Running outside versus running on the treadmill, thoughts?

Now that it's getting cool as well as dark earlier, looks like i will have to start running on the treadmill soon. Sometimes I just don't feel as motivated on there. But I know I need to keep it up throughout the winter. Those of you that run on the treadmill, how do you find it compares with outside running? I am not looking forward to trading it in... also thinking about getting some nice running clothes for outdoor and colder temps... any tips?


  • amw8675309
    amw8675309 Posts: 95 Member
    my plan as it gets darker is to run on the treadmill during the week and still run outside on the weekends when I can go out mid day.

    oddly, i feel like i push myself more on the treadmill (maybe it's seeing the speed right in front of my face?). I'll do more interval type workouts when i use the treadmill and do my longer more relaxed run outdoors. Long/easy runs are boring on the treadmill.

    Also, I've read that on a treadmill you should bump the incline to 1% to mimic "outdoor" running and taht if you run at 0% it's actually like running slightly downhill.

    all of my outdoor running gear i bought at sports authority.. i have a few pairs of running tights, long sleeve shirts, and an ear warmer/headband type thing since i dont like running with a full hat
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Treadmill is cushioned compared to outside, you have better pace control but it can be a little boring.
    I run at a 1.5% incline.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Now that it's getting cool as well as dark earlier, looks like i will have to start running on the treadmill soon. Sometimes I just don't feel as motivated on there. But I know I need to keep it up throughout the winter. Those of you that run on the treadmill, how do you find it compares with outside running? I am not looking forward to trading it in... also thinking about getting some nice running clothes for outdoor and colder temps... any tips?

    Get the cold weather running clothes and stick to the outdoors. If you know that the treadmill isn't very motivating and you like running outdoors, why would you switch? Life is too short to do something you hate.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    treadmills are a last resort, just above running along unlit expressway in a blizzard. I can't stand them, and do everything I can to avoid them. I run at night with lights and reflective gear, I'll run at lunch or just after work. There's a thread currently on running in the dark.

    When I have to use them (usually when I travel for work), I make sure there's something interesting on the tv, or I have a good podcast to listen to, and I use a setting that incorporates changes in incline and speed. If none of that is an option, I will get up super early in the morning and do it before I'm fully awake, so the boredom doesn't settle in so quickly, and I swap around my weekly runs so I don't have too many miles to put in on the hamster wheel.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I run real early in the mornings (4:45 am,) so the tradmill is my best option. I do love the weekends when I can go on a long run outside.

    I do find it hard to stay motivated on long runs on the tradmill. Even while watching tv, I find it hard to run more than 8 miles.

    As far as the cold weather clothing goes, wear layers and something that will move with you. I do not like to run in baggy clothing.

    Also invest in some thin running gloves and an ear band. The gloves a re enough to keep your hanbds from freezing but not too warm. The ear band will allow the heat to escape while keeping your ears warm.
  • Fitfaery
    Fitfaery Posts: 68 Member
    Treadmills bore me too, but if needs must I run in the gym unless I have a day off.
    As people are saying already, put an incline on so you don't kid yourself into thinking you can run loads and then get a shock in the spring. Also try and mix up the workout...intervals, hills, race pace etc so you don't get demotivated.
    I have running gloves, hat (yes it does get cold enough to need one even when you're warm from running) and sexy flourecent jacket for the winter months.

    As long as we keep moving and don't hibernate :)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I started on the treadmill a month ago. Hate it. Would rather be outside, and if I were less lazy I would switch back, but at this point meh.

    The treadmill walking vs outside walking is so different. Your pace varies outside, on the treadmill you hit a pace and stick it out, only elevation changes (if youre on the program to do so.) Outside your elevation varies but so does the scenery, not so much on a treadmill. I think there is also a different feel to walking on a treadmill, my legs feel much more worked out when I do my outdoor walks thru the state park here (LOTS of hills and bumpy terrain! YAY) However I can walk much faster on the treadmill. \

    When I first started walking I was outside doing an hour, started at the end of Jan and just kept it going until this summer when it got way too hot, and instead of picking it back up I just switched to gym/treadmill in Sept. I don't know how walking experiences compare to running, but I would expect it to be fairly similar and boil down to how cold do you want to be ;-)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I run on a treadmill and yeah, it can get boring but I make it "fun" by switching things up and doing intervals, hills, and anything else I can think of to pass the time. It also helps to watch tv.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I run outdoors all year 'round but will put up with my dreadmill when there's freezing rain.

    If you dress properly running outside, even in the coldest weather, can be very enjoyable.
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I prefer running outside but I do speed work once a week on the treadmill. Both treadmills and outdoors have their place. It all depends on your goals.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    to me,, nothing compares to the great outdoors,i run rain or shine, BUT when it is minus 40 out, and a blizzard,, then it is time to stay indoors.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    i place my laptop on a surface thats higher than the top of the treadmill....and watch a cooking show...while i walk.... crazy i know...but whooosh!! the time flies! and i dont get fatter!!:laugh:
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I run outside when I can because I definitely get a better workout over distance, but when I'm on the treadmill I make full use of the features. Like others have said, if you're running flat, set it at a 1-2% incline. Being able to set that steady running pace makes it easy to work on increasing your speed (though be aware if you run a 10 minute mile outside you might run a 9:30 mile on the treadmill, since the ground's moving for you body isn't working as hard). If you can program your treadmill, you can set up intervals, and the speed changing on its own makes you run that full minute or two without giving you the chance to give up. Programs like hills are awesome for strengthening your legs. Personally, I'd pick one or two major goals, plan out what you want to do to achieve them, and make your workouts as challenging as possible. It's hard to be bored when you're going all out!

    ...Also, there's the whole being-able-to-watch-TV-while-you-run thing. Love that.
  • AnnACnd
    AnnACnd Posts: 72 Member
    In winter I go from running outdoors to running on the treadmill at the gym. I'm about on average a min/mile slower on the treadmill so the miles seem to drag on. Plus I find I don't improve as quickly as on the road. I kinda stay the same all winter. Then come spring time my legs seem to get stronger and faster quickly.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    The show Tosh.0 had an episode where they did a full marathon on a treadmill but they were outside. My running partner quit and I dont run alone so....
    I trained for my half marathon exclusively on my treadmill running speedwork, hills, tempo runs and even a weekly 15 mile run. I loved my alone time to listen to music, meditate and be at home for my kids.I have had to stop for an emergency, but mostly they learned to find something else to do.