Super Embarrassing



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    He's not talking about constipation. He's talking about needing to use the bathroom & almost as soon as the feeling comes on, the feeling comes out.......if you're getting me.

    Correct, When I think I can hold it to the bathroom ... its not the case.

    So you think I should go see a doctor then for sure? No one else has ever had this problem?

    If there is some sort of kegal exercise, for the cornholio, I would try that? It's worth a try while you're waiting for a doctors appointment.

    There is however, this should not go without the advice of his PCP and then a GI.... dependent on the type of insurance he has...

    what? he should get advice from a PCP or GI to squeeze together his manhole? I'm not talking by using instruments or inserting anything, I'm just talking......the whole squeeze-me motion.

    Because he has an underlying medical condition, he should be consulting with a healthcare practitioner... as I posted in another post, if he has an HMO, he has to see his PCP first, then get referred to a GI Specialist. If he doesnt have an HMO, he can self-refer to a GI specialist on his own (I dont know if he lives here in the states)...

    The Kegal related exercises will definitely not be enough if its regarding the anal/rectal sphincter muscle group. There is alot more involved with that condition to the point that Kegals wont rectify enough.

    We do have a patient right now who waited for quite a long time before he sought treatment... I wont go into detail the 'type' of treatment he ended up having because I dont want to scare the OP....

    Early treamtent means better results... especially in the long term approach. Lets put it that way
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    You should probably see a doctor about that. Sorry you're having issues and I hope it gets better soon!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    ahhhh, I understand.

    I agree he definitely needs to seek medical attention.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    He's not talking about constipation. He's talking about needing to use the bathroom & almost as soon as the feeling comes on, the feeling comes out.......if you're getting me.

    Correct, When I think I can hold it to the bathroom ... its not the case.

    So you think I should go see a doctor then for sure? No one else has ever had this problem?

    If there is some sort of kegal exercise, for the cornholio, I would try that? It's worth a try while you're waiting for a doctors appointment.

    There is however, this should not go without the advice of his PCP and then a GI.... dependent on the type of insurance he has...

    what? he should get advice from a PCP or GI to squeeze together his manhole? I'm not talking by using instruments or inserting anything, I'm just talking......the whole squeeze-me motion.

    He needs to see his doctor because it's not normal to have this situation. People like you make the boards ridiciulous

    slow down there attack dog. In a previous post, I stated to see a doctor, make an appointment, etc etc....
    I said this was merely something he could TRY in the interim to see if it would help "in the moment" when it's happening.
    where did I say that this was a cure all? Have a nice day sweetie.....and squeeze that tush.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Doctor's I'm afraid. And the first examination he/she is going to do and see if you can shut it. However, they're then going fix it. It's not an uncommon problem, they've seen plenty before, and it's their job.

    Even if it does turn out to be diet related (it really doesn't sound like it), there's no sane person on here that isn't going to tell you to get it checked out.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hi Honey. =)

    This started hapening to me back in my 20's AND the first time i ever started dieting (when i THOUGHT i was fat.. lol) Ended up, i was eating entirely too much fiber, and through the testing.. i found out i had chroans disease.

    When someone is doing all the proper things for their body, and their body reacts to it, thats typically when they find out something is wrong. I suggest seeing your regular doctor and explaining to him that you have been on the new eating habits for X amount of time and it just started.. it didnt start at the onset of the eating habits.. (so he knows its not really from the diet change)

    SO, yes you should see a doctor just to rule things out. In the mean time, if you want to write something here in your journal..

    For instance.. If say today you have this problem.. in your food diary.. put a litter B for a regular bowl movement or an X for a bowel movement that you barely made it or didnt. then, if say, you had a lot of dairy that day, cut out ALL dairy the next two days. see if that stops the issue. if it does, go back to dairy for two days. if you have no more problems, then that wasnt the problem.. try something else. try only ONE thing each time.

    I have crohns and if you like, i can take a look at your diary, and while everyone is different, I can tell you the typical items that would set a person off. Just send me a message. =)

    Edited to say.. first, dont freak out.. anything thats TOO THIN isnt going to stay where its put. Have you people ever vomited & not made it to the bathroom? same thing? and worms?? BWAHAHAH.. please.. have you never seen a cat with worms? They dont walk around sh*tting themselves wverywhere.. they still make it to the dang litterbox. SHEESH. Dont stress so much about it.. you will see when you call the doctor, you may get an appointment in a few days, then it may be a few weeks for a specialist. they are not going to tell you to rush to the emergency. You arent losing weight by the day. its poop. you are suppose to get rid of it anyway. As long as its not full of blood you will be okay. YES, its a pain in the *kitten* (no pun, sorry) but its OKAY. As embarassing as you think it is, and it IS, i grant you... no one is in the bathroom with you.. so if you need the extra protection.. take some maxi pads (which will be the cheapest way) or get some mens undergarments and wear when going out, or working if you need it in the mean time. =)
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Please see a doctor- only they are equipped to give you medical advice. I have experienced similar problems but they are unrelated to change in my diet. I suffer from Crohn's disease. I am not suggesting that you have the same issue - just that it is beyond the scope of MFP to determine your problem. Good luck with getting it sorted
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    Sorry, but I can't believe no one has asked this..... please don't be offended BUT
    is there any reason your rectal/*kitten* muscles would have been STRETCHED OUT? Just curious....also lots of sugar free foods will give you the runs......
    I know , I know, I'm a horrible person for the judgement!
  • Weezoh
    Weezoh Posts: 171 Member
    Yes, see a doctor - that said, lactose intolerance can cause that 0 - 60 i have to go to the bathroom NOW situation also.
  • conkle23
    conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
    Lol no. I do not put foreign object or body parts in my *kitten*! lol

    I will go and make an appointment with a doctor. I do not actually have one so I will look around. And I have no Medical ... So hope its not crazy expensive. Thank you for your answers ... and ummm opinions lol hahaha.!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    fiber one bars, applesauce and apples...try cutting those for a bit, maybe the fiber and acidity of the apple is doing a number on ur guts?
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    The only thing I can think of (aside from serious medical conditions) that would cause this problem is prescription medication. If you're on any, check the potential side effects and call a doctor ASAP whether you're on meds of any kind or not. Losing muscle control at the back door is a definite sign of something going wrong in your body!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Did you ever open a thread, and immediately say to yourself, "I knew this was a bad idea, but I just couldn't help myself!! Now I really wish I could unread all that I read!!"

    That is me....right now.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Lol no. I do not put foreign object or body parts in my *kitten*! lol

    I will go and make an appointment with a doctor. I do not actually have one so I will look around. And I have no Medical ... So hope its not crazy expensive. Thank you for your answers ... and ummm opinions lol hahaha.!

    Check with your local health department to see if they have clinics that will accept patients for a sliding fee.... Im sure there must be some clinic around that can help you out...
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Lol no. I do not put foreign object or body parts in my *kitten*! lol

    I will go and make an appointment with a doctor. I do not actually have one so I will look around. And I have no Medical ... So hope its not crazy expensive. Thank you for your answers ... and ummm opinions lol hahaha.!

    Go get a free prostate screening, and then tell them of your woes while all that's going on...that'll kill two birds with one stone.

    (This post was in no way suggesting that he actually kill two birds with one stone, or kill any birds with anything at all. It was simply stated as a well known, and well used literary expression meaning to get multiple things done at one time with little effort. If you are a vegan, vegetarian, animal activist, member of PETA, or any combination of person or persons who take offense to the killing or mistreatment of animals in anyway, this post was not meant to offend. If, however, you were offended, then I would suggest that you tell the OP what it is that you do that gets you so anally uptight and why your sphincter contracts so tightly, as you may be able to provide valuable insight into helping the OP fix his problem. Thank you.)