Depression, weight gain.

Once upon a time I used to be a fit and healthy young girl at 120lbs. At the age of 19 I started living with my ex, stopped working, got clinically depressed, ate junk food every single day, didn't exercise (played computer games all day) and it continued on for a couple of years. All of a sudden I found myself at 180lbs (I'm only 5 feet tall, so you can imagine what I looked like).

One day I got fed up and decided it was time to beat depression and start getting healthy. So, without any external support I went on a healthy diet, exercised like a mad woman, lost about 50lbs in the span of 6 months (let me tell you, losing weight while you suffer from major depression is next to impossible - especially without meds), got rid of my depression and have done some great things ever since.

I am now 26 and my whole life has changed 100%. I can no longer recognize the overweight (borderline obese) girl in the pictures who never smiled (I was very bitter). I'm now bubbly, always positive, and very social. And only but a handful of people know my secret (I disappeared from the world's eyes all those years). And as proud and happy I am with myself, I feel I still have a long way to go. So here, I am. :)

Anyway, that's my story and introduction. I hope to get to know some of you a little better. :):drinker:


  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    You're inspirational; I hope to get to where you are one day. :-)
  • misskb11
    misskb11 Posts: 16 Member
    You are inspiring! For me, I was very healthy but then around 21/22 years old going out and drinking combined with depression made me start to pack on the pounds...I was partying and then eating SO unhealthy (fast food, mac and cheese) all the things I could eat at 19/20 that never caused me any problems soon started to stick. It felt like overnight and soon I was up from 170 to 220. I was so into my depression though that I didnt really notice the weight I put on. I moved away from home and dropped down from 220 to 180 and felt great! Gained a couple pounds when I got in a relationship but then I lost my Dad ...and myself along with him....I was so depressed and sat on the couch for months, never exercised and gained 15lbs. Finally this year I decided to STOP IT, FINALLY and get my life and myself back! As my new years resolution I started working out, quit smoking, started to count calories and work really hard on ME! Now I am down to 186 and feeling much better about myself. This website has changed it even more for me and I feel more motivated then ever!
  • Thank you for your words, guys. Being called inspirational made me blush! This is the first time I've ever shared my story so it means a lot to me to hear those words. :)

    misskb11 First of all grats on kicking the habit and losing weight! It sounds like you have struggled quite a bit with your weight. I can understand the relapses though (especially with your father passing away - sorry to hear about that :(). I have been through those myself, though only 10lbs at a time. But the important thing is getting back on track. You have stuck to your new year's resolution and you're still working on it! Most people give up within their first week, so way to go!

    I think the biggest realization one can make when it comes to weight loss is that in the end it's all about yourself. You have to value yourself first. You can't be losing weight for other people or expect other people to make the changes for you, that just doesn't work. You have to do it because you want to make yourself healthy and happy. And that is a wonderful feeling. So remember to love yourselves first, guys! The rest of the journey will become much easier after that.
  • Good for you! Your story gives me some extra inspiration! :flowerforyou: