Should I be bad? Or call it?

It's getting on in the evening for me. I have 500 calories left for the day. I am not particularly hungry, but I would be up for something bad....a smore, or non low cal ice cream or something. Should I indulge and use up my last 500 calories? Or would it be better to not have anything?


  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Well, it depends. How many calories have you eaten so far today? Have you met you macros? Did you exercise today and "earn" extra calories? Have you been eating good healthy whole foods?
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    Can you have a yummy energy bar? I have a MetRX bar sitting in my kitchen that I am saving for a special day...
    Shredded coconut mixed with melted semi sweet chocolate with a little splenda/liquid sucralose for sweetness... low sugar, but satisfies the sweet tooth?
    Peanut butter w/ semisweet chocolate chips...
    Something delicious that wouldn't make you feel crappy?

    I am eating low carb, can't you tell?
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    I have had 710 calories today. Only light exercise, walking frequently at work. I have not been eating processed foods or questionable restaurant I still can have 40 carbs, 30 fat, 7 protein and 7 fiber for today.
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    Oooh, Ilike the idea of peanut butter and chocolate chips! I am not craving anything however. I am afraid to "go there"
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I agree it would depend on how you have been eating. How many calories you have already eaten for today, excersize etc. If your calories are low I would eat. 500 is alot to have left I feel. But every once in awhile (not very often) I have that many left. But I have my calories set on the high end to loose half a pound a week. So occasionally I don't think it would hurt.

    I'm sure occasionally it wouldn't hurt unless of course you only get 1200 cals a day and no excersize, that would mean you only ate 600 cals today. Probably not good.

    Why not enjoy alittle treat.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Do whatever you want with those 500 calories...but do eat something since 700 is not nearly enough for the day.

  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I say indulge. I mean honestly how often do you have that many calories left after supper?
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    You should say yes to thin like in your picture
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Eh, eat the calories however you want to. But is it still early there? If it is, I would wait a little bit longer. If it is later and you are getting ready for bed then eat them now. I say this because if it's like 6pm and you eat a treat now and you aren't hungry, you might end up being hungry in a few hours for "real food".
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Eat something. Totally.
  • melbellkid
    Banana with shredded coconut and a bit of cocoa powder. The banana sweetens up the cocoa powder and its super yummy
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Boooooo for "healthy." You craving something bad? Eat some full fat, sugar filled ice cream. Eat whatever you want. Don't let people scare you. It's ONE DAY, and a calorie = a calorie EVERYDAY.

  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    Drink a glass of milk.
  • bulletproofkasper
    bulletproofkasper Posts: 126 Member
    Eat something!!!

    Only 700cals for the day, thats crazy eat something, i'm sure your body will thank you for it later :)
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    sugars late at night do nothing but pool in your stomach and turn into belly fat... then in a month or two you will be making threads about how you loss weight but you cant seem to get rid of your muffin top/beer gut.

    sugars aka carbs are best during the day and ideal an hour or two before you workout
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    sugars late at night do nothing but pool in your stomach and turn into belly fat... then in a month or two you will be making threads about how you loss weight but you cant seem to get rid of your muffin top/beer gut.

    sugars aka carbs are best during the day and ideal an hour or two before you workout

    Say wha? How exactly will she do that on a calorie deficit?
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    if you are not hungry I would listen to my body.
  • Djbond24
    A calorie of refined sugar is not equal to a calorie of healthy food. Sorry, that is just how it is. Not saying it isn't okay to indulge, but all calories are not created equal. A few great snacks that aren't *that* bad would be a few dried dates with raw peanut butter, mixing raw peanut butter, raw pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice and xylitol or honey and eating it as a pudding, banana with peanut butter, ect. is a wonderful blog for people who have a sweet tooth and want to maintain a healthy diet. Enjoy your extra calories for the day!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I'd make a yummy protein smoothie with chocolate protein powder, peanut butter and almond milk! That ought to do it! :happy:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    sugars late at night do nothing but pool in your stomach and turn into belly fat... then in a month or two you will be making threads about how you loss weight but you cant seem to get rid of your muffin top/beer gut.

    sugars aka carbs are best during the day and ideal an hour or two before you workout

    No. Incorrect. Go do some research.