


  • wibblewobble123
    wibblewobble123 Posts: 11 Member
    yeah it is a lot of the time , but i have been told it may be due to onset of menapause , but will get it checked , thankyou !
  • wibblewobble123
    wibblewobble123 Posts: 11 Member
    i will try that thankyou !
  • wibblewobble123
    wibblewobble123 Posts: 11 Member
    Thankyou for all the info , its a case of trial and error , so will try some of the recommendations , thankyou all again , this is a lot more help than i have ever had before :flowerforyou:
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    You really have to watch the sodium! I feel even if your drinking a lot of water, but eating high sodium foods it will keep you bloated. Processed anything will be high in salt, so just go a quick glance at the label. Fast food and resturant food in general will have a lot of salt also. Good luck on your journey!
    The Sodium scare is overblown. That being said, ample water intake will counteract the effect of water retention from sodium intake.

    If you regularly workout, your sodium intake is going to be higher than the RDA. Mind you the RDA is set for an obese American.
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    You should look into food intolerances. Dear Husband bloats up when ever he eats certain foods. I can always tell if he has gone out for lunch and had a burger. His tummy will be very round and uncomfy looking.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    i do suffer it to it feels like all the ime the only time i dont seem to bloat is when i am on my period... and unfortunatley that only lasts three days . I get the raw end of the deal though as i ovulate only 4-5 days after my period ( so i start the bloating process soon after again) because i have a short menstrual cycle i also have aunt flo every 21 days so soon after i ovulate my body starts preparing to come on my period so i have a day of two free from the bloating then i bloat again leading up to my period. I'm ovulating at the minute and i've gained 3lb in 3 days i know theres no way i have not eatten more than 3500 calories extra each day ... in fact i have 1600 and i work on my feet for 3 hours a day cleaning .... so i know its not from over eatting i just have to be patient and try and weigh on my good day. It gets so annoying and frustrating when your trying to see a dip in the scales. I felt disheartned wehn i looked at the scales but i have noticed the pattern now so will just weigh in a few days. I think certain foods trigger different people too. I can't eat yoghurts... i find natural yoghurt i can eat but nothing else and also i now its a fizzy pop but diet dr pepper seems to help me lose weight too .
  • jinjin8
    jinjin8 Posts: 220 Member
    I suffer from severe bloating (diagnosed with IBS) - I haven't found anything that 100% works but I've been trying an elimination diet to see what causes me problems and cutting down on (even healthy) fats in my diet has helped.

    Raw fruit and veg can cause digestic issues and bloating as well - I still eat them but notice some cause more problems than others...
  • 1ariesgal
    1ariesgal Posts: 18 Member
    Get rid of gluten from your diet. Just go clean for 3-5 days and reintroduce it. You will know almost immediately if this is what is triggering the bloat. Made a huge difference in my life! No aches, colds, sinus, tummy, crankiness etc. But this means soy sauces, many canned soups, etc. check ingredients including spices because wheat is often used as a filler for spices to reduce costs.

    good luck!
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    Too much sodium. Too many carbs. Too much fiber without enough water. An actual baby growing inside of you. Etc.

    LOL. One time I had all of the above. I will say that the baby growing inside me had the biggest impact so giving birth really helped me there.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    Yeah, it not about sodium unless you just downed a box of it....In my experience it is about grains, carbs, and gluten. You don't have to be diagnosed celiac to have this sensitivity.

    About a year ago I gave up grains (wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, quinoa, etc.) and all things made with them and almost overnight stopped bloating!

    I do get carbs from veggies, mostly well cooked, as sometimes raw ones make me bloat :noway: Rice and potatoes seems to be fine safe starches.

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • ksyp92
    ksyp92 Posts: 46 Member
    i am always bloated... only at night really though. i think i have a mild intolerance to milk products especially the whey in protein. also when i eat out it gets bad.. i take two gas x every single night. it really helps and makes you feel better when you wake up and the pharmacist says that it is fine to take everyday.. i also take the probiotic align and that seems to help some
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Get rid of gluten from your diet. Just go clean for 3-5 days and reintroduce it. You will know almost immediately if this is what is triggering the bloat. Made a huge difference in my life! No aches, colds, sinus, tummy, crankiness etc. But this means soy sauces, many canned soups, etc. check ingredients including spices because wheat is often used as a filler for spices to reduce costs.

    good luck!

    yep with this answer, gluten can cause bloat in a big way (no pun intended)
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    Is the bloating all the time? I'm not always bloated, but I do get quite bloated just before my period and again when I ovulate. It lasts for 3-4 days each time and weigh-ins around these times are frightening. Do you track sodium? Try to keep it below 2000 mg a day. If all else fails, go see a doctor about it.

    This is true for me too and I have to be extra careful about what I eat around my period. I try to reduce sugar and sodium intake drastically (which isn't great because my body craves those even more around my period), but if I don't I will be bloated and I'll even break out with a pimple or two.
  • CarmenLynn75
    CarmenLynn75 Posts: 118 Member
    i know im getting older but i suffer from bloating , i drink plenty of water and get a lot of exercise , does anyone else suffer frpm this or know of a way to stop it , thanks ; )

    2Tbsp lemon juice to 3c water. That's how I drink ALL of my water. Lemon juice is a natural diuretic. You won't bloat from it and it helps get rid of the excess sodium. But try an keep your sodium way under as well.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    If you eat a lot of sodium you should try to eat foods with lots of potassium that day as it helps counteract the sodium
  • CarmenLynn75
    CarmenLynn75 Posts: 118 Member
    Options's an old 'Diet Center' trick