Losing friends while losing weight.



  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I have no friends so I don't have to worry about. I have acquaintances, that is all. I am that way intentionally because I don't want everyone in my personal business and I like my house to myself and my family. Now the kids are getting older... I constantly have a house full of kids. That is more than enough for me. :P
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Reminds me of the song "make new friends but keep the old, some are silver and the others gold". Yes, what you're experiencing happens but true friendship survives. Through new interests and activities you will meet new people and some will become your friends. I agree with the poster who said surround yourself with positive people and I'll add like minded as well. :flowerforyou:
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    i lost most of my friends also who are not interested in being helthy like i am, however i have gained new ones that help me on my journey. It may not be a bad thing to move on and let those "friends" go. in the end, the real ones will step forward and join you :-)
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Ah ha moment

    Its kinda like when your friend dates that *kitten* and you tell her he's an *kitten* and your friendship gets strained....then she dumps him and you start dating an *kitten* and she thinks "oh **** that was me"

    Before you "got off your *kitten* and did it" you made excuses on why/who/where/when you couldn't work out or eat right.
    You see them as someone who won't do it. But at one point you were the same person.

    Now if they choose to talk about you behind your back then its probably a good thing you don't have them as friends. If they are still your friend then until they decide to change their life too there's not much you can do. I must day if you were my friend and told me to get off my *kitten* I wouldn't be happy about it.
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I'm sorry that is happening. It is hard seeing your friend change so much when you don't feel like you can make that commitment. The person working so hard seems "crazy" and losing all their friend time to the gym. But once they are ready (when I was, it was like this) they will come around. Just be supportive and positive and they will come around! Or invite them to the gym with you or go on walking "dates" to get out and have time together. Everyone wants to feel better, I think.

    i started losing contact with people because I didn't want to yield my exercise time to other things. I've learned how to balance a little better but I am still not great. As a result of the "balance" I am not losing as fast and that frustrates me. Do you keep your health, or a healthy social life? I hate that there is always the compromise. Why can't we have both and everyone be ok with it?! It gets awfully lonely getting fit. If we lose them, though, maybe we were meant to find new ones that suit us better and don't allow us to crutch on our unhealthy weaknesses? It hurts to think it, though.

    Good luck with your friends. I wish you all the best!!!
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    I don't think you should give your friends advice on weightloss...If and when there ready they will ask...I think you might be losing friends because of the fact your (it what they might seem preaching to them).

    If you truely don't want to see yourself around them you can befriend new people. But is it worth losing them?
    They don't tell you to stop working out, so you tried but they didn't listen....Just let them be...

    Good luck
  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    Most likely they feel bad about themselves because they see you are succeeding and they are not really trying.

    I think it is more this rather than jealously. People get angry with themselves because they don't/won't try and instead of using their anger to motivate them, they turn it on the person who is succeeding.

    I have a similar situation. A very good friend (who I also work with) and I both needed to lose weight and we talked and talked about it until finally I said, "I am doing this.... I am joining MFP and would love for you to join me and let's do this together." He didn't want to do MFP (too much work), he wanted to make it a contest (because he is super competitive) where we would have to post embarrassing photos on Facebook of ourselves in our underwear if we lost. I told him I was not going to do that.... that might work for him, but not me and I didn't see becoming fit as a contest but as a life change.

    I started without him, and have lost 30 lbs., and he has yet to start, and it's been 7 months. He constantly cooks and bakes and brings in fattening goodies to work--which I refuse--and I can tell it makes him mad, and now he doesn't even ask me anymore if I want anything. There is much more to tell, but that is the gist. It makes me sad, but I can only be accountable for my own success or failure, not someone else's.

    As far as advice, I never talk about what I am doing, and if someone asks, I just say "I exercise more and eat less." I find if people know you are trying to lose weight/become fit, it's like opening a big box of negativity, as you have experienced. I only share my successes with my MFP friends, my mom and my hubs, who are my biggest (and only) supporters.
  • SlimPossible8
    SlimPossible8 Posts: 71 Member
    Yes! I also have this issue. And you know what i do? i let them go. I am trying to change my body and my life and i am not going to sit here and listen to people complain about everything they do but not be willing to change it. I used to be one of those people i will be the first to admit it. But i am trying now and doing well and thats all that matters.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Yea it is non sense to give advices to people who are not really interested. I usually dont tell people that I work out regularly or I try to be healthy and fit so I avoid junk food. I just keep my mouth shut. I dont want to be the topic whenever I am with them because girly conversations about weight loss never end. Beauty is different for everyone. I just dont want to hear silly comments about my weight. Some people think I am skinny, others think I am fit, others think I have an eating disorder because I am obsessed with eating healthy. I dont want to hear what others think. I dont have many friends either because my health is my priority. I just cant waste my limited time for girly chats, I have so much to do for myself and I need my workouts done. If i still have time after my daily stuff and workout done, I'll hang out with them. But they are at the end of my to do list. As others say balance is the best but personally i cant find it.

    It's a choice of yours. Decide if you want to keep them or get rid of them. If you really like hanging out with your friends, you can still hang out with them. You dont need to talk about fitness and your diet all the time. I am sure you have many more things to talk about as you used to do. You can still party with them without drinking alcohol. Partying doesnt only mean getting drunk. If you dont feel comfortable with them any more, you'll move on and find new friends who share the same interests with you. Maybe it's time for a change and change is good.
  • i have the kinda friends that ask me a whole bunch of questions about what i'm doing and what they should do and what this food does or what does this exercise do. and then they go right back to playing video games and eating mighty taco. they usually bag on me real bad for doing some of the things i do and i always get em right back with something about their lifestyle. it's always been in good humor though and never really caused any arguments or anything like that. i guess you gotta just find that median of what each person can tolerate.
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    Bump for later
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    i have the kinda friends that ask me a whole bunch of questions about what i'm doing and what they should do and what this food does or what does this exercise do. and then they go right back to playing video games and eating mighty taco. they usually bag on me real bad for doing some of the things i do and i always get em right back with something about their lifestyle. it's always been in good humor though and never really caused any arguments or anything like that. i guess you gotta just find that median of what each person can tolerate.

    I think it is also because guys tend to not be as bothered about their weight as women are, and do joke around a lot more without them taking it as personally.
  • I have a potty mouth so I will apologize ahead of time. But *kitten*, seriously, if someone is going to make a big deal out of your weight loss instead of being happy for you they are being an @ss. And not just a tiny one, but a huge mega donkey's behind. They can lose weight too, yes its hard, yes there will be tears/sweat/maybe blood, but that's no reason to bring you down. Find new friends. At the gym :) Power on girl!
  • KayeArlana
    KayeArlana Posts: 42 Member
    My best friend was extremely overweight like myself and has lost her weight while I'm still struggling to lose mine. She doesn't live too close to me so we don't get to hang out that often, but the thing I've noticed that has caused me to pull back a little when she does want to get together is that in some ways she has forgotten what it's like to be fat. She's not mean or anything and is very considerate most of the time, but a lot of times she wants to do things I'm just not able or comfortable doing.

    For example, I'd love to hang out but I physically cant spend 5 hours walking around sightseeing and I would love to go to see a play but the seats are too small. It often feels like I'm holding her back from the things she wants to do or she aways has to settle to spend time with me. I feel like I'm holding her back or when we do, do things I'm in a constant state of panic/stress. I know that if she lived closer we would probably be drifting away from each other by now.
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support and help.