Running in the dark



  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I've heard rape stories involving girls running in the dark, and I'm from a small family friendly down. Not worth the risk imo.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i head out in the dark,,, very early morning, oh i love this time!,i have flourescent striping on my clothes,, i do go through a path in a wooded area, i go quite fast through here, ha ha
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I have just started running in the dark in the last week... I had to because I cannot STAND running on the treadmill.

    I LOVE it.

    I got a Petzl headlamp and I find it very comfortable... this morning, I was actually at home for several minutes before I realized it was still on and I needed to take it off before I removed my shirt.

    My morning runs are in my neighborhood... there are no street lamps and only a few people leave outside lights on so it can be pretty dark. I get up between 4:30 and 5AM to do my runs depending on run length.

    Because it is so early, and it is a residential area, I am pretty comfortable still running with my headphones... though I make sure I am running facing oncoming traffic. There is one fairly small stretch of my normal 4 - 6 mile route that is along a fairly busy secondary road... when I run that portion, I make sure I remove at least one headphone so I can hear cars coming.

    In four early runs so far, I have found that I am running more relaxed because I can't easily check the pace display on my Garmin... and I appear to be running faster, but that could just be coincidence.

    Definitely, gear up for running in the dark and get out there!

  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    I atart my runs between 3:30 and 4 am during the week and between 4:30 and 5 am on Sat. Have done this for over a year.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I've heard rape stories involving girls running in the dark, and I'm from a small family friendly down. Not worth the risk imo.

    These stories are often told, but rarely occur. Like avoiding commercial flying due to risk of plane crash.
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Walmart sells headlamps for $15. Though I saw these cyclists on the trail last week during our night hike that had wicked bright lamps and am wondering if I can find them (they were as bright as a car headlight). My headlamp is by Energizer and has 5 different settings, but it isn't super bright, just enough for me not to fall down. Though, when you are running and sweating, it tends to slide so be careful.

    My one friend runs with a small flashlight. I have a bright yellow vest with reflectors and also one of those flashing pins I put on my dogs harnesses when we walk.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Get a headlamp. I tripped over some seriously uneven pavement a couple weeks ago. I still have a scab on my knee from the fall. If it's that dark now I run with a headlamp. It's not as awkward as I thought it would be.
    After reading this thread I think I'm going to get a headlamp too. I get a bit worried when I'm on a bike lane or crossing a road that some texter will not see me or I forget a crack in the sidewalk or don't see an obstacle in my path. I'm clumsy enough during daylight.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I sometimes run at lunch, but if it's a longer run, I run after work when it's still light out. There's a nice 5 mile loop around our building that doesn't get much traffic, even in the evening "rush" (I work in the boonies). That way I'm not wasting daylight sitting in traffic, and I'm not stressing about making my 1PM meetings.

    Last night, I ran at about 8:45, long after sunset, it was just when I could get to it. I use my blinkies from my bike (I also ride, and yes, at night sometimes) attached to my shoes or a hat, but I've got street lights in my neighborhood. If I run just after sunset, car headlights mess with my night vision, so I prefer to run after everybody's home for the evening (or hours before they're awake).

    There's also a trail near me that I run on, sometimes at night, and lights are more important there - cyclists use that trail at night all the time, and I can't always hear them behind me even though I never run with headphones. Not all the cyclists on that trail are running good headlights, so I can't rely on retroreflective gear for them to see me.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I've heard rape stories involving girls running in the dark, and I'm from a small family friendly down. Not worth the risk imo.

    If you're running at 4am -6am the likelihood of seeing someone other than another jogger is very slim. I could count on 1 hand the number of people I encounter running within 2 months. If you do see someone else it would be someone like me, jogging.

    I guess I take it for granted being a 6'2" male, but I don't think you're going to run into issues on an early morning run.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Carry mace and go for it!

    I got swooped by an owl once, which was absolutely terrifying, but other than that have not had any problems running at night.
  • justrunjon
    Join a running club and do it with a group if your concerned :-)
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I got a head lamp and I take my dog. Bring some mace and don't wear headphones so you can hear if someone is approaching you.

    When I run in the morning darkness, I don't see anyone other than construction workers and other runners. I find mornings to be better also because there is less traffic.
  • marisanleon
    It makes me nervous to run in the dark as well. I suggest running with a gun, knife or even a car key. Car keys work great when you stab them into someones eyeball.

  • newcl360
    newcl360 Posts: 28 Member
    When I run at night time I take my dog with me!
    I attach a small bike light to her collar that flashes so we can be seen!

    Wearing a head lamp is a great idea, will have to invest in one

  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    IF im running the police lights will illuminate my path
  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    i run in the dark, with reflective clothing, a flashlight, and my Taurus slim 709. I feel more comfortable that way... I always thought it would be a pain in the *kitten* running with it, but its really not that bad.. Plus I'd rather have that then something bad happening

    Bad *kitten*. The new Smith and Wesson Sheild is a good option too.

    It looks like it is =) I love my Taurus.. next is an AK =)
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    I run in the dark all the time. Just wear reflective gear and/or lights. A headlamp is good, too. It's nice; I feel like a ninja.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    i have come to enjoy running in the dark, very peaceful. sometimes i run at 3am to get it in before work and other responsibilities

    run with friends or even better, find a running club. dont have any running clubs in your area? start one, talk to the local running store manager and have them sponsor it and publicize it, then you meet at the store, its good marketing for the store and now you have a group to run with
    Run with a dog - borrow one from a friend if you dont have your own, then go to the pound and get a dog but be sure to pick a breed that is good at distance running like huskies, pointers, pit bulls and labs
    use headlamp, reflective gear etc
    If safety is a concern then run faster and carry some pepper spray
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Your local middle or high school track might be an option when the students are not using it.

    I second this!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I run in the dark of night, it's awesome. My shorts have a reflective stripe and I have a New Balance reflective vest.
