Evening Food Cravings...?

For a long time I have had Evening Food Cravings...

I start with a good breakfast, healthy lunch, afternoon snack then an evening meal. This is when the problems start!

After i have had my daily meals and met my daily calories with SUCCESS i then begin to crave food.. I'm NOT HUNGRY!
But I always struggle in the evening fighting off a 'Need' to eat more... Why?

I am not one to live off fast food and I pretty much always eat the healthly opinion, so food that i crave isn't 'unhealthy'.

Why does this continue to happen EVERYDAY?? Does anyone else have the same problem,

Any advice - Please!!?? I'm fed up of it !!



  • mirsasha
    This often happens to me too. I tend to give in a little and once I do that...binge. So, sadly, I don't have any answers. It's frustrating because I realize I'm not physically hungry - it's all emotional eating.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    Same problem here, and like mirsasha said, if I give in, I end up binging. I've been trying to resolve this with drinking more water, and/or drinking tea with splenda or a drop of honey as a sweetener.
  • Jamie2007
    Jamie2007 Posts: 169
    I often feel the same way! Maybe try to push your last meal back a little bit?
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    That happens to me also and my hubby went to Costco and bought me a huge thing of Fiber One bars and they have become my best friend. They are sweet with chocolate and salty with granola and nuts.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    This may sound weird.....but brushing your teeth can help to get rid of the cravings....works for me anyway!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I like to eat in the evening, so I eat lighter earlier on in the day, and arrange my calories so that I can have a larger evening meal, and have room for after dinner snacks too. It works for me.
  • Mendelianparakeets
    Mendelianparakeets Posts: 45 Member
    Drinking milk really helps me get full faster--either skim or sometimes even lowfat chocolate milk (I'm kind of picky about milk, so those are the only kind I drink, but I'm sure any kind would do).
  • LessJITT
    LessJITT Posts: 11 Member
    Just took a peak at your food diary. You tend to "drink" a lot of your calories. Possibly if you eat healthy options instead of drinking a smoothie or shake ~ especially for dinner ~ might help with your evening munchies. Can't hurt to try???? :drinker:
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    start eating 4-6 smaller meals a day rather than 3 meals with a light snack,,, 4-6 smaller meals keeps your metabolic rate working at its highest potential for optimal fat burning.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    This may sound weird.....but brushing your teeth can help to get rid of the cravings....works for me anyway!!


    Also, if I know I"m not going to have a super fiber/protein-dense dinner that'll keep me full longer I'll try to budget in calories for an apple and peanut butter or something like that after dinner. And then again, sometimes I just fail lol
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've grazed through the late afternoon and evening, plus had a big dinner, for most of my life. I often felt possessed, like I had no control whatsoever. What has freed me (knock on wood; please let it stay this way) is realizing that I most certainly AM in control. Nobody has tied me down and force-fed me. I did it to myself. Therefore I can do the opposite; it's all me. Now I observe cravings when they hit and get busy with something different. I've discovered that for me, cravings don't last long. One minute I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't have a teaspoon-full of peanut butter, and five minutes later I'm completely engrossed in something else (like watering the plants) and have forgotten all about the peanut butter.
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    i use to be the same I think for me it was boredom i am very busy from 6.30 am when i get up till about 7-7.30 pm but then the everning cames i am tired so have a shower and sit down to watch a little tv and then i want to eat .but now i log on to mfp for an hr or 2 read a few posts add a few replys , i also like to research things on the internet write a few emails to far away freinds , just chill realy but keeping my mind busy at same time it seems to work well for me i no longer think about eating in the evernings
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    me too! For me, its a time to FINALLY sit down and relax.. so i dont have anything to do.... when i get bored.. i eat!

    I keep a bowl of apples & pears out, popcorn near and things like pretzles (break them into small pieces.. 17 pieces is right around 100 calories)

    if you have a sweet fix. Dairy queen sells chocolate bars (6 in a box for less than 6 dollars) for 50 calories and 3 grams of sugar.

    TCBY sells fudge bars in the grocery section for 80 calories (they hve strawberry swirl too.

    dice up and sautee fresh squash and sautee in a pam sprayed pan and season with onion and garlic powder. add mrs dash table blend for more flavor.

    pepperoni! 14 slices is 100 calories. add a little cheese if you wish. (one ounce cut into little pieces, or even shredded thick. is 100 calories)

    take a few ounces of fresh berries, apples, cantelope.. whatever, and blend it with some zero calorie drink like propel, or even water, and buy one of those tiny ice trays. blend to a liquid slushy consistancy and pour into the tiny trays. freeze. when you have the munchies, pour into a bowl and top with a very little low cal whipped topping. (or just eat the cubes themselves!) very yummy!

    OR pour the smoothie mix into popsicle molds and have a healthy treat!

    Think outside the box! and remember this... just how I quit smoking.. a craving only lasts 15 minutes before it passes. YES, it can come back.. but it WILL pass within 15 minutes, so DO SOMETHING for 15 minutes!

    Good luck!!
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    Why not have a light evening snack?
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I took a look at your diary and it looks super, duper healthy food wise.

    So I do not know why you feel hungry in the evening...all I can suggest is use some of the calories you have left over the week to treat yourself to a little snack in the evening, maybe every 2 or 3 days?

    Or jiggle your calories about so you can eat a snack each night?
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Brushing my teeth sounds like a good idea - i forgot about that trick.

    Again, It's not because i'm actually hungry... it's just feeling a 'need' to eat for the sake of it.

    I was wondering if anyone could suggest reason why this happens...

    I'm gonna have a look at my diary and see if i can save some calories to have in the evening OR
    ...just pull myself together and find some will power!!
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I always save a couple of hundred calories that I can use later in the evening if I want them. If I don't eat them...well, I would rather end the day under than over! :drinker:
  • Shannah256
    Shannah256 Posts: 6 Member
    I would reccomend either to fit in a set amount of calories for an evening snack, so if you do have one it doesnt matter, or distract yourself! I find going for a walk or swimming or inviting the girls over distracts me! Also have low calorie snacks, fruit, no added sugar jelly is good too, you can eat the whole bowl for like 30 calories! I also find weughtwatchers hot chocolate a nice evening snack :) Good luck