See a good movie over the weekend?



  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Went to When in Rome yesterday - cutesy chick flick - had several parts where I laughed- of course it was somewhat predictable, but sometimes I enjoy those with a stupid laugh - had several moments where you just had to laugh outloud at stuff... pretty good cast too - wide variety of people.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    heard there would be a new Mission Impossible movie with Tom Cruise- anyone else confirm that? or see anything good lately? Planning on cancelling most of the extra cable channels, and going with a few Redbox rentals every now and then.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'd say skip Daybreakers- the most boring vampire flick I've ever seen.

    Book of Eli was ok...kind of depressing.

    Shutter Island looks amazing, but I'm trying to lay off of scary movies because I can't sleep...and that looks scary. I'm very tempted to watch it though. :)
  • nina1968
    nina1968 Posts: 86 Member
    Me and my husband went to see The edge of darkness, With Mel Gibson. It was great. I also liked I love you man
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    When someone sees "Shutter Island" let me know how it is b/c I realllllly wanna see it!
  • Donna753
    Me and my friend went to see Shutter Island it was okay but long.. not a fan of that kind of show but it was okay my friend was disappointed she though it was going to be scary lol I jump a few times.. Seen Dear John too bring the tissues...
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Rented 500 days of summer was just 'OK'....thought it would be better

  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Went to see Crazy Heart last weekend, I like it!
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    well, now ya askin!
    I watch at least a movie a night as the TV in uk pretty much sucks and my hubby cant cope with it.
    We are tough critics here..!!!

    Avatar...hmmm pretty mediocre story but special effects ok. Not the best ever in my book.
    Book of Eli...bit slow but an interesting idea and ending was intrigueing but didnt blow me away.
    Case 39...spoooky and pretty well done.
    Sherlock Holmes...just brilliant all round movie.
    2012...good also, special effects really brilliant. Good family film oldie but very good not gory and ok for kids. with Jennifer Garner in sexy red outfit!
    The lord of the Rings trilogy re-watched...bit long and pretty tedious!
    Lovely Bones... not as good as the book but quite an interesting take on it.
    Time Travelers wife...bit confusing and i have read the book, a tricky one to take to film so a bit of a miss sadly.
    Inglorious I loved this one but a bit gory in places.

    ok thats all i can think of...oh and I saw ' On the Up ' and I cannot for the life of me see what all the fuss is about , pretty average movie?!

    As you can probably tell some of these are not open in the UK yet so I am a naughty downloader...anyone recommend torrent sites?

    Hope you enjoyed the movies you saw..!
  • artbabe
    Avatar was OH my GOSH good.
  • artbabe
    Avatar was OH my GOSH good.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    well, now ya askin!
    I watch at least a movie a night as the TV in uk pretty much sucks and my hubby cant cope with it.
    We are tough critics here..!!!

    Avatar...hmmm pretty mediocre story but special effects ok. Not the best ever in my book.
    Book of Eli...bit slow but an interesting idea and ending was intrigueing but didnt blow me away.
    Case 39...spoooky and pretty well done.
    Sherlock Holmes...just brilliant all round movie.
    2012...good also, special effects really brilliant. Good family film oldie but very good not gory and ok for kids. with Jennifer Garner in sexy red outfit!
    The lord of the Rings trilogy re-watched...bit long and pretty tedious!
    Lovely Bones... not as good as the book but quite an interesting take on it.
    Time Travelers wife...bit confusing and i have read the book, a tricky one to take to film so a bit of a miss sadly.
    Inglorious I loved this one but a bit gory in places.

    ok thats all i can think of...oh and I saw ' On the Up ' and I cannot for the life of me see what all the fuss is about , pretty average movie?!

    As you can probably tell some of these are not open in the UK yet so I am a naughty downloader...anyone recommend torrent sites?

    Hope you enjoyed the movies you saw..!

    Hubby and I LOVED Inglorious *kitten*. definately gory, but HIGHLY entertaining :):)
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I watched 3 movies this weekend
    1) The Invention of Lying - pretty good. I found it funny but I could see how some people could find it offensive.
    2) The Gamer - Surprisingly really quite good. A well thought out story, great action scenes, just enough violence and gore and great performances by Micheal Hall (Dexter), Gerard Butler and Zach Effron (I think).
    3) Daybreakers - Also surprisingly good. It is an interesting and different vampire movie with Ethan Hawke. Really makes you think. After all in this time of SARS and H1N1 a "vampire" virus doesn't seem quite as impossible.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    so, over the weekend, rented Zombieland (hubby's pick) and Surrogate (sorta his and my pick). Watched both, and really thought Surrogate was pretty good- a bit of the sci-fi stuff going on, but entertained with it. Enjoyed Zombieland surprisingly. I loved Woody Harrelson in it - he was awesome, and totally made the movie pretty funny in parts. more of a comedy/zombie movie - like Sean of the Dead (sp).
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I just watched Paranormal Activity. It was okay, a bit slow at times...but man, if that stuff was happening to me? I'd soil myself...often.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    so, over the weekend, rented Zombieland (hubby's pick) and Surrogate (sorta his and my pick). Watched both, and really thought Surrogate was pretty good- a bit of the sci-fi stuff going on, but entertained with it. Enjoyed Zombieland surprisingly. I loved Woody Harrelson in it - he was awesome, and totally made the movie pretty funny in parts. more of a comedy/zombie movie - like Sean of the Dead (sp).

    I LOVED Zombieland! and Bill Murray was great too in it!!! hubby thought it would be lame and dragged his feet on going to the theatre but when we walked out he was trying to figure out when it would be released on dvd so we could buy it.

    also Shuan of the Dead is one of my favorite movies :)
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I just watched Paranormal Activity. It was okay, a bit slow at times...but man, if that stuff was happening to me? I'd soil myself...often.

    I saw that at the theater and was terrified for days. I slept with a rosary on, and I'm not even Catholic....normally scary movies don't scare me at all, but this was about the devil, and it really got to me. I'm skeered of the :devil: !!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    also Shuan of the Dead is one of my favorite movies :)

    Mine too!! :heart: :heart:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I don't know if I could watch that Paranormal Activity movie- I couldn't sleep for weeks after I saw the Ring. I can't do creepy little kid/ghost movies.. too scary.. mindless zombie crap that my husband loves, I can deal with..
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    ok, so went to the Redbox and rented Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs, and that was pretty cute, and rented the Matt Damon movie (which I was really looking forward to) the Informant - and let me tell you, what a bitter disappointment. so sad, save your $1. ;)