motivating me, and it's not nearly as boring.

    Set a goal that you want to accomplish. I recently ran my first 5K and have signed up for others as well. My goal at first was to run the entire distance without stopping; now it's to decrease my time and get faster. Having a goal has really motivated me to keep with running.

    Good luck and keep exercising!
  • aprilt83
    aprilt83 Posts: 14 Member
    I understand. I go in spurts- surprisingly by quarters. I spent Jan-Mar going to the gym religiously- around 5 days a week. And I saw so-so results because I hadn't cleaned up my diet. Then I went through a period where I didn't care at all and stopped going from Apr-June and beach season struck. I was feeling crappy and stressed out so I started working out again in July. At that time I found MFP and started logging my food intake. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. I still go through weeks where I don't want to go to the gym but I have noticed big changes in my body- I'm getting definition that I haven't had since high school. If I have a week where I only go once or twice I don't beat myself up- progress is progress.