MFP vs. WW



  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    WW is a healthy "diet" plan, but MFP seems to be a life style change for me. One of the ladies I work with has lost about 60 lbs, she looks great and I hope she can keep it off. Right now she's fighting them over where she should be at maintenance. One of the things I love about MFP is that you get to choose what is healthy, you don't have to go strickly by the BMI chart. MFP also encourages a lot more exercise. I want to be firm, not just a certain weight. No one is going to know my weight unless I tell them or jump on the scale in front of them. When they look at me and see the toneness, it speaks for itself.
  • smudgeroo
    A friend of mine has worked very hard at WW and lost 4 stone (56 lbs) so far. She is loving it and I applaud her success. But me, I'm a control freak. I know that for me the points system is too vague - I want to know EXACTLY how many calories I'm eating, and then I know I have to lose weight.
    Added to that, the MFP community is so supportive, and it's become part of my life now to log my food and exercise, and check in with my buddies online every day. And as I have My Fitness Pals all over the world, there is always someone awake and online to encourage me or help me through a sticky spot. If I went to WW, I would meet a much narrower demographic, and only once a week. I'm just doing what works for me!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    On WW I had a tendency to eat junk as long as it fit into my 'points', I know I could do that on MFP too but I don't tend to as I can see the other macros and it makes me think more.

    Do what suits you although 30lb over 15/16 weeks is a little unrealistic anyway and not sustainable IMO, 1lb a week is healthy, steady and will help you keep it off in the long term.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I've done both WW (old points) and MFP and been successful on both, although with WW I did initially lose a lot quicker (fruit wasn't free just certain veg, I was heavier than now and walked 3 miles a day because of work), but it's about even. However I've stuck at MFP for a longer period of time, it's just easier and less faffy, so MFP works for me and most of all ITS FREE!!! I'd rather spend the money on Zumba classes.

    But if you found yourself being more successful on WW maybe go back to that, just do whatever works best for you. :) I still apply some of the things I used to eat on WW to this diet, like butternut squash wedges and padding out meals with loads of veg.
  • jmudukz
    jmudukz Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a repeat offender at WW and new to MFP. I can tell you that I've tracked/journeled more in my short time on MFP then I ever did in WW. Not sure why, I suspect it's b/c I'm seeing real calories and not points and to ME, that makes a difference. My biggest concern with WW is how easy it was to still eat empty calories. WW no longer uses calories to figure out points, it's all fat, protein, carbs and fiber. Therefore, it's possible to eat a lot of things that are high calorie, but with enough fiber to lower the point value (if you've ever read the back of a weight watchers product and compared it to a non-WW product, you'll see the difference!!). At the end of the day, it's still calories in/calories out that helps you lose weight. Also, all those "free" fruits and veggies DO have calories and those can add up (if I eat my 32 points in "real" food and then another 1000 calories in "free" food - I'm not losing...) Just my 2 cents....
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm a repeat offender at WW and new to MFP. I can tell you that I've tracked/journeled more in my short time on MFP then I ever did in WW. Not sure why, I suspect it's b/c I'm seeing real calories and not points and to ME, that makes a difference. My biggest concern with WW is how easy it was to still eat empty calories. WW no longer uses calories to figure out points, it's all fat, protein, carbs and fiber. Therefore, it's possible to eat a lot of things that are high calorie, but with enough fiber to lower the point value (if you've ever read the back of a weight watchers product and compared it to a non-WW product, you'll see the difference!!). At the end of the day, it's still calories in/calories out that helps you lose weight. Also, all those "free" fruits and veggies DO have calories and those can add up (if I eat my 32 points in "real" food and then another 1000 calories in "free" food - I'm not losing...) Just my 2 cents....

    I must agree. I was just arguing over on the thread that's talking about cake that is 0 WW points.

    Really? 0 point cake? What is happening to the flour and sugar that's being eaten? Is it just disappearing in the stomach?

    It's just too easy to "work the system" with the current WW program. I have loved WW for a long time, but this is one of the reasons I prefer MFP right now. There's no way to try to get something for nothing.