GHM Starting over ... again!

I'm fed up with being overweight.

I lost 40 pounds in 2006, after my divorce ... when I had all this new found free time and used it constructively at the gym. I worked so damn hard, and then just thought I had arrived. So I stopped working out.

At the same time, my confidence as a gay man grew and I entered a relationship, got out of the habit of working out ... and started gaining the weight. I didn't notice it at first, and then I could feel the difference in my knees. My body doesn't like carrying around the extra weight.

Then, I quit smoking. Single best decision ever - and hardest thing I ever did. But what I didn't gain back to that point came back fast. I am now about 5 pounds heavier than I was in 2006, before I lost the weight.

I'm so through with this. I am starting fresh - have my gym memberships in place and am going to really give it my all this time.


  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    good for you on quitting smoking ... took me a long time to do that too... but I am 11 years smoke free and working on the getting back to a healthy weight. Welcome to MFP and good luck
  • lockettal73
    Welcome! You can do it, my friend...
  • amvh2008
    amvh2008 Posts: 9 Member
    If you've done it once before, you can do it again ;) Kudos on giving up smoking! If it was so easy, we'd all be walking around fine as hell! lol You got this :):wink: